Pakistan Army Small Arms

From my point of view you can get turkish MPT76 ,it's a pretty decent platform (based on hk 417)
And since you already have a long relationship with h & k you can directly go for HK 417 ( it's accurate enough to be used as a DMR ,but expensive)
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H&K have stopped deals with non NATO countries.

Heckler & Koch to stop doing deals with non-NATO countries: DPA

As per my understanding, if a deal could be done for the MPT76 it would have been done by now (I could be wrong), POF is collaborating with Sarzilmaz (one of the makers of the MPT76) but no rifles asides from their Kalashinkov variants have been shown.
The problem in my view is that companies may happily agree to local production in order to cinch deals they will be averse to allowing other countries to export their products under their local banner. POF needs these exports in order to offset the costs incurred such as new machinery installation, staff training etc.

So my perception is that a local product is being developed (as seen in videos of BW20S improvement as well pics of Klass 786 in Sniper School) while more urgent requirements are being countered through one time imports of VSK100, Sar 15T etc.
Turkish Repkon Defense RDS-40 AGL in use with PA units for COIN ops? shown at Def Day Peshawar Cantt.
Also most probably a Hensoldt Spotter in background.

Dang pretty coolM249 with Aimpoint CompM3 RDS (luv luv of armed forces for quite some time now) and DBAL-A2 laser aiming module being operated by LCB (most likely).

I believe the military version of CW39 and BW20 are also available on POF website
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POF was established in 1951, 70 years now right and after license producing G3, MG3 and MP5s for decades they managed to produce BW series, which is not even a firearm based on modern gas operated mechanism. I guess BW series will be the INSAS of Pakistan.

Also hats off to management/marketing team of POF for still displaying golden MP5K on international defence forums, thinking Arab sheikhs will be attracted to buy those.
POF was established in 1951, 70 years now right and after license producing G3, MG3 and MP5s for decades they managed to produce BW series, which is not even a firearm based on modern gas operated mechanism. I guess BW series will be the INSAS of Pakistan.

Also hats off to management/marketing team of POF for still displaying golden MP5K on international defence forums, thinking Arab sheikhs will be attracted to buy those.

Hayyyy!!! Don't bring insas into this!

you've never fired a single round from it nor you've seen it in person!

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