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Pakistan CRAZY Taxes on Middle Class will Push Millions to Leave


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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There is a similar bond or service requirement here as well.

The Army Medical Corps has a proper bond. In the civilian scene, I believe its only a couple of years in a "rural" area ... with thousands of loopholes. To qualify for PG eligibility. And after that the grind of setting up your practice. Which is still ok if you are in India. But most guys will leave straight after their MBBS. So effectively the state/country gets zilch from him as a doc.

For the 80 lacs (Indian Rupees) the Army spends, I believe the current UG bond pay out is some 40 lacs. Used to be 3 in my day.


Sep 19, 2010
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The Army Medical Corps has a proper bond. In the civilian scene, I believe its only a couple of years in a "rural" area ... with thousands of loopholes. To qualify for PG eligibility. And after that the grind of setting up your practice. Which is still ok if you are in India. But most guys will leave straight after their MBBS. So effectively the state/country gets zilch from him as a doc.

For the 80 lacs (Indian Rupees) the Army spends, I believe the current UG bond pay out is some 40 lacs. Used to be 3 in my day.

Talent and capital of any kind naturally gravitate to where they can thrive. Laws and limits and procedures can work only up to a point.


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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The Army witholds your Internship Completion Certificate , without which you cannot legally be a Registered Doc with the MCI. Some desperate/innovative guys and girls find workarounds to that as well ...


Full Member
May 7, 2024
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Lol no.

My bones will bleach and crumble into the same soil as my parents.

Right here in India.
If it is not a rude question, may I ask if the present-day Zoroastrians in India treat their dead bodies in the same tradition as before? Funeral practices here in U.S. are increasingly becoming cremation (44% vs. 35% for traditional burial).


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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If it is not a rude question, may I ask if the present-day Zoroastrians in India treat their dead bodies in the same tradition as before? Funeral practices here in U.S. are increasingly becoming cremation (44% vs. 35% for traditional burial).

It will never be cremation. Electrical crematoriums were also deemed to be fires.

It is Towers of Silence (Dakhmas) is traditional Parsis cities which have them from the 18th and 19th centuries. Which increasingly use solar concentrators (large prisms) as an adjunct to the birds of prey.

And in other places, it is burial (Aramgarh).

Cheers, Doc


Elite Member
Sep 29, 2019
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Talent and capital of any kind naturally gravitate to where they can thrive. Laws and limits and procedures can work only up to a point.

Only the top talent can leave, and even the very good get stuck. It's the luck of the draw.


Sep 19, 2010
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Only the top talent can leave, and even the very good get stuck. It's the luck of the draw.

Not really. One just has to identify and work towards the required standards to be able to enter that cadre globally. If one is good enough, merit rules for this purpose.


Full Member
May 7, 2024
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Thank you for the link. The article is not clear on whether the request was granted. Did the courts finally allow the traditional rite? In this case, looking back, Covid is a viral pandemic. But what if it was a bacterial pandemic that could spread far and wide with airborne contamination? Would the Parsis relent in such exigencies?


Elite Member
Jul 8, 2009
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Thank you for the link. The article is not clear on whether the request was granted. Did the courts finally allow the traditional rite? In this case, looking back, Covid is a viral pandemic. But what if it was a bacterial pandemic that could spread far and wide with airborne contamination? Would the Parsis relent in such exigencies?

No I dont think so. I dont live in Bombay though. So I'm not very certain.


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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Or the old story about Stalin telling his secretary if he were to open up emigration, there would be nobody left in USSR but you and I, and the secretary replied "speak only for yourself, Comrade!" :D

fat chance - anyone could tell Stalin that and expect to live


Full Member
Oct 21, 2006
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Pakistani people are adaptable , they will accept and comply to the masters as they have been doing since past 7 decades.

The rulers know how to keep awam distracted thru falsified narratives- Gaza, Trump, Kashmir and so on.
It’s da same for you too no? Dalit key shaand , Hindustand no?

Come ond bro?

Dalit king-dumb of de converts no?

Don’t you get sharmeela on me now.

Compose yourself proppa before you respond.


Senior Member
Feb 8, 2009
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Corruptistan, Pakistan is done ! lol ! Faujeets have won.


Mar 28, 2009
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Well - plenty of Laftains, Captains, Flt Officers maybe even JCOs to work at Standard Chartered, PSO, Engro, Khaadi, Bata and Dunkin Donuts…

Unless, the plan has always been…


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