Pakistan’s shifting positions on the plight of Palestinians and relations with Israel

sure trade does not eliminate the need for loans. your favorite CPEC project is completely based on Chinese loans

These are soft loans. Loans that have been spent on infrastructure. Not IMF loans where Pakistan has to crawl and beg every country for a rollover. Did you know that Pakistan is borrowing money from IMF to repay older loans?
These are soft loans. Loans that have been spent on infrastructure. Not IMF loans where Pakistan has to crawl and beg every country for a rollover. Did you know that Pakistan is borrowing money from IMF to repay older loans?

The rollover Pakistan requested this year is for both regular loans and infra loans. Using IMF loan money to payoff older loans is your government decision. Not the IMF's or America's. No one is asking to live beyond your means
Is the Saudi performance in Yemen any worse than Pakistani army's performance in the tribal areas ?

The average Pakistani soldier performed far better in the tribal conflict. At the same time, it was under the command of Gen. Raheel Sharif (R), a proper officer and not a real estate executive. The Pakistani forces have adapted over the years, compared to the Saudis, who are still lacking.

Read this. Also, during the 1960s Al-Wadiah conflict between Saudi Arabia and Yemen, PAF pilots operated Saudi planes. As Mastankhan so often says, we should have helped in the current Saudi-Yemen conflict to get money as mercenaries; one has to look back at what we got out of supporting them with flying manpower in the 1960s. We should have been able to extract a pound of flesh off their fat behinds.
It's a huge gamble that can cost the young prince his life. I believe last month he told the Americans there were people out to get him via assassination due to prospects of normalizing relations.

I have to say, bro, Zia thoroughly f_cked an already f_cked situation.
Zai ul Haq is the name best suited to him.
There is no debate on matter of Palestinian people's right to Live in Palestine and also live a happy prosperous life - a safe life

For Muslims , we have never believed in destruction of Jews or their right to practice their faith

However , 40,000 dead and possibly 200,000 more Palestinian under building rubble , means Muslims have to help stop the Maniac Israel Army in Palestine

The anti Human , anti sanity views emerging from Israel against Unarmed Muslim Palestinians has shocked Muslims across the globe
The images and videos are absolutely horrific

Currently every Muslim on Planet is serious about this issue and we are quite angry looking at the death and genocide

The action of Resistance force of Palestine is just a tip of iceburg

The Muslim Nation around Palestine have Moral Obligation to Help end this crisis and help protect Muslims

Turkey-Egypt-Jordan-Syria-Iran-Iraq - Saudi

But rest assure all Muslim nations even further away also have responsibility and Pakistan falls also in this mix , like Indonesia/Bangladesh , algeria , libya , tunis etc
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There are clear Racial Undertones in action of Israeli - either something wrong with their doctrine or bigger flaws - there society functions in a very apartheid state like manner

This is not issue of minor skirmish at border or may be 1-2 day tension at border.

We are witnessing a Genocide in Palestine and all Muslim Leaders and Nations specially close by have responsibility to end this Genocide
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There are clear Racial Undertones in action of Israeli - either something wrong with their doctrine or bigger flaws - there society functions in a very apartheid state like manner

This is not issue of minor skirmish at border or may be 1-2 day tension at border.

We are witnessing a Genocide in Palestine and all Muslim Leaders and Nations specially close by have responsibility to end this Genocide

It is genocide of the palistenians for definite.. And I'm an Indian saying this and we are allies of Israel but they a exterminating Gaza people.

What has shocked me how completely impotent you Muslim nations are to protect your Muslim brothers. I hear so much bravado we are 2 billion and rising but when it mattered you all closed the windows to the screams

Israel and the USA have commited war crimes on a helpless race.. you Muslims including nuke armed Pakistan have sat and watched

The reality is there is no Muslim brotherhood The likes of UAE Saudi Kuwait have immense trade and links with ithe west and much to your hatred India is big market and trade destinations for the middle east.

Pakistan is a weak state it offers nothing to Israel and islamic state
Knocking on Tel Aviv doors will get you nothing very much the same answer your generals are getting in Washington right now

What is worse for Pakistan the Indian modi govt Pakistan sworn
enemy is entrenched with Israel increasing close to USA and now very close to very Arab states you previously relied on fir support

Pakistan is left with china nothing else

In Europe islamaphobia is spreading like wild fire in mainstream politics

Right now as a independent nation being economically.viable has never been more vital than now
Decent people anywhere in the world have always recognised Palestine. The recognition of Israel , on the other hand , has always been unacceptable and is becoming even more unacceptable today. Pakistan will only follow according to UN resolution based on 1967 UN Border charter create two states solutions. And No change on Kashmiris UN Resolution too by Pakistan.
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Pakistan is a non-factor in the Middle East when Israel makes its moves in the region. It knows Pakistan has no reach to influence any actor within the area. If it normalizes ties with Israel, it doesn't make a shred of difference. Lastly, Israel never reached out to Pakistan in any form or through back channels for recognition; it only needs the Saudis, and everything else falls in line.
Pakistan is the only Muslim country that can wipe Israel off the map in 15 minutes and Israeli and its poodles knows it.
I strongly disagree. Pakistan has always punched above its weight externally. It's only now that it is not able to do so.

Despite internal factors (population size, economy, skills) being low, Pakistan always punched far above its weight in the global arena due to the following external factors:

1. Due to allying itself with the US which provided immense funds allowing Pakistan to maintain a technologically relevant military with a capitalised economy. The network of US allies also allowed Pakistan to keep learning and sharing.

2. Due to focus on pan-Islamism. Arab states and Middle East since their independence been a hotbed of Islamic solidarity that allowed Pakistan to render their military capability in exchange of funds and good will.

Both these factors changed.
1. China is not willing to pay Pakistan like the US did. US is not willing to continue paying.

2. Hydrocarbon revenues are going to reduce for the Middle East. Pan-Islamism is reducing as rulers of KSA and UAE in particular focusing on becoming economic engines in their own right and need the support of countries that can provide technology, capital, markets and skills.

Saudi Arabia and UAE have courted India (especially under Modi) relentlessly for security and economic relationships
That will change in the future. Whether Pakistan likes it or not, after Afghanistan everything changed. The world has already changed. All you need is eyes.
How will it change? Will China become importer of something from Pakistan?
Shooting off gibberish theories is very easy. Providing even an outline defining such scenario will be difficult.
Pakistan is the only Muslim country that can wipe Israel off the map in 15 minutes and Israeli and its poodles knows it.

If you try it, Israel will do the same, the Americans will do the cherry on top, and the Americans will get a free parking lot in South Asia. If 300 million plus Arabs can't touch a country with a ten million population with 72% being Jews, what the f_ck is a broke nigga looking for a dollar going to do.
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How will it change? Will China become importer of something from Pakistan?
Shooting off gibberish theories is very easy. Providing even an outline defining such scenario will be difficult.

Not a single sentence in your rubbish post has any meaning.

Let me ask the question to guide you in the right direction. Why do you think Pakistan won't put more focus on trade with China? Convince me instead of posting nonsense.

Trade is a two way street. Both sides are going to export their goods. If India can do that, why not Pakistan?

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