PMLN and PPP Caught in Military Trap – Constitutional Amendments: A Wall Too High to Climb, Leading to Inevitable Defeat and Consequences


Jun 9, 2024
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People may not realize it, but I believe the PMLN and PPP governments have been strategically trapped by Pakistan’s military establishment. The impossible demand of passing highly controversial constitutional amendments—a task neither party could fulfil or gather enough support for—was designed as a trap. Government's failure was inevitable, and the consequences were preordained.

Despite the sheer difficulty, both PMLN and PPP foolishly attempted to meet these demands, hitting a wall that was deliberately set too high by the Army. Then, a draft of these amendments, which had been kept secret from political parties, was leaked to an unknown journalist, Zubair Ali Khan. This public disclosure brought a wave of criticism and humiliation on the PMLN and PPP, who are now scrambling to distance themselves from the controversy.

I see this as a calculated move by the establishment to engineer Government's downfall. The failure to pass the amendments will be used as justification to remove the Shahbaz Sharif-led government. His ousting will be framed as his fault. Under Shahbaz, Pakistan is not economically viable nor he is able to get a mere installment from IMF. Even the establishment knows this person is a burden without benefits.

However, if the governing parties had succeeded in passing these amendments, it would have been a win for the Pakistan Army, granting them unchecked constitutional power and immunity for their actions against PTI and people of Pakistan. In essence, those who designed these amendments had a "heads I win, tails you lose" strategy in mind, ensuring the military's advantage regardless of the outcome.

How this will impact the governing parties remains to be seen, however I anticipate Shahaz government will be ousted soon.

Note: As a proud patriot and declared supporter of PTI and Imran Khan, I am neither seeking sympathy for the corrupt individuals imposed by the Pakistan Army nor offering praise to the planners within the establishment. My aim is to highlight how political puppets have become victims of their own designs, and how the masterminds behind this will win regardless of the outcome.

19 Sep, 2024
Before Nawaz and PPP government is thrown out of power.
Article written for - a personal write
The problem for the mafia is that they have no one to replace SS with. Maybe they can try Bilawal but he brings the same problems of illegitimacy as SS, making his government unstable too. The real trap/corner is the one which those who can't be named have pushed themselves and the country into. This recent attempted amendments is another attempt to claw at power in the long line of their mad grabs for power regardless of the consequences for the country. Won't be the last.
I disagree.

Everyone know that PML (N) won 17 seats in last election and Sindh was handed over to Zardari clan by establishment. Both do not have any mandate to govern.

Also everyone knows that this draft was produced by the legal branch of GHQ. If everyone knows, then of course Judiciary as institution will be fully aware. This was an attack by GHQ on Judiciary as an institution. Its the Generals who have exposed themselves pretty badly.

As a consequence, I expect Judiciary stop toeing generals agenda and line. Which only means one thing. IK coming out of Jail pretty soon. And once he is released, I think Judiciary will use his shoulder to get back to the generals and clip their wings.

As for Qazi Isa, he is dead man walking. He betrayed his own institution. They will sort him out.
People may not realize it, but I believe the PMLN and PPP governments have been strategically trapped by Pakistan’s military establishment. The impossible demand of passing highly controversial constitutional amendments—a task neither party could fulfil or gather enough support for—was designed as a trap. Government's failure was inevitable, and the consequences were preordained.

I think nobody, even the estab expected Fazlu to take a stand.

Just like they didn't expect Pervez Elahi to take a stand a couple of years ago.

Sara masla isi nay kia.
This public disclosure brought a wave of criticism and humiliation on the PMLN and PPP, who are now scrambling to distance themselves from the controversy.

Only the PPP, not PML
PTI is not coming to power , what's the alternative ? Technocrats setup ?
People may not realize it, but I believe the PMLN and PPP governments have been strategically trapped by Pakistan’s military establishment. The impossible demand of passing highly controversial constitutional amendments—a task neither party could fulfil or gather enough support for—was designed as a trap. Government's failure was inevitable, and the consequences were preordained.

Despite the sheer difficulty, both PMLN and PPP foolishly attempted to meet these demands, hitting a wall that was deliberately set too high by the Army. Then, a draft of these amendments, which had been kept secret from political parties, was leaked to an unknown journalist, Zubair Ali Khan. This public disclosure brought a wave of criticism and humiliation on the PMLN and PPP, who are now scrambling to distance themselves from the controversy.

I see this as a calculated move by the establishment to engineer Government's downfall. The failure to pass the amendments will be used as justification to remove the Shahbaz Sharif-led government. His ousting will be framed as his fault. Under Shahbaz, Pakistan is not economically viable nor he is able to get a mere installment from IMF. Even the establishment knows this person is a burden without benefits.

However, if the governing parties had succeeded in passing these amendments, it would have been a win for the Pakistan Army, granting them unchecked constitutional power and immunity for their actions against PTI and people of Pakistan. In essence, those who designed these amendments had a "heads I win, tails you lose" strategy in mind, ensuring the military's advantage regardless of the outcome.

How this will impact the governing parties remains to be seen, however I anticipate Shahaz government will be ousted soon.

Note: As a proud patriot and declared supporter of PTI and Imran Khan, I am neither seeking sympathy for the corrupt individuals imposed by the Pakistan Army nor offering praise to the planners within the establishment. My aim is to highlight how political puppets have become victims of their own designs, and how the masterminds behind this will win regardless of the outcome.

19 Sep, 2024
Before Nawaz and PPP government is thrown out of power.

Don't become what you fight. You are against establishment for removing IK who was elected PM. But then you are also supporting the "deliberate" move of establishment to remove Shahbaz sharif. This needs to end somewhere. Why not here ?
I think nobody, even the estab expected Fazlu to take a stand.

Just like they didn't expect Pervez Elahi to take a stand a couple of years ago.

Sara masla isi nay kia.

Nawaz told the generals as part of London plan that he doesnt need Fazlu so he was left out. Then they disrespected him by trying to twist his arms using Saudis. Then perhaps came the deciding factor, Talibani danda. Anyone who knows JUI (F) history would know why it matter the most. All the establishment noise you are seeing these days about some random Taliban dude disrespecting national anthem and what not, just connect the dots.

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