Potentially Pakistan giving access to naval base to China.

I think if Russia-China , proposed a Euro-Asia Defense force
It would be a good idea for various Asian/European nations

Right now as the Iron is hot if Russia /China will make a proposal
I am sure many nations of world would consider it

1- For now we do know that Russia-China alone have a defense pact
2- They also have agreed in case of War both militaries can enter each other region as needed

No one has really seen any indication of this

However Chinese /Pakistan Gwadar port cooporation , with Iran seems logically for regional trade

They have invested $80 billion since 2000 into Gwadar so makes sense to have solid security setup at the Gawadar port
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I think if Russia-China , proposed a Euro-Asia Defense force
It would be a good idea for various Asian/European nations

Right now as the Iron is hot if Russia /China will make a proposal
I am sure many nations of world would consider it

1- For now we do know that Russia-China alone have a defense pact
2- They also have agreed in case of War both militaries can enter each other region as needed

No one has really seen any indication of this

However Chinese /Pakistan Gwadar port cooporation , with Iran seems logically for regional trade

They have invested $80 billion since 2000 into Gwadar so makes sense to have solid security setup at the Gawadar port
We have SCO for that. China still wants to trade with the world so creating two blocks doesn't fit china interest. But by creating an economic bloc in BRICS to dedollarize is the way to go to weaken US power. But if the US brings NATO to the Pacific I think china will create a pact with Russia and North Korea even arming Iran and its proxies u can't count that out. China did support a lot of proxies in the cold war from Vietnam to Afghanistan. China was different during Mao era a lot more bold in its action and not afraid to piss off the US or the Soviets.
For any Alliance , now is the ideal time

A strategic time for Push , because Israel with their Terrorism
has Isolated the world , specially the Euraisa-Asian nations
I think if Russia-China , proposed a Euro-Asia Defense force
It would be a good idea for various Asian/European nations

Right now as the Iron is hot if Russia /China will make a proposal
I am sure many nations of world would consider it

1- For now we do know that Russia-China alone have a defense pact
2- They also have agreed in case of War both militaries can enter each other region as needed

No one has really seen any indication of this

However Chinese /Pakistan Gwadar port cooporation , with Iran seems logically for regional trade

They have invested $80 billion since 2000 into Gwadar so makes sense to have solid security setup at the Gawadar port
I think china Invested 70-80 billion dollars in cpec as a whole. There will be a phase 2 but with a catch china wants security to protect its interest in balochistan especially with India meddling in that part of the region.
For any Alliance , now is the ideal time

A strategic time for Push , because Israel with their Terrorism
has Isolated the world , specially the Euraisa-Asian nations
Yea I agree that China should create a pact but they don't want South Korea to be fully in US camp. China is bringing in a lot of Muslim countries into BRICS tho. Dedollarize is much better than creating a pact. China and Russia can create a super pact with central Asia included. Not sure if Russia wants Pakistan in it because of India . But china and Pakistan have mutual defense cooperation china will continue to help strengthen Pakistan military.it would be better to bring Bangladesh into the mix. Keep India busy on 3 fronts lol
If china and Russia create a Pact with North Korea and central Asia it would be way more powerful than the Soviet Union now they have access to China industrial might and excess labor and money while Russia has unlimited amount of resources. U can also create a Warsaw pact in the middle east with some middle eastern countries. Lol china can also bring in laos and Cambodia since they are both Chinese puppet states and Russia's Belarus.
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This is beyond cringe on how Bajwa the Qadiani tried to lick the balls of the US. I hate Chinese food, I love married with children. Wow just wow. Talk about shameless behavior.

America can’t do a single thing. It’s the sellouts uncle toms in foreign countries that enable US and Israel’s hegemony
This is beyond cringe on how Bajwa the Qadiani tried to lick the balls of the US. I hate Chinese food, I love married with children. Wow just wow. Talk about shameless behavior.

America can’t do a single thing. It’s the sellouts uncle toms in foreign countries that enable US and Israel’s hegemony
The only way to weaken the US is to make countries dedollarize that way the US can't export inflation to the rest of the world. Yes there are too many sell out elites. That's why it's hard for china to ever be in a military pact lol.
CPEC is more than just a trade route; it is a strategic corridor that links the logistics hub of Kashgar in western China with three key ports in Pakistan: Gwadar, Karachi, and Bin Qasim. Kashgar is an important city in the Xinjiang autonomous region of China, which borders several Central Asian countries. Xinjiang is a crucial region for BRI and well-developed to tap the full potential of BRI. This corridor is designed to facilitate the movement of goods and services, reducing the time and cost of transportation and opening up new avenues for trade and economic cooperation.

For Central Asian countries, which are landlocked and rely heavily on lengthy overland routes or access to distant ports, CPEC offers a direct and efficient pathway to the Arabian Sea. This connection not only boosts trade but also enhances these countries' access to global markets, fostering economic growth and development across the region.

At the heart of this corridor lies Gwadar Port, a deep-sea port located on Pakistan's southwestern coast. Gwadar is more than just a port; it is envisioned as a future global trade hub that will serve as a key node in international shipping lanes. Its strategic location, close to the Strait of Hormuz through which a significant portion of the world's oil supply passes, positions Gwadar as a pivotal point for energy and trade flows.

Gwadar's potential is vast. With its ability to handle large cargo volumes, the port is set to become a central point for trade between Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The flow of cargo through Gwadar is expected to increase exponentially in the coming years, as more and more countries recognize the benefits of this strategically located port. This growth will not only boost Pakistan's economy but will also contribute to regional stability by fostering economic interdependence among neighboring countries.
Let's hope the best for cpec I see a lot of potential china is not giving up on it.the only problem is the military wants to be in charge of everything in Pakistan sometimes it's better to let loose abit and let those who knows how to run the country do it like Imran Khan.
The situation in Pakistan is nowhere near as bad as Myanmar. The junta over there gave china alot of headache. They toppled aung san suu kyi now Chinese projects there are stalled especially china land route to deep sea port in kyaukphyu And junta support of scam centers in northern Shan state and china has no choice but to support the three brotherhood alliance indirectly through united wa state army. Muse is the only city left under control of junta in northern Shan but china is giving the junta a chance of survival because they still want access from Kunming to Mandalay and down to Yangon. Muse is important because a lot of china and Myanmar trade goes through there. I don't see Pakistan going through a civil war tho that would unseat everything china has done. But the insurgent groups in balochistan need to be dealt with in order for chinese investment to flow through. That's why china has proposed a security tie up in phase 2 of cpec
Back then there were also lots of terrorist attacks in xinjiang but ever since china brings in heavy security now the situation is under control. And the region is one of the fastest growing regions in the country 20 years ago xinjiang gdp per capita was 1k US dollar now 10.4k and a nominal gdp of 271 billion that's 10x in gdp growth in 2 decades and now the region is prosperous and people are happy. China can replicate that in balochistan but the insurgent groups there I don't know what Their problem is. Maybe because of India meddling idk lol stability breeds growth. Maybe investing in local projects seem like a great option but Pakistan military doesn't seem to be in full control of situation.
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The situation in Pakistan is nowhere near as bad as Myanmar. The junta over there gave china alot of headache. They toppled aung san suu kyi now Chinese projects there are stalled especially china land route to deep sea port in kyaukphyu And junta support of scam centers in northern Shan state and china has no choice but to support the three brotherhood alliance indirectly through united wa state army. Muse is the only city left under control of junta in northern Shan but china is giving the junta a chance of survival because they still want access from Kunming to Mandalay and down to Yangon. Muse is important because a lot of china and Myanmar trade goes through there. I don't see Pakistan going through a civil war tho that would unseat everything china has done. But the insurgent groups in balochistan need to be dealt with in order for chinese investment to flow through. That's why china has proposed a security tie up in phase 2 of cpec
Insurgent groups in Balochistan are CIA/ Mossad funded. Their leaders sitting in the GCC, Lundon or in India. You know this right?
Insurgent groups in Balochistan are CIA/ Mossad funded. Their leaders sitting in the GCC, Lundon or in India. You know this right?
That's what I think too. CIA got their hands in a lot of places and the crazy thing is it only aims at Chinese interest.
That's what I think too. CIA got their hands in a lot of places and the crazy thing is it only aims at Chinese interest.
Behind this so called 'muzlim terror' sits the West.

Everybody knows.......but can't say it in public.

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