Potentially Pakistan giving access to naval base to China.

You seem a little upset for an Afghan?

You’re def an Indian. When does an “Afghan” give af about Shias and Ahmadis in Pakistan? Only an Indian brings this up everywhere. Why do you ppl feel a need to larp as something else?

Yes obviously is not Afghan.
Of course they are our own.

We are not like those who shed tears for Palestinians but go blind when it comes to Uyghurs muslims.
Stop lying, now I am pretty sure you ain't even an Afghan. Tajiks and Uzbeks spit on your kind, not cause of who you are, but how you act.
This might be fake too
Its said his family not him there were rumors of bin ladin died because of kidney failure before the operation

And last why Americans didn't show his dead body to the world that the biggest question marks of the operation success? There's is only 2 possibilities either US armed forces captured him alive and send him to USA or he was dead before the operation because of kidney failure
Afghans consider Balochs and Pakhtuns as our own, you know that right ?.
Blown cover second time...

You have never spoken to an Afghan ever in your life let alone be an Afghan...

Afghans especially the farsiwans despise Baloch people...they could never claim Baloch to be one of their own...
A good recap of the events leading to the potential Chinese military access to Gwadar and it's consequences...

My understanding: Looks like the Pak Deep State has chosen a side, and it's not to appease the Western Imperialists at the cost of its "friendship" with China. The Sino-Russo Axis is in fact imperialists too, but the Pak Deep State leaders considers it as their imperialists! [Noreiga is a SOB, but he's our SOB - The US policy makers]

My note: Given the circumstances, no wonder the current BD regime under Prof Yunus is like a "reincarnation" of the Pak regime in the 60s under Ayub Khan! A divided Pakistan is better than no Pakistan....

Gorelim Mevla neyler
Neylerse guzel eyler

Let's see what MEVLA has in store for us*
Whatever it is HE renders it auspicious

*Ehl-i Iman

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Its said his family not him there were rumors of bin ladin died because of kidney failure before the operation

And last why Americans didn't show his dead body to the world that the biggest question marks of the operation success? There's is only 2 possibilities either US armed forces captured him alive and send him to USA or he was dead before the operation because of kidney failure
His family (Arabs) must love Pakistan

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