Raccoon dogs, minks in focus as China animal study uncovers dozens of new viruses

Viruses jump from animals to humans all the time. Just because it's not in the news does not mean it does not happen. Nobody knew about the existence of SARS coronavirus type 2 until China discovered it in December 2019. When people test for illnesses, most of the time it comes back negative. How many viruses are not even picked up by tests? How many viruses do scientists even know? To date scientists only discovered a few thousand species of viruses out of millions out there. A drop in the bucket.

After the last fiasco, I doubt China or any country for that matter will ever again tell WHO about any newly discovered viruses.

I can say China is among at the front for the future potential disease threat research.

It's very good if we could identify it much earlier, so we can start to create the vaccine and drug before the outbreak happens.

As long as it's not being leaked from the lab like in the Covid-19 case.
If you count anyone with a cold who dies within 14 days the way they did with SARS coronavirus type 2, you get millions of people who die of cold a year. The methodology was incorrect You have to measure excess deaths, not how many people die within 14 days after testing positive for something. SARS coronavirus type 2 has been around for months before it was discovered and no one batted an eye. That means it didn't cause excess deaths, unlike the 1918 flu which did. If China never discovered it, people would never know it even exists.

A great deal more difficult than getting a horse to water is .......
is there any animal or living thing on the planet that these ching chongs dont eat ?

bc har cheez ko noodle and soup me mila ke kha jaate hai.. snake, scorpion, birds.. if it crawls, they eat..

fuggin' savages


@Beijingwalker -_-
As long as it's not being leaked from the lab like in the Covid-19 case.

China wanted Trump gone and it was a successful operation. The cherry on the cake is it made the Hong Kong protestors gone as well.

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