Reports: Bajwa agreed to curtail Pakistan’s ballistic missile program

“In conversations with U.S. officials around that time, Bajwa agreed to a longstanding U.S. demand to curtail Pakistan’s ballistic missile program in order to alleviate Washington’s concerns about the possibility that Pakistani long-range missiles could one day threaten Israel. This concession was previously reported by Pakistani journalists and later confirmed by sources to Drop Site News.”
So, Pakistan doesn't have missile range to hit Israel?
So, Pakistan doesn't have missile range to hit Israel?

They have the range but not the sophistication required to threaten Israel. Even Iranian missiles, which are much more advanced than Pakistanis, were knocked out without breaking a sweat.
Yada yada yada. ... nothing of essence
You're purporting yourself as intelligent yet you're unable to provide any rebuttal other than laughing it off. Stop prancing around like this is a marvel movie, you're no better than a delusional bjp tout.
Gen Kayani, Bajwa, Asim Munir and Nadeem Anjum are
open traitors.

I don't remember which General it was but the Americans were gifting them bugged iPhone's and these guys took them as gifts. Even now they are buying cell phones and tech from Israel which is most likely bugged.
They have the range but not the sophistication required to threaten Israel. Even Iranian missiles, which are much more advanced than Pakistanis, were knocked out without breaking a sweat.
The air defense shield of Israel will ensure that Iran never possesses a credible nuclear deterrence. Similarly, Pakistan will never have a credible nuclear deterrence against India for the same reason.
You're purporting yourself as intelligent yet you're unable to provide any rebuttal other than laughing it off. Stop prancing around like this is a marvel movie, you're no better than a delusional bjp tout.
You and few other here are the type who will not hesitate to curse their mothers to get some brownies..bugger off
The air defense shield of Israel will ensure that Iran never possesses a credible nuclear deterrence. Similarly, Pakistan will never have a credible nuclear deterrence against India for the same reason.
Pakistan has the capacity to screw India and Israel anytime .....
You and few other here are the type who will not hesitate to curse their mothers to get some brownies..bugger off
Excuse me? You know nothing about me lmfao. So all you can do is resort to insinuations and insults? Sounds like you're projecting here because funnily enough you're defending people who are doing exactly what you are alleging I would do.

If you want to continue with some verbal jousting I'm all for it. I don't think you're gonna have a good time with me fella.
Pakistan has the capacity to screw India and Israel anytime .....

Well if you do have this capacity and you claim to support the 2 nation state theory for your islamic brothers in Gaza and Kashmir ..
Why have you not screwed Israel and India who according to you people are committing genocide
In the case of Israel I agree it's definitely genocide and in Kashmir I'm. Certain hindu racists leaders like modi doval would be brutal with Pak proxy supporters fermenting trouble

Why so impotent and incapable of showing this ability to screw Israeli or Indian hegomony.
Words are easy Mr
Honestly this should be considered treason.
Nuclear proliferation is international concern. Pakistan will not allow Afghanistan to get nukes. Similarly, China will not allow Taiwan to get nukes. The US also oppose development of new nuclear powers in general so this red line extend to many countries around the world. But many countries are already signatory to NPT as well.

Saudi Arabia has openly stated that if Iran gets nukes then all bets are off in this matter. The US is fully aware and in talks with Saudi Arabia to improve its security in profound ways to address this Saudi concern.

So it comes down to which country has what type of leverage in a particular situation to get something from the US. Not all are equally competent in foreign policy matters or have matching geopolitical concerns and such.

But this point is taking this discussion to extreme levels knowingly that nuclear proliferation is an international concern.

OP's claims were questionable and were addressed but he is trolling.
Well said.
Because the compromise begins at home - how much of Bajwa’s personal assets and relationships can the US simply make go “pop” if they wanted.

The term grabbing by the balls is an understatement - now apply that to all military senior brass and if you want do the research on their families.

Unfortunately, as much as they want their kids to get great education too - both them and their kin are easy manipulation.

Just read the Cipher as to how a under secretary is talking about Bajwa. Almost like he is their pet dog. These are some aspects of cipher which people tends not to pay attention.

And its just not Bajwa, Marhoom AQ Khan was on record that when he went to ask Musharraf about funding towards Ghauri 3, he flatly refused citing Israel as the reason. "kiya Isreal ko nishana banana hai" was his words. And what about the gentleman in my avatar, he once also said that COAS is not made without American nod. The current one is the same.

These rats have been making all sorts of deals with west without any oversight , all in the name of "national interests". The only interest they got is their retirement packages in foreign lands.

There has to be a impenetrable setup of patriots, with oversight of promotions in armed forces. This musical chair of one traitor passing the baton to other cannot continue.
They have the range but not the sophistication required to threaten Israel. Even Iranian missiles, which are much more advanced than Pakistanis, were knocked out without breaking a sweat.

That's stupid

Pakistan not only has MIRV capable missiles, but ballistic missiles that are manoeuvrable to bypass A.D
Missiles going at Mach 15-20 which can also manoeuvre are near impossible to stop

An Iranian missile fired from Yemen last week punched through multiple Israeli A.D without being stopped, the same as when Iran launched it's attack which was mostly drones
It took multiple states to try to stop the attack and even then many missiles got through
Well if you do have this capacity and you claim to support the 2 nation state theory for your islamic brothers in Gaza and Kashmir ..
Why have you not screwed Israel and India who according to you people are committing genocide
In the case of Israel I agree it's definitely genocide and in Kashmir I'm. Certain hindu racists leaders like modi doval would be brutal with Pak proxy supporters fermenting trouble

Why so impotent and incapable of showing this ability to screw Israeli or Indian hegomony.
Words are easy Mr
Listen harpy .....I am not an islamist nutcase , I don't give a damn about Palestine and Israel .. .I am a Pakistani nationalist ..... Kashmir yes , it's something I care about but I am against making irrational moves/ adventures ....war with India is not the solution ....bhokay na bhokay ki gaand Mari dono ko ghash as gaya ... something like that .

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