Republican Bill Would Cut Off Aid to Taliban-Run Afghanistan

Asfandyar Bhittani

Jan 2, 2017
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According to a report from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), the United Nations has purchased and transported at least $2.9 billion in aid to Afghanistan, with the United States providing $2.6 billion of that aid.

"Inside Afghanistan, the United Nations uses this United States currency to buy local currency, Afghani, from the Taliban-controlled central bank of Afghanistan," the bill reads. "The Taliban has directly and indirectly benefited from United States currency shipments to Afghanistan in multiple ways. The Taliban 'taxes' direct cash assistance, stealing millions of United States taxpayer dollars."

The revenues from aid taxation and currency exchange fees can be used by the Taliban to fund their priorities, including their military and security services, according to the bill.

"It is the sense of Congress that no taxpayer dollars should be given to support the illegitimate Taliban regime in Afghanistan," the bill reads.

The bill would ban any federal department or agency to provide direct cash assistance to any person in Afghanistan and block federal funds to the United Nations, or any nongovernmental organization, or a public international organization, if the funds will be used to provide direct cash assistance to any person in Afghanistan.

"The Biden-Harris Admin's disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan has plunged the country back under Taliban rule and now it turns out that our taxpayer dollars are being used to the benefit of the Taliban," Brecheen said on social media. "This legislation is needed so we can ensure that no more of our tax dollars are being irresponsibly used in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan."
Americans still chasing boogey man
Afghanistan still dragging them down. The entire point of the withdrawal was to end the massive dollar black whole that was Afghanistan. Needless expense for "nation building" project. Which somehow continues to this day with Taliban exploiting the same dollars they accused others off.
It seems American Psychology is fully vested in one day fighting the Dragon (China) in Streets of Taiwan , and Afghanistan (Deserts)
And in the vast oceans of Pacific

This basically summarizes ideology for Americans how they see the world


They want Japanese to fight for Taiwan vs China
They want Indians to fight for Afghanistan vs China
They want Ukrainians to fight vs Russia
They want Vietnam to go vs Russa/China

The themselves are reserved 13,000 km away watching NFL , NBA or Baseball

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