Russia Auto Thread

Russians rush to buy new cars 19:31​

August 5, 2024

Sales of new passenger cars in Russia hit a four-month record in the week from July 29 to August 4. reports analytical agency “Avtostat”.

Last week, 36.4 thousand new passenger cars were sold in Russia. This figure was the highest weekly sales figure since April 2024, but it was still not possible to break the record of the 15th week (from April 8 to April 14): almost 38.1 thousand cars were sold in Russia then.

From July 29 to August 4, the leader in sales in Russia was the domestic Lada, while AvtoVAZ dealers sold 9.2 thousand cars during the specified period. The second place is taken by the Chinese Haval with sales of 4.3 thousand cars, followed by Chery and Geely with sales of 4 thousand and 3.8 thousand cars, respectively.

In fifth place is the Changan brand, which sold about 3 thousand cars, followed by the Omoda brand owned by Chery (less than 1.3 thousand cars) and the Belarusian brand Belgee (1 thousand cars).

Russians before in the name Typical malfunctions of a used Lada Vesta.

Source: Gazeta

Typical malfunctions of Lada Vesta were told to Russians 17:15​

August 5, 2024

During operation, owners of Lada Vesta cars may encounter increased engine oil consumption, failure of ignition coils and water pump, as well as rapid wear of wheel bearings and other malfunctions. In this regard reported Sergei Zinoviev, expert of the magazine “Behind the Wheel”.

Excessive oil consumption is typical for 1.8 engines, but for most engines the need for major repairs occurs at 200-250 thousand kilometers. The problem with ignition coils affects all engines installed on Vesta. These units may fail after a mileage of 60-100 thousand km.

“The only link that can be considered weak in VAZ units is the water pump. Zinoviev noted that it can fail after a mileage of 50-80 thousand km.

Among the transmissions installed on Vesta, the most problematic is the single-clutch AMT robotic transmission. Some vehicles also had problems with premature wear of the wheel bearing. Also among the problematic parts of the Lada Vesta are the “corrugation” of the exhaust system and the brake light sensor.

Russians before in the name Five new all-wheel drive crossovers that fit into the budget of 3 million rubles.

Source: Gazeta

Three car factories in Russia resumed work 17:42​

August 5, 2024

Avtozavod St. Petersburg (former Nissan plant, produces XCite cars) and Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant and Moskvich resumed car production after corporate holidays. In this regard reports analytical agency “Avtostat”.

“Moskvich” and “Avtozavod St. Petersburg” were on vacation for two weeks, starting from July 22. The corporate holiday, during which car production at UAZ was suspended, lasted for a week, starting from July 29. On Monday, August 5, three car factories resumed work.

At enterprises in the automotive industry, the practice of corporate vacation is widely used, during which the plant forms a stock of cars to be sold during the planned downtime. During the period when the conveyor is stopped, the service departments of the plants are engaged in the installation and repair of equipment, preparation of reports and other work not directly related to the production of machines.

It was previously known that Creta crossovers were installed to be continued September in Russia.

Source: Gazeta

Russians were told which Japanese car they could buy instead of a crossover from China 17:01​

August 5, 2024

In Russia, for the price of a Chinese car, you can buy a car imported under the parallel import scheme, for example, a Suzuki Baleno crossover. About this stated Sergei Zinoviev, auto expert of the magazine “Behind the Wheel”.

According to him, the car in question is a third-generation car that will appear in 2022. The price of the 2024 car is 2.5 million rubles. Crossovers with a 1.5-liter engine and a four-speed hydraulic automatic transmission are coming to Russia.

The car has a distributed injection system, so the engine can be filled with AI-92 gasoline. Although it causes carbon deposits to form very quickly, which increases oil consumption. The timing chain is not very durable, but can withstand 150 thousand kilometers.

Zinoviev noted that the Aisin TW-40LE automatic machine has proven itself – thoughtful, but very simple and reliable, having traveled more than 300 thousand kilometers.

Before this Zinoviev It has been saidWhat to look for when buying a second-hand first-generation Volvo XC60 crossover?

According to him, first of all, it is necessary to decide on the engine. The most popular engine is the five-cylinder diesel 2.4 (181 or 215 hp). It is good in terms of resource, but not so much in terms of the amount of trouble. The intake manifold, injectors, EGR valve and particulate filter become dirty. All this manifests itself in a mileage of 100-150 thousand kilometers.

There are also cars with gasoline engines. Units have high oil consumption. The resource is about 250 thousand kilometers. Automatic transmission is designed for a service life of 350 thousand kilometers. An additional radiator is installed to prevent overheating.

Previously reportedGeely has started selling the tiger-looking Galaxy E5 crossover.

Source: Gazeta

Former Hyundai plant in St. Petersburg will resume assembly of Creta on September 14:14​

August 5, 2024

The AGR plant in St. Petersburg (previously owned by Korean automaker Hyundai) will resume production of the Creta crossover in September. reports Telegram channel “Russian car”.

According to him, the plant currently produces only Solaris sedans; 100 cars a day come off the plant’s assembly line. Production of Creta crossovers (offered on the Russian market under the Solaris HC brand – will resume in September, along with Solaris KRX hatchbacks (previously known on the Russian market under the name Kia Rio X).

Before that, it was known that the Gorky Automobile Plant had suspended car production. For two weeks, corporate gone On corporate leave, employees will carry out equipment modernization and commissioning work that is impossible without stopping production.

Previously on Voyah presented a new compact crossover that will be sold worldwide.

Source: Gazeta

Details on the production of LADA Vesta Sportline and Niva Sport cars became known​


After the corporate vacation, AVTOVAZ subsidiary LADA Sport will continue production of LADA Vesta Sportline car, according to the group in VK "Avtograd News". To the classic black and white color in the lineup will also appear 3 metallic shades - "Borneo", "Platinum" and "Coriander". As previously reported by "AUTOSTAT" agency, LADA Vesta Sportline went on sale in November last year. However, in mid-July, the assembly of the model was suspended. From the usual LADA Vesta, Sportline version is distinguished by a more powerful 1.6-liter engine developing 118 hp, lowered suspension and reinforced brakes.

Also, after the corporate vacation the pre-production assembly of LADA Niva Sport SUV should start. It will receive a 122-horsepower 1.6-liter engine from LADA Granta Sport, seriously modified suspension and upgraded brakes. In addition, there will be a number of changes in design - in particular, there will be 17-inch disks and some improvements in the interior.

Earlier the head of AVTOVAZ Maxim Sokolov reported that the serial production of the model is scheduled for December 2024.

Results of the 31st week on the car market: record sales of passenger cars for the last 4 months​


From July 29 to August 4, 2024 (the 31st week), 36,392 new passenger cars were sold in our country. As reported by experts of "AUTOSTAT" agency with reference to the data of JSC "PIC"*, this is a record since the 15th week (April 8 – 14th), i.e. almost for the last 4 months. It should be reminded that 38 076 vehicles were sold then.

In the brand rating the leadership is still maintained by LADA, sales of which last week came up to 9247 new cars. Next are Chinese brands Haval (4272 vehicles), Chery (3966 vehicles), Geely (3759 vehicles), Changan (2958 vehicles) and OMODA (1256 vehicles). The seventh position was occupied by Belgee from Belarus, which sales volume amounted to 1,014 vehicles. Three "Chinese" - Jetour (992 vehicles), EXEED (951 vehicles) and TANK (778 vehicles) – are also in the TOP-10.

* PIC JSC ("Passport Industrial Consulting") is a joint venture of E-Passport JSC and AUTOSTAT LLC.

Over 3 trillion rubles were spent for the purchase of used cars for half a year​


According to the estimates of AUTOSTAT agency, in the 1H of 2024, Russians spent 3 trillion 226 billion rubles to buy used cars. This is 19% more than in January-June last year (2.7 trillion Rub). The most money was spent on the purchase of used cars of Japanese brand Toyota - 453.1 billion Rub for the last six months. German brand BMW (278.9 billion Rub) is next by this indicator, with a noticeable lag.

Slightly smaller amounts of money went to used cars LADA (260.7 billion rubles), Kia (242.3 billion rubles) and Mercedes-Benz (240.9 billion rubles). Used cars of other brands cost less than 200 billion rubles. Recall, earlier experts of "AUTOSTAT" agency reported that in the first half of year, Russian residents spent 2 trillion 273 billion to buy new cars.

Thus, they spent totally 5.5 trillion Rubles on new and used cars for six months - 45% more than in the same period of 2023.

Gorky Automobile Plant starts corporate vacation​


Gorky Automobile Plant has suspended production of cars for the planned corporate vacation, which will be held at the enterprise from August 5 to 18th, 2024. This is reported by "Interfax" with reference to the press service of enterprise. Meanwhile, the company noted that during the period of corporate vacation a number of departments of the plant will function according to the schedule of works. In particular, during this period at the assembly and auto-component production facilities equipment modernization will be carried out, also in all divisions repair and commissioning works will be carried out, which cannot be organized without stopping production.

For the first half of 2024 in Russia it was sold 26970 light commercial vehicles and 3620 trucks of brand GAZ, experts of "AUTOSTAT" agency noted with reference to the data of JSC "PIC"*. If in the LCV market the domestic brand is the undisputed leader with a share of 55.7%, in the market of trucks it takes the sixth place (share - 6%). As previously reported by "AUTOSTAT" agency, on August 5, three enterprises of the Russian automobile industry - "Avtozavod St. Petersburg", AZ "Moskvich" and UAZ - came out of corporate vacation at once.

* PIC JSC ("Passport Industrial Consulting") is a joint venture of E-Passport JSC and AUTOSTAT LLC.

Russian car plants resume the production after corporate vacations​


On August 5th, three enterprises of the Russian automobile industry came out of corporate vacation, according to AUTOSTAT agency. It should be reminded that for the previous two weeks (from July 22 to August 4) Avtozavod St. Petersburg and AZ Moskvich were on corporate vacation. But UAZ rested only for a week - from July 29 to August 4. Today, all of them resumed production. It should also be noted that on July 22, KAMAZ and Haval plant in Tula came out of corporate vacation, and a week later (July 29) - Ural automobile plant. At the same time, the corporate vacation is still in progress at AVTOVAZ (from July 29 to August 18).

The practice of summer corporate vacations is quite common in the Russian automotive industry. For this period the enterprises prepare in advance a certain stock of finished cars in warehouses to meet the demand of consumers. At the same time, part of the staff continues its work, for example, employees engaged in product sales, annual inventory, preparation of various reports, processing of documentation, and agreement of contracts. Employees responsible for repair and maintenance of buildings and facilities, modernization of equipment, repair and commissioning work also remain at their workplaces.

AVTOVAZ increased sales of LADA cars by 28% in July​


In July 2024, AVTOVAZ sold 37 645 passenger cars and light commercial vehicles LADA in the Russian market. This is 28% more than in the same month last year, the automaker's press service reports. The bestseller of AVTOVAZ in the middle of summer remains LADA Granta, which was chosen by 19 796 buyers. The second place is occupied by the flagship LADA Vesta with 8419 sold cars.

Sales of LADA Niva Travel and Niva Legend SUVs came up to 7 899 vehicles. Also, in July, 757 LADA Largus cars and 774 light commercial models were sold. The company notes that despite the growth in annual comparison, the July sales result was 5% lower than the June one, which, however, is within the framework of seasonal fluctuations in demand.

At the same time, the sales plan of AVTOVAZ for July 2024 came up to 40 200 LADA cars and was fulfilled by 94% due to the ongoing changes in the structure of the Russian car market. Thus, AVTOVAZ draws attention to the decline in sales of the most equipped versions of LADA Vesta family of cars, for localization and restoration of comfort and safety options in which about 5 billion rubles were invested.

The company explains this trend by two reasons. Firstly, 85% of Vesta sales in more expensive configurations were carried out using credit products, which today have become much less affordable. Secondly, AVTOVAZ also observes the continuing price expansion of Chinese manufacturers, which in the current conditions it is more profitable to import their products to Russia than to invest in the production of cars and components in our country.


A Russian dealer has brought a new Japanese Suzuki Swift hatchback to Russia. Its cost is 1,950,000 rubles, according to classifieds.

The car is based on the modular Heartect platform. The curb weight of the novelty reaches 840 kg, which is the best indicator in the class.

A model in the version GLX equipped with 1.2-liter petrol engine capacity of 83 HP, coupled with robotized gear box and front-wheel drive will be offered to Russian customers.
@Yommie please do not spam Russian auto news on multiple threads. WE HAVE A STICKY - use it. Next Russian auto thread you create will be locked and you will receive an infraction.

Russia July 2024: 7 out of Top 10 brands at all time high

Changan sales are up 117.3% year-on-year.

136,221 new passenger cars found a buyer in Russia in July, a 42.4% year-on-year improvement. The year-to-date volume is now up 72% to 855,561. Lada (+30.1%) trails its home market to 26.1% share vs. 28.4% year-to-date. Haval (+95%) continues to lead the Chinese offensive with 12.2% and breaks its monthly volume record. In fact, 6 additional brands in the Top 10 – 5 of them Chinese – reach all-time high monthly totals: Chery (+32.5%), Changan (+117.3%) also breaking its share record at 8.4%, Omoda (+16.3%), Belgee (new), Jetour (+543.5%) also at highest ever 2.6% share, and Jaecoo (new). Exeed (-4.4%) is the only Top 10 manufacturer in negative.
The Lada Granta (+11.8%) easily retains the models pole position with 13.3% share. The Top 10 models are in exactly the same order as in June. 6 of them beat the highest ever monthly tally: the Haval Jolion (+92.7%), Chery Tiggo 7 Pro Max (+26.5%), Chery Tiggo 4 Pro (+65.1%), Changan CS55 Plus (+171.2%) Omoda C5 (+0.9%) and the new Belgee X50.

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