Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

Beautiful to watch Russian advances towards the Dnipro gaining momentum whilst they're eating up the faggot attempt at Kursk. It seems like Russia has answers to whatever the Clown of Kiev and the West throw at them.
This war has dragged on long enough and so Russia should aim to take Ukraine up to the Dnipro. Then the rest of Western Ukraine should be turned into a Nuclear wasteland. A quick resolution to the conflict and the ideal buffer zone for Russia from NATO. Obviously this should be the last resort to avoid further Russian casualties.

Young women are leaving Ukraine in droves. No women. No babies. No babies. The nation goes extinct. 10 years from now Ukraine's population falls to 10 million from 30 million today.

Not going to matter at all

USA and NATO will be going extinct during that time

How many babies do you think trans going to have?? :love:

or LBGTQXYZs be having ?? :rofl:

and those being brought to Draq Queens talks at libraries, what kind of kids will they be having, if they be having at all???:rofl:

and with those rubbish DEI crap and BLM shit, that going to get lots of babies?


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