Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

It must feel bad and desperate being a Ukrainian, sending elite brigade or two, into open plains to get turned into mincemeat.

The reasoning isn't hard to figure, Russian's are meat grinding through Donbass to the point even Zelensky has changed his tune, they needed a diversion to ease the pressure in Donbass, doesn't look like it's gonna be successful. And two brigades down to the ground as fertilizer.

The Battle of the Bulge didn't make much strategic sense.... yet it still happened.
That is the estimated number I have read up on Ukrainian incursion, they are an amalgamation of detached units from some of Ukraine's remaining best brigades which were kept in reserve (equipped mostly with Western equipment: Marders, Strykers, Bradleys ..) as well as some of their best drone detachments, some of these even redeployed from existing battlefronts. Thus the heavy drone swarms.
After initial confusion, even if they hold on their gains, it deprives Ukraine of these precious resources, while giving RU an opportunity to destroy these units. And retreat always implies losses. In fact one of specs of this war, is the high casualties "ad itinere" in other words going to and from the battlefield.
First of all, you don't attack with troop or resource that you do not have. If the Ukrainian do attack, that mean those troop are disposable, you expect to lose them all. Again, no one is stupid enough to pull critical troop to attack somewhere that have no tactical value, there are nothing to be had in the strategic scheme of thing to attack Russia.

On the other hand, we don't know the motive of this attack, the fact remain, Russia being push off that quickly would mean they will need to regroup somewhere and fight back the Ukrainian, but again, as I said, I wouldn't be worrying about this, I would be much, much more worry about what has been changed and what was left behind. Because that is a very bad for raging an insurgency or partisan movement inside Russia now the border has been breach, you don't really know what had been done even when you pushes the Ukrainian off. Think about it, you are letting a group of people more or less similar to you culturally and linguistically unhindered access to a part of your territories and those people are hostile to you, that would make Taliban insurgency a child play.
What Russia need to do is to activate the syrian front against israel and US but unfortunately the rulers of Russia are naive, they foolishly think the US empire is interested in peace deal in Ukraine. I predict in putin doesn't escalate he will be overthrown very soon

I'll even suggest they should go as far as arming houthis to attack the oil and gas installations in the gulf
Nothing to see

Ukraine army just liberate Ukraine speakers in Russia from russian oppression.

The Ukrainian army has published footage of the entry of military units into the Kursk region of Russia on August 6. The video shows a battle with a Russian stronghold and shows destroyed Ukrainian equipment and a military medical service vehicle. The Ukrainian army is bringing up reserves, and the Russian army is doing the same. In the video, you can also see the evacuation of a Ukrainian VAB armored personnel carrier in the Kursk region and the evacuation of an International Maxxpro armored vehicle by an M88A2 Hercules repair and recovery vehicle. In some cases, the evacuation is carried out without hindrance. The Ukrainian army has begun to dig in in the Kursk region and is bringing up heavy equipment. According to experts, if the situation does not change within a week, the fighting will turn into a positional war and will drag on for a long time. Against this background, rumors have emerged about the need for a new wave of mobilization in Russia, officials deny its necessity. But according to experts, the 1,500 km long front line, the entry of Ukrainian troops into the Kursk region and the threat to the Bryansk region indicate that there is a shortage of 700,000 personnel, especially units with drones.


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