Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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How did the Russian army monitor the storage sites for ATACAMS missiles? And the axes of advance of the Russian army



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Jul 14, 2019
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Everystein singleberg timeowitz!!!!



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Apr 16, 2024
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Russian soldiers reporting that cholera has begun to spread in the combat zone in the Kherson region because there's not enough bottled water for them to drink. TG channel “Two Majors” published the following letter from one of their subscribers:“I wish you good health, comrade majors! Marine Corps on call! I want to clarify about problems with water. I saw your post in the secretariat about problems with water and diseases. We were told that typhoid and cholera were already causing [a number of] deaths, and the number of diseases was growing.To understand the situation with water: for one soldier there are 12 1.5 litter bottles for a maximum of two weeks, due to which those who carry out assigned tasks along the banks of the Dnieper or go to the islands as part of the RG, do not have enough water at all, and have to drink from the river and filter the water through fabric, to take water from abandoned wells, which is why this situation arose.On the islands in the summer, if you work deep in the floodplains, you drink two or three times more water than usual: it’s like in the jungle, and there’s no way to get clean water there to boil, because it’s far from the river bed.In the conventional rear, the situation is better: we travel and buy water at our own expense. Dropping water from a drone has already become part of the routine. I wouldn't have any complaints if we didn't have the same problem last year. Nobody wants to learn from their mistakes and solve the problem, and asking volunteers to bring a million bottles of water for the third year of the SMO is not even funny. I hope someone's shoulder straps fly off for this. The rear rats already have enough medals, maybe it’s time to punish someone? Just not an ordinary soldier’s or sergeant’s.”

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