Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

I am sure that part with cat eating, you would nail it completely.

What makes you think it does not happen? If you have a million homeless people and a million stray cats, I'm sure it does happen from time to time. Hungry people will eat anything to survive.

Just because you didn't see something happen, doesn't mean it does not happen. Have you been in an animal shelter? Have you seen abandoned pets die? It happens everyday despite the fact you never see it happen with your own eyes.
If Putin waits long enough, Ukraine could be in NATO by 2025.

Ukraine made it constitutional to join NATO sometimes in 2019.

So it make sense from a political viewpoint that you make your move (invasion) as soon as possible (2022).
That’s nonsense.
The reality is Ukraine can’t join the NATO even if it wants it.
A NATO membership of Ukraine requires Ok from All NATO states.
That was impossible because of Germany, France veto.
Now thing is different.
Because of russian aggression, Putin starts the war, he threatens Europe he threatens America, now all NATO states have agreed to let Ukraine to join.
Ukraine will become the first defense line against Russia.
Corruption, incompetence, hubris, Wodka destroys the Russia army.
And there is Putin who tops the list with cheap propaganda supported by masses of cheap stooges.
Russia, a country with a landmass more than US and China combined, massive army, massive nuclear arsenal feels threatened by a little non NATO state.

This is exactly the opportunity Pakistan had when Imran Khan visited Moscow. However, the phone call came from Washington and so the haramkhors, sold out the country and the vast benefits Moscow would bring for a chest full of dollars.
Pakistan must join BRICS ASAP. When the new currency is unveiled, it would be prime opportunity to default on the bogus IMF debt holding the country down and start afresh with mutually beneficial relationships within BRICS.
Totally agreed.
Pakistan economy needs another pillar besides cotton and cloth. With the current electricity prices the chances of that happening for garment industry is close to zero. Agriculture industry is a joke as we import more than half of what we consume. Manufacturing is non existent. The IT industry esp free lancing and small firms was and still has a chance but the current government with the taxes and firewall has put tht industry into the ICU. The only other industry left is services which itself can not flourish beyond a certain point without a wider economy or a robust IT industry and infrastructure.

Russian help can easily help with Agriculture, and in some areas manufacturing industry. If we get a breather (by even a smaller margin) on petroleum products and food grains then we can invest that into areas that devastate us and bite our behind every few yrs.
But masla here is again the idiotic bureaucracy hell bent on following the same line and international narrative since decades. They are short sighted who only care about firefighting. They can't see anyone besides nawaz and zardaris as both clean each other dirty mess and shortcomings. There is no national interest.. it's merely a slogan as what matters are the personal interest.. benefits and glorification.

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