Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

This is a pipe dream. As long as Ukraine is at war, NATO won't accept its membership as it will activate article V.

Russia just needs to wait long enough until the Ukrainian society broken from the deaths and forced conscription.

Once the Ukrainian army back is broken, Russia could just walk into Kyiv.
I believe Ukraine can't sustain current state for more than a year. They will soon have to recruit above 14 and above retirement age otherwise they will have to cherry pick areas over others.
Chasiv yar and pokrovsk along with the kursk meat grinder will eliminate quite a few military brains and cannon fodder . You need numbers plus experience and both are depleting rapidly. Trump may be more of a saviour for Ukrainians than for russians. On the other hand any future head raising by Ukraine can only be confirmed if it becomes a landlocked country and russian planners, i believe, would love to achieve the same.

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