Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

First of all, you consider Iranian and North Korea missile as "Precision" missile?

Second of all, this is not about how you do it, this is about capability, the capability decreases over time. For example, you have less airframe to drop missile, you have less ISTAR asset to locate target, you have less capability to prevent Ukraine from counter attacking once you attack.

Russian general or pilot are dumb, they know what they are going to do, be it 2022 or 2024, if you suggest that Russia in 2022 have no idea how to use their sensor to coordinate ground attack and they now do. Well, then, all I can say is a LOL

And no, judging from Russian attack, their attack become dumber not smarter, 2022 we see a range of precision guided missile couple with some smart weaponry (like Lancet and so on), 2023 we see somewhat precision guided missile accompanied by Shahed Drone. In 2024, Russia resorted to gliding dumb bomb into Kharkiv..........How exactly did Russia getting more precise?

And lol, if there is a point in time Russia can overwhelm Ukrainian AD, then they better start doing something. Ukraine is schedule to get more Patriot Battery and IRIST and more F-16. Things aren't going to get easier for Russia, and they did the square root of jack shit on trying to gain Air Superiority in Ukraine in the last 2 years. I mean, as I said, you can hope. LOL

Dude, he is talking about the Russian military is getting bigger (In size) and will perform better, being big does not mean stronger, otherwise India, China, North Korea would be the strongest military on earth.....

And of course they are going to get better, because they eventually will learn from their mistake.

Power is another issue, I mean, when you are started using 1950s Tank and Artillery, that's in no way being "stronger" than you were 2 years ago.

Where are all the money for it? Russia need to pay for their war somehow, and you were talking about US being in Vietnam for 10 and Afghanistan for 20, US is 30 times the economy than Russia and they we aren't talking about 20 years of active fighting, Active fighting in Vietnam was over in 66 and restarted in 74 (When US withdraw) Afghan active fighting stopped in October 2021

Russia is still on the active phase of the invasion, it's not some "police action" or "active counter insurgency operation. This is what Russia is going to get involved in after the convntional fighting is done,.

They already discounted the Donbas and Crimea Occupation Region in this...

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I was talking about Ukraine population was 45.7mil as a whole, because I decducted Crimea and Donbas population from it in the subsequent calculation. If you use this number, you doubt counted the Crimea and Donbas population.

I am pretty sure the energy deal was included in the EU aid.

And we are talking about electricity, not gas.

1. Russia is moving towards the right direction, the introduction of UMPK and D-30 smart glide bombs is something the Russians wished to exist early in the war. Now they're the staple of Russian frontline bombers operating at the front. Their Iskander ballistic missile has IIRC tripled in production in 2024. Add to the recent news of NK and Iranian precision missiles in Russian hands.

2. Now, all those Munitions would not be decisive enough if Russia didn't have the correct coordination between the sensors and shooters. Lucky for Russia, they have reduced the time between the sensors and shooters and reports are now that there is a significant decrease in reaction time between the moment Ukrainian unit is spotted by Russian drones and the launch and destruction of the intended target.

This trend will only continue to grow as Russia learns from his mistake and further cooperation between the Russian military and MIC.

3. People could yap all they want about how 'dumb' Russian pilots or general military personels are, all I can see is that there's a noticeable increase of Ukrainian jets getting swatted on Tarmac even though they have employed agile combat dispersion and employment. There will be time where Ukrainian planes won't be able to safely land anywhere across Ukraine for 5 minutes before Russian Iskander landed on top of their heads while on Tarmac.

4. If economy wins war, then the US would've came out victorious in Viet Nam and Afghanistan.

GDP size turns out doesn't always translate to how large a country could generate it's military machine. Russia, a country the size of Italy economically is reported to produce 7x as much shell as all of NATO combined. Think abt that.

So just like how the U.S lose the Republic of Viet Nam to the Socialist's Republic of Vietnam and just like how the US lose the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to the Islamoc Emirates of Afghanistan. The US will also very likely lose the Republic of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.

You guys simply don't have the stomach for a long war, not with your once every 5 years election and ever shifting priorities.

Ukraine doesn't have the man either to fight for 10 or 20 years.

So yeah, I do hope the likes of you and @F-22 Raptor will be here for long enough to see Ukraine capitulate.

5. Your numbers regarding Ukrainian population is false, it's well established that Ukraine's population as defined by the UN recognized Ukr territory is 40-41 Mil people, the loss of Crimea, Donbass and Donetsk reduce it further to 35-37 mil. And the full scale war reduces it further to 25-27 mil.

But if you're happy with your imaginary numbers, I have no problem with that.

Suffice for me is the fact that Ukraine is a rapidly depopulation country and it will continue to depopulate as the war situation deteriorate.

My concern is always : How many people will still be in Ukraine and safely absorbed to the Russian Federation once Moscow swallow all of Ukraine.
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