Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

You will take him serious, eventually.
You people remind me of the pigeon who burrows his head in dirt thinking he is safe from cat.
Nuclear war will happen, for sure, no doubt in it.
And it will be "world wide".
Better start building a nuclear bunker right now.
Larov transforms himself from a respectable diplomat to s dumb stooge to Putin. The most shocking event in history.

Larov has no authority in this war. He repeats same shit over and over again. Why should anyone listen to him. He is not part of nuclear command chain,
Ukraine air strikes another Russian ammo depot at Krasnodar.

Ein Screenshot aus einem Video soll die heftige Explosion in Krasnodar zeigen. Die ukrainische Armee hat dort offenbar ein russisches Munitionsdepot mit Drohnen angegriffen.

Ein Screenshot aus einem Video soll die heftige Explosion in Krasnodar zeigen. Die ukrainische Armee hat dort offenbar ein russisches Munitionsdepot mit Drohnen angegriffen.

Copyright: Screenshot/Telegram/Uniannet
Larov transforms himself from a respectable diplomat to s dumb stooge to Putin. The most shocking event in history.

Larov has no authority in this war. He repeats same shit over and over again. Why should anyone listen to him. He is not part of nuclear command chain,
Shocking only for you.

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