Russia-Ukraine War - News, Discussions & Updates

Zelinskki presented the “victory plan” to the US. More weapons, more money, more support to Ukraine , more sanctions, more pains on Russia. Next step, Ukraine will present the plan to 50 Ukraine allies.

If Putin doubles down on the war, Zelinskki will do the same.

Zelinskki meets Trump.

Most remarkable thing: Trumps says one thing, he does different thing.

If Putin refuses to end the war, Trump wins the election then the war will get out of control.

You misunderstand. War is much a math. The 7 min is statistical median. That’s the average of lifetime over a group of soldiers. Some soldiers live longer than 7 min , some shorter than 7 min, but math statistically they all are dead in 7 minutes after they arrive the combat zone.

the russians casualties run about 1,300 men per day, or 54 men per hour.
You are the one who is misunderstanding. If a Russian soldier has a life expectancy of seven minutes when he arrives at the front line, then the Russians are losing a company per day. Now comes the best part, the Russians have somewhere between 250-350 thousand soldiers on the front line, so each brigade fighting on each front line is losing a company per day, losing a battalion in three days and an entire brigade in nine days, as you yourself claim, the Russians are losing 1,300 per day, which is far from a life expectancy of seven minutes.

Another thing, the math of 54 casualties per hour because of the average Russian casualties per day is not used to calculate the life expectancy of a Russian soldier in Ukraine. Life expectancy is calculated around a specific battle situation, yet such calculations are imprecise, yet the general calculations of a Russian soldier's life expectancy of seven minutes have no empirical basis whatsoever. Even the claim of a US colonel who said that the life expectancy of a Ukrainian and Russian soldier in the east was only four hours is nonsense, because the casualties were supposed to be colossal on both sides.

Is this hard to understand or is this math too advanced for you?
You are the one who is misunderstanding. If a Russian soldier has a life expectancy of seven minutes when he arrives at the front line, then the Russians are losing a company per day. Now comes the best part, the Russians have somewhere between 250-350 thousand soldiers on the front line, so each brigade fighting on each front line is losing a company per day, losing a battalion in three days and an entire brigade in nine days, as you yourself claim, the Russians are losing 1,300 per day, which is far from a life expectancy of seven minutes.

Another thing, the math of 54 casualties per hour because of the average Russian casualties per day is not used to calculate the life expectancy of a Russian soldier in Ukraine. Life expectancy is calculated around a specific battle situation, yet such calculations are imprecise, yet the general calculations of a Russian soldier's life expectancy of seven minutes have no empirical basis whatsoever. Even the claim of a US colonel who said that the life expectancy of a Ukrainian and Russian soldier in the east was only four hours is nonsense, because the casualties were supposed to be colossal on both sides.

Is this hard to understand or is this math too advanced for you?
That’s not what I said. You missing part of the picture.
Life of a russian or Ukraine soldier depends on when and where and how the fighting takes place. If no fighting then no casualties.
The number of 7 minutes is taken down from the fighting at Kalinvka.
At other fronts russian soldiers may have better chances to live longer. But on average no russian soldier or separatist survive longer than 4 hours. That’s the is the average lifespan of a russian soldier on the eastern front, before the full scale invasion.

That’s not what I said. You missing part of the picture.
Life of a russian or Ukraine soldier depends on when and where and how the fighting takes place. If no fighting then no casualties.
The number of 7 minutes is taken down from the fighting at Kalinvka.
At other fronts russian soldiers may have better chances to live longer. But on average no russian survive longer than 4 hours.

First you talk about life expectancy being seven minutes. Now you talk about it being four hours. The truth is that neither statement is statistically true. These are facts: Take each frontline battle and count how many brigades with their subunits engaged in positional battles there are. Each such brigade would lose one company per day, which suggests that each brigade would have to withdraw from combat every nine days due to loss of combat capability, using your own numbers that you provide. Regarding the issue of it being four hours, this is also not a reality. Do you really want me to believe that the life expectancy of a Russian soldier is 6x shorter than the battle of Stalingrad? You are mistaken here and contorting yourself to try to prove your flawed argument.

Another thing, there is no point in using the general statistics of Russian losses to try to prove your argument, the data on general casualties is GENERAL. This means that within the 1,300 Russian casualties per day, each frontline unit could lose two or three fighters per day and this does not even take into account life expectancy, because Ukraine does not know how long that Russian soldier is on the frontline and the Russians do not report such things. If you want more real data on life expectancy, I suggest you read the attached news article above instead of searching on crap channels on YouTube.

Another thing, go back to the data. Seven minutes of life expectancy means that on this front (Kalinivka) that you mention, the Russians would have to replace an entire brigade every nine days. Think about it.
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First you talk about life expectancy being seven minutes. Now you talk about it being four hours. The truth is that neither statement is statistically true. These are facts: Take each frontline battle and count how many brigades with their subunits engaged in positional battles there are. Each such brigade would lose one company per day, which suggests that each brigade would have to withdraw from combat every nine days due to loss of combat capability, using your own numbers that you provide. Regarding the issue of it being four hours, this is also not a reality. Do you really want me to believe that the life expectancy of a Russian soldier is 6x shorter than the battle of Stalingrad? You are mistaken here and contorting yourself to try to prove your flawed argument.

Another thing, there is no point in using the general statistics of Russian losses to try to prove your argument, the data on general casualties is GENERAL. This means that within the 1,300 Russian casualties per day, each frontline unit could lose two or three fighters per day and this does not even take into account life expectancy, because Ukraine does not know how long that Russian soldier is on the frontline and the Russians do not report such things. If you want more real data on life expectancy, I suggest you read the attached news article above instead of searching on crap channels on YouTube.

Another thing, go back to the data. Seven minutes of life expectancy means that on this front (Kalinivka) that you mention, the Russians would have to replace an entire brigade every nine days. Think about it.
I am observer I do the math. No problem for me at all if you have doubt or don’t like it.

Putin himself puts the number of invasion army at 700,000 men. That’s just the fighting force. If adding the numbers of other supplements units then the total numbers go up to double. 1,4 million. That’s about the size of the entire Russia army. The replacement or recruitment number is 1,500 men a day. That comes straight from Putin’s mouth.

Let’s assume the number of russian casualties per day is correct, 1,300 men per day, according to Ukraine and western data then the bingo! Putin can continue the war because the replacement is higher than the casually rate.

The “victory plan” of Ukraine aims to kill more russians than Putin can replace.
I am observer I do the math. No problem for me at all if you have doubt or don’t like it.

Putin himself puts the number of invasion army at 700,000 men. That’s just the fighting force. If adding the numbers of other supplements units then the total numbers go up to double. 1,4 million. That’s about the size of the entire Russia army. The replacement or recruitment number is 1,500 men a day. That comes straight from Putin’s mouth.

Let’s assume the number of russian casualties per day is correct, 1,300 men per day, according to Ukraine and western data then the bingo! Putin can continue the war because the replacement is higher than the casually rate.

The “victory plan” of Ukraine aims to kill more russians than Putin can replace.
There is absolutely no evidence that there are 1.4 million Russian soldiers in Ukraine. The real number is around 650k-700k, around 2/3 on the front line and the rest in the rear or in line to be rotated by other units sent from the Russian mobilization camps. The point here is that if the life expectancy was seven minutes, the Russians would not even have an army left in Ukraine, because each brigade would have to be reconstituted after nine days of fighting and I mean all the brigades involved in the front lines at any given time. The Russians lose 1,300 per day across the line, so each unit worth a brigade loses about 8 soldiers per day, considering a value of 150 brigades (50 divisions) (+-450,000) currently in Ukraine, just putting a point average so you have an idea of the absurdity that a life expectancy of seven minutes is. So I don't know what math you are really doing when concluding this life expectancy.

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