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Seven soldiers martyred as military vehicle blown up in Lakki Marwat


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Occasionally the Afghan scum are going to.plant a IED or something that will work.

In the meantime your response apart from providing better equipment to your forces is to make the lives of Afghans intolerable

Increase the IBOs, don't take prisoners for our useless judicial system, use the size of the state and military and kill and dump your way out of the problem

There are too many namak haram Afghans in your cities, where they shouldn't be, they don't pay taxes, they only bring fassad and problems

Your objective should be to get them out and across the border

The border itself needs to go through continuous improvements this scourge of a population out

If you look at the figures, the repeated IBOs are slowing down our enemies, so between IBOs and more targeted attacks in Afghanistan we need to keep going

Sharma Ji

Sep 18, 2012
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Occasionally the Afghan scum are going to.plant a IED or something that will work.

In the meantime your response apart from providing better equipment to your forces is to make the lives of Afghans intolerable

Increase the IBOs, don't take prisoners for our useless judicial system, use the size of the state and military and kill and dump your way out of the problem

There are too many namak haram Afghans in your cities, where they shouldn't be, they don't pay taxes, they only bring fassad and problems

Your objective should be to get them out and across the border

The border itself needs to go through continuous improvements this scourge of a population out

If you look at the figures, the repeated IBOs are slowing down our enemies, so between IBOs and more targeted attacks in Afghanistan we need to keep going


Sep 20, 2008
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This one photo of people venting out MRAP shows the scary picture. Shows how the state has failed. Its somewhere in tribal area ?
It’s Chaman in Balochistan - protests are usual there sadly.


Full Member
Dec 10, 2023
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Wallah Sometimes I wish the Israeli army fought and had the same technical prowess as the pak army it would make the life of the Palestinians much easier. Hell I think those fighters that went into those Israeli villages may well still be there
You're right, Israelis are leagues above Pakistanis. The problem with Pakistanis is they huff and puff hubdis about "we are Muslim we are automatically better" but don't actually care to do anything to actually be competent.


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Dec 10, 2023
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"In response to the recent Improvised Explosive Device explosion that claimed the lives of seven brave soldiers including Captain Muhammad Faraz Ilyas and Subedar Major Muhammad Nazir, the security forces, on night 10/11 June 2024, launched an intelligence based operation in Lakki Marwat District to bring the perpetrators of the heinous act to justice.

During conduct of the operation, own troops effectively engaged the terrorists' location, as result of which *eleven terrorists* were successfully neutralized & sent to hell while multiple terrorist hideouts were also busted.

Sanitization operation is being carried out to eliminate any other terrorist found in the area as the security forces are determined to wipe out the menace of terrorism from the country."

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