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Shameful! PTI is now supporting Afghanistan over Pakistan


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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The kind of hatred an average Turk shows for a Pakistani is not seen for the people of rest of the world, regardless of their religion. By the way, I've also heard that Turks don't like Afghans and Syrians either, but I don't know much about that.

Buddy their are good and bad people everywhere

We meet plenty of Turks, Arabs, iranians here

Anyone who is racist, you hate them back with a passion It's only you Hindus who get your knickers in a twist

Sharma Ji

Elite Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Freedom and independence isn't free

I told you this before, if Hindus had shown the courage of Palestinians in the 11th century, you might have been brutalised but think, you could have saved yourself from centuries of annihilation

You most important temples destroyed and dismantled
Your history erased

You chose cowardice

The Palestinians will suffer, they will suffer greatly, but they are within touching distance of freedom and independence and the Jews are on the path to becoming a hated monster prepped for the ovens again
brave Filistinis, very courageous attacking a dance party full of drugged and drunk kids.. actions have .

hey, I do feel bad for the non crazies there.. but actions do indeed have consequences.

"The Palestinians will suffer, they will suffer greatly, but they are within touching distance of freedom "

You keep cheering from but, from behind the safety of your PC monitor whilst chilling in the the UK as you enjoy the Euros.. England Slovakia tomorrow !

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Freedom and independence isn't free

I told you this before, if Hindus had shown the courage of Palestinians in the 11th century, you might have been brutalised but think, you could have saved yourself from centuries of annihilation

You most important temples destroyed and dismantled
Your history erased

You chose cowardice

The Palestinians will suffer, they will suffer greatly, but they are within touching distance of freedom and independence and the Jews are on the path to becoming a hated monster prepped for the ovens again
its very easy to talk about independnce living in secure WALAAYTI SUBURB ;) :p

but since now that both Russia and USA /NATO are unhappy for Pakistani double game in trying to milk them for Steel Mill or money and & weapons for acess to afaghnistani trade corridoor and not fullfilling the committment

NOW BE IT AFGHANS OR BE IT RUSSIANS OR BE IT AMERICANS ALL HATE PAKISTAN ...khail to abb shurru hi hua hai mazza abb ayega cause there was a reason why USA left more than 86 Billion dollars worth of weapons there ;) :p


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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brave Filistinis, very courageous attacking a dance party full of drugged and drunk kids.. actions have .

hey, I do feel bad for the non crazies there.. but actions do indeed have consequences.

"The Palestinians will suffer, they will suffer greatly, but they are within touching distance of freedom "

You keep cheering from but, from behind the safety of your PC monitor whilst chilling in the the UK as you enjoy the Euros.. England Slovakia tomorrow !

Yes they suffer, but that's the prices for freedom and independence

What the Jews are doing will haunt them, they won't get away from it

But like I said, the Palestinians have a MASSIVE DEMOGRAPHIC ADVANTAGE, all they need to is wait, marry and have children

Read between the lines, the Jews across the world are facing a mental health challenge from what's happening, they will be cracked

ANd england have been crap through out the tournament and lucky they got Slovakia


Jan 30, 2024
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thats right even turks dont respect them

hassan nisar on national TV said that he saw himself that a Turk declined to use same toilet that before him was used by a pkaistani and when in 1970s Z A Bhutto started a Hajj service zia a Bus Iranianians did not let pakistanies get down for toilet as they thought they are way too inferior and will not be allowed to do toilet on inranian soil ... such is there respect while what hapennes toi them by Arabs themselfs in Saudi Arabia lesser said the better ;) :p
A Muslim female friend of mine told me that the molestation of Pakistani and Indian Muslim women by guards is very common there.

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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The kind of hatred an average Turk shows for a Pakistani is not seen for the people of rest of the world, regardless of their religion. By the way, I've also heard that Turks don't like Afghans and Syrians either, but I don't know much about that.
Iranians and Turks are the most racist nations and they hate everyone and think of themselfs as the msot superior but the common thing is since Pakistanies have a keera of Ummah ki thekkedaari they try to preach a lot to both but in raeality pakistanies have the worst track record when they go there and thats why they are hated the most by them both ;) :p

inki hi bhasha me


Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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A Muslim female friend of mine told me that the molestation of Pakistani and Indian Muslim women by guards is very common there.
well even the marriage pacts/nikahnama whats bieng prescribed for muslims of indian sub continenet is very different from whats prescribed for iranian muslims or Turkish muslims .... they do not treat indian muslims forget there women even as human

Sharma Ji

Elite Member
Sep 18, 2012
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Yes they suffer, but that's the prices for freedom and independence

What the Jews are doing will haunt them, they won't get away from it

But like I said, the Palestinians have a MASSIVE DEMOGRAPHIC ADVANTAGE, all they need to is wait, marry and have children

Read between the lines, the Jews across the world are facing a mental health challenge from what's happening, they will be cracked

ANd england have been crap through out the tournament and lucky they got Slovakia
I'd advise people to not hold their breath.

What they gonna do, Zerg rush the Borgs ?

Guru Dutt

Elite Member
Oct 12, 2011
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Afghans hate Pakistanis, Arabs hate Pakistanis, Turks hate Pakistanis, Iranians hate Pakistanis. The country where Pakistanis are hated the least? India! I'm not saying Indians don't hate Pakistanis, but it's not as much as the countries I mentioned above.
wo kya kehte hain apna marta bhi hai to laash ko chaanve me daltta hai ... ;) :p


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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Afghans hate Pakistanis, Arabs hate Pakistanis, Turks hate Pakistanis, Iranians hate Pakistanis. The country where Pakistanis are hated the least? India! I'm not saying Indians don't hate Pakistanis, but it's not as much as the countries I mentioned above.

Gee, I guess we should love our Hindu brudders more then our Muslim brothers in that case, duhhhh


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Forget Internal Politics....

It's quite pathetic of PTI to support foreign frenemy (Afghanistan) over her own country

But what can one expect?

Going from blaming Americans for interference in local matters to making them pass congress resolution in her favor - PTI has gone full retard in her hatred of Army.

PTI has fallen deep

Pakistani army thinks it can again persuade the Americans to fight against TTP and the Taliban in Afghanistan:



Jun 12, 2024
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Terrible horrendous people

Hindus, Jews , afghans I see no difference
Sure, but our long term goal should be to be totally peaceful with both Iran and Afghanistan, so we can concentrate all our firepower on the LoC and go back to the good old days when we used to shell them every week.

Some sacrifices must be made for that.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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The love you showed for your Bengali Muslim brothers in and Sisters in 1971 by killing 3 million Bengali Muslim men and raping 100,000 of their woman is unparalleled
You're also showing love towards your Baloch Muslim brothers and Sisters

Don't worry, we targeted Hindus, it's ok, Bangladesh is a Muslim state as per partition because of what we did to the Hindus


Jun 23, 2011
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Look at the title and then look where you guys have ended up. Stay on topic or be quiet

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