Shimla mosque row: Protestors break barricades, clash with police

Do you support that there should be uniform civil code, and Waqf board properties should be brought under govt control ??

Why would Muslim properties be bought under government control rather then their own board????
India is a land of PSEUDO SECULARISM , basically a sham practiced for VOTE Bank politics

Hindus have realised that Indian secularism is and was an appeasement tool

That is a huge debate for another thread

That is why Hindus have become assertive and aggressive

It's pretty much what Jinnah predicted and said would happen and why partition of India is so important
Why would Muslim properties be bought under government control rather then their own board????
There is no harm in this if legislated with good intentions. All Hindu temples are subject to independent boards that administer the trust property with no external influences.
It's pretty much what Jinnah predicted and said would happen and why partition of India is so important
Please do not drag Jinnah into every matter concerning India and internal matters in India. Since according to your post, partition was so important, there should be no reason for anyone to stay engaged with affairs within India.
It's pretty much what Jinnah predicted and said would happen and why partition of India is so important

You won't believe how much we love and Respect Jinnah Sahab

That is because we can see the condition of present day Pakistan and Bangladesh

Partition gave the opportunity for Both Communities to prove their competencies and Abilities
There is no harm in this if legislated with good intentions. All Hindu temples are subject to independent boards that administer the trust property with no external influences.

Yeah but India is hardly a bastion of fairness, the Indian state barely has any Indian Muslim representation and A LOT of hindutva extremists who are just looking for any excuse to violate Muslim rights or property and lands

The Waqf is important to protect Indian Muslim mosques, historical buildings and lands
You won't believe how much we love and Respect Jinnah Sahab

That is because we can see the condition of present day Pakistan and Bangladesh

You love him, we love him, the man was genius
The state of India at the moment is horrific and this is yet another attempt to try and target Indian Muslim history, culture, land, mosques and buildings

If we all love Jinnah and understand he was right, then to protect that Indian muslim community we need to push division and partition as the only solution

Already their are scant laws to protect Indian Muslims from hindutva extremists targeting their historical buildings or mosques
Yeah but India is hardly a bastion of fairness, the Indian state barely has any Indian Muslim representation and A LOT of hindutva extremists who are just looking for any excuse to violate Muslim rights or property and lands
Yes, you are right.

Already their are scant laws to protect Indian Muslims from hindutva extremists targeting their historical buildings or mosques
No, you are wrong. There is explicit legislation to forbid review of religious properties that have not been in dispute by 1947. Meaning that disputes taken up after independence are not judiciable.

It is true that in spite of that, Hindutva groups have been bullying judges and courts to try and get their wishes in three specific cases, mosques built alongside existing or destroyed Hindu temples, in Varanasi, in Mathura and the destroyed mosque in Ayodhya. The courts have not agreed to any changes in the status of the concerned mosques.

It is not scant laws, but the historical reality that several mosques had been built on the ruins of Hindu temples, and the extremist Hindu politicians have used this to win elections.

There is no instance, as far as my limited knowledge goes, of any original constructions, that had not impinged on Hindu temples or religious structures, being threatened, far less broken down.

Some of your posts are painful to read, especially considering that some of the oldest mosques in the world remain untouched and in daily use, mosques that are far older than any known to exist within the territory of Pakistan, and that Muslim communities live in conditions of comfort, if not affluence, that far predate any Muslim settlement within the territory of Pakistan. If you want details, those are available.
Yeah but India is hardly a bastion of fairness, the Indian state barely has any Indian Muslim representation and A LOT of hindutva extremists who are just looking for any excuse to violate Muslim rights or property and lands
If what you say is true, then no Muslim with earnings and economic options would return to India from their employment abroad. By your logic, they would be re-settling at the earliest opportunity in a more favourable environment. Does this happen?
A LOT of hindutva extremists who are just looking for any excuse to violate Muslim rights or property and lands

Who do you think is resisting these efforts?
The state of India at the moment is horrific and this is yet another attempt to try and target Indian Muslim history, culture, land, mosques and buildings
Did you not read what that reprobate wrote? He was being sarcastic and pointing to the difficult situation in both Pakistan and Bangladesh, both of which were the creations of Jinnah and the Muslim League that he led.

Is the situation in India worse than in the countries created by him?
If we all love Jinnah and understand he was right, then to protect that Indian muslim community we need to push division and partition as the only solution
That ship has sailed. Muslim Indians chose not to go to either of the new territories. There is not a single political move among this segment asking for division, far less partition.

These, sadly, seem to be the options chosen FOR Muslim Indians by those who have nothing to do with them.
You are distorting the facts.

There was no illegal construction; that is an allegation, and the matter was under adjudication.

Take this as a soft warning. Repeating this will lead to action.
First construction took place in 2007 case registered in 2010 , when the matter is under adjudication and you still construct 4 floors after that, can we call it illegal construction or do we have some twist to it from your end.
First construction took place in 2007 case registered in 2010 , when the matter is under adjudication and you still construct 4 floors after that, can we call it illegal construction or do we have some twist to it from your end.
I am not their advocate, but am pointing out the facts, some of which you have revealed yourself. The total number of floors, according to newspaper and media reports, is five. The case was registered three years later, long enough to cast doubt on the motives of those raising the case, and the additional building was done subsequently. Presumably there was no stay order, either granted or sought, so what is your objection to the further building, and what is the basis for your constantly screaming to the heavens that it was illegal?

The only twists in this are authored by the rabid bigots who are inciting others to protest.
when the matter is under adjudication
Since you are determined to dredge some dirt, any dirt, out of the circumstances of the case, and are equally ignorant of the usages around court or judicial matters, let me remind you that a civil matter in a civil court does not stop anybody from anything other than public comment about the case, that, in extreme circumstances, might be ruled to be in contempt of court, as presuming an intention on the part of the judge, or something similar.

Unless there is an application for a stay, and unless that is granted to further activity on a building site, if a building is in dispute, or the underlying title is in dispute, there is nothing to bar any further activity by the respondent.

In this entire thread, it has been depressing to see the level of ignorance, and, underlying that, the level of bigotry and of downright en bloc hatred of a community that has been on display.

Utterly shameful.
I am not their advocate, but am pointing out the facts, some of which you have revealed yourself. The total number of floors, according to newspaper and media reports, is five. The case was registered three years later, long enough to cast doubt on the motives of those raising the case, and the additional building was done subsequently. Presumably there was no stay order, either granted or sought, so what is your objection to the further building, and what is the basis for your constantly screaming to the heavens that it was illegal?

The only twists in this are authored by the rabid bigots who are inciting others to protest.

So lakhs of people are wrong and and bigots

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