So called "the Last major Arabic-style mosque in China loses its domes", a pathetic western lie


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Nov 4, 2011
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So called "the Last major Arabic-style mosque in China loses its domes", a pathetic western lie​

What a pathetic western lie, this is an ancient mosque and for the most part of history it was in Chinese traditional style, it was destroyed during the cultural revolution and was rebuilt in 1980's and 1990's with gulf country's funds, that was the time when extremist islamic elements gained unrestricted access to China which wrecked havoc soon after their entry.
China was just restoring the original architecture of this ancient mosque, many old destroyed buildings had been restored mimicking their original style in China, many in Beijing too, like city gate Yongding men 永定门。

Old photo of Shadian before it was destoryed.


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Western media just becomes helplessly more shameless by each passing day and so many fools still fall for their centuries old trick. People forget Iraq's so called WMD?
Fools have short memories.



Newly built Chinese Style Xining Grand Mosque in Qinghai province, beautiful Chinese architecture blended in

The oldest mosque in Beijing Niujie, built in 996 AD, over 1,000 years ago


Inside China's Oldest Mosque, Guangzhou​

Huaisheng Mosque is attributed to Prophet Muhammad SAW's Uncle Saad Bin Abi Waqqas who travelled to China 1,300 Years ago accordingly to Chinese historic records.

The biggest mistake China made was granting Saudi Arabia to finance, build mosques and rebuild old traditional Chinese style mosques all across China, they were given a free rein to preach Wahhabism replacing Chinese tradtional style of Islam with middle eastern Wahhabism.
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Ancient Xi’an Great Mosque​


Oldest Mosque in China Shanghai​

The Earliest Mosque built in 1388 in Nanjing

The biggest mistake China made was granting Saudi Arabia to finance, build mosques all across China, they were given a free rein to preach Wahhabism replacing Chinese tradtional style of Islam with middle eastern Wahhabism.
So, who were those fools to allow such foreign penetration, influence and dictation of religions in China ? China was/is not a real nation then, but foreign posts, maybe they did to Christianity too.
So, who were those fools to allow such foreign penetration, influence and dictation of religions in China ? China was/is not a real nation then, but foreign posts, maybe they did to Christianity too.
Back in 1980's and 1990's, China was still dirt poor and Saudis got loads of money, they bought their way of influence into China.
Back in 1980's and 1990's, China was still dirt poor and Saudis got loads of money, they bought their way of influence into China.
And they created all sorts of problems, separatism, extremism and terrorism to name a few.
Saudi Wahhabism money poured into China some 30 years ago to remodel thousand plus years old Chinese ancient mosques into middle eastern looking ones, and now when China tries to restore some of those old mosques, the west and fools brainwashed by the west jump out and cry foul, how pathetic

Some say that China should not "antagonize" the "Muslim world", but luckily Muslim governments are not made by those PDF fools. China enjoys very cordial relations with the true Muslim world.


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