So called "the Last major Arabic-style mosque in China loses its domes", a pathetic western lie

All the actions of china are halal.
Take your kids and tell them what's Halal or what's Haram.
I didn't ask you to pass a theological opinion. You are certainly not qualified for that, nor your judgement is required
It is the basic logic that Turkic people would call God if not in Arabic , Allah, than in Turkish Tengri . Not some Commiist chauvinist Chinese constitution.
At least when you lie , try to put some intelligence into it
There is no specific standard islamic design of mosques. The mosque is after all a place for worshipping. The mosques itself is not the object of worship.

OTOH i find it peculiar that China is fully comfortable having whole city development blocks copying french or german village designs. But some fee mosques must be «chinese» architecture.


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