Stupid & Funny from Around the World

Ever pass those cars on display in a shopping keys supposedly...well this one was very much alive

As an American, should you be ashamed? The terrorists in Xinjiang were all trained and sent there by the CIA.

Oh so you are insinuating there were no terrorist activities in Xinjiang before the US invaded Afghanistan in 2001 eh? That the CIA when in Afghanistan started everything eh?

You want to go look at the facts again? China has had problems long before the US was in Afghanistan. Maybe you should be ashamed of yourself for doing the usual clown Chinese tactic of quickly blaming outsiders for everything instead of yourselves.

On February 25, 1997, 3 bombs exploded on 3 buses (lines 2, 10, and 44) in Ürümqi, Xinjiang, China. 9 people were killed, including at least 3 children, and a further 28 were injured.

The Barin uprising (see also § Names) was an armed conflict between Uyghur militants and Chinese government forces from 4 to 10 April 1990 in the township of Barin (or Baren) in Xinjiang, China.

Initial clashes that evening left six policemen dead and 13 wounded. The militants also captured five policemen, while the armed police captured 19 militants.
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The Ram---before it became the Dodge Ram

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