Taliban bans women’s voices, bare faces in public under new vice laws in Afghanistan

If Afghanistan wasn't so conflict ridden, I would love to move there with my wife
I would not say Afghanistan is greatest place to be but they will sort out their country they have been at war for 30-40 years , it will take them time before they can sort out their own country
disgusting terrorists

women can't even leave their homes without being accompanied with a man ... they have no lives or autonomy ...

terrorist Taliban have to go to the dustbin of history
Much of Afghanistan is a rural area , it is bit more dangerous as well
Having a guardian while travelling is quite common practice in rural areas of many part of world

Society , is not universal across the globe some regions are more rural and dangerous then other

Seems like smart idea to travel with small party or guardian

Look forward to see how Afghanistan-China will develop various economic projects in Afghanistan

Often I find , people of world assume , Rural /mountain area of Afghanistan are , some garden of shopping mall

As a Pakistani Nothing but good wishes for them to improve their nation and also improve ties with our nation down the road

  • In 1700-1800 , in America , most of the Settlers travelled with guardians , why ? Because of need for safety on road

This is not a problem, as their country will develop their security will improve and they will of course adjust the laws
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Much of Afghanistan is a rural area , it is bit more dangerous as well
Having a guardian while travelling is quite common practice in rural areas of many part of world

Society , is not universal across the globe some regions are more rural and dangerous then other

Seems like smart idea to travel with small party or guardian

Look forward to see how Afghanistan-China will develop various economic projects in Afghanistan

Often I find , people of world assume , Rural /mountain area of Afghanistan are , some garden of shopping mall

As a Pakistani Nothing but good wishes for them to improve their nation and also improve ties with our nation down the road

  • In 1700-1800 , in America , most of the Settlers travelled with guardians , why ? Because of need for safety on road

This is not a problem, as their country will develop their security will improve and they will of course adjust the laws
Are you serious? Do you see Taliban laws in practice in Turkey or China? A modern country is supposed to have transport systems to move people across rural, peri-urban, and urban areas; there is no need for a woman to travel with a male guardian all the time. WE live in times of firearms, having a male guardian makes no difference whatsoever. The state is responsible for public safety. Taliban never said that their laws are limited to rural areas. And you are expecting miracles from Taliban governance. WE all have seen how good were Taliban back in the 1990s when Afghanistan became a staging ground for terrorism around the world. China will mine Afghan natural resources for its needs and pay toll to Taliban, good way forward. No wonder why some countries never develop.
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I think my explanation was reasonable

Let us not compare Afghanistan , with other nations of world
One has gone thru 40 years of war. It takes for Nations to evolve after a period of normal growth

"When a child is born , it takes them time to become PHD, similarly a new nation under new management takes time to evolve it's laws"

Travelling with Guardian is dependant on the safety of your own country's roads and streets

If you live in dangerous town , yes Guardian should travel with women. Even tourist visiting Pakistan are advised to travel with Guardian

All the best for Afghanistan hope they find the answers to their own society and grow

PS: China or Turkey are advance nations with 50-60 year of stability
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I think my explanation was reasonable

Let us not compare Afghanistan , with other nations of world
One has gone thru 40 years of war. It takes for Nations to evolve after a period of normal growth

"When a child is born , it takes them time to become PHD, similarly a new nation under new management takes time to evolve it's laws"

Travelling with Guardian is dependant on the safety of your own country's roads and streets

If you live in dangerous town , yes Guardian should travel with women. Even tourist visiting Pakistan are advised to travel with Guardian

All the best for Afghanistan hope they find the answers to their own society and grow

PS: China or Turkey are advance nations with 50-60 year of stability

The Afghan women are Conservative too. They probably welcome the new restrictions. Good point by you, It’s to stop them getting assaulted. Half the men there are homeless drug addicts and per verted to boot. It’s a way for women to be protected
I laugh when I hear people complaining about Guardian for women while travelling , this is a common practice world wide , specially in remote areas

Specially when people travel they often say please travel with friends
Lets keep this in perspective

In the US and western countries men can use women locker rooms and restrooms, men can play in women's sports, tranny men can rape girls at school, parents can chemically castrate their kids, and doctors and elementary teachers convince parents they need to cut their kids weiner off. The US govt routinely takes children away from their parents because parents won't allow their child to engage in LGBT activities. I know a family in California who gets regular visits from child protective service because child (12 yrs old) complained her parents would not allow her to engage in lesbian activities with classmates.

And just a reminder the entire world was forcing everyone to wear a facemask in public for over a year.

The western world can F off with its pretend human rights.

Edit: This article was put out for a purpose. Why? To dehumasize and keep people from protesting any future wars and political maneuvers that kill and harm Afghans. If such violent action is justified again Afghanistan by this topic then what is justified if we write the same type of articles regarding the degeneracy of the western countries?
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And, the TTP shouldn't be allowed in public without being accompanied by the Pak drones....

On a serious note, no countries are safe for women, especially at lonely places. Better to be protected than sorry.....

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