Terminator is the template of tank design for future

Devastating weaponry those twin 30s. Can only imagine the fear they will cause when firing bursts at infantry positions.
Devastating weaponry those twin 30s. Can only imagine the fear they will cause when firing bursts at infantry positions.
lol, something that slow, that loud and that blinded (you removed the tank turret means you remove your visibility from inside the tank)

Tank_support_combat_vehicle__Terminator_ (1).jpg

There is a reason why you only see 30mm on an IFV but not a tank. You won't catch me on one of those, I can tell you that much
lol, something that slow, that loud and that blinded (you removed the tank turret means you remove your visibility from inside the tank)

View attachment 57141

There is a reason why you only see 30mm on an IFV but not a tank. You won't catch me on one of those, I can tell you that much

It has quiet decent EO in fact. The removal of men from the turret makes it safer for the men. If the turret is hit, there is no casualties for the men. Having the men sitting in the hull makes them a smaller and harder target to hit.
lol, something that slow, that loud and that blinded (you removed the tank turret means you remove your visibility from inside the tank)

View attachment 57141

There is a reason why you only see 30mm on an IFV but not a tank. You won't catch me on one of those, I can tell you that much

People can hate all they want, but this is an instant morale killer with that appearance and rate of fire. I bet it's not too expensive to produce with that chassis + the survivability is apparently higher without the full turret. They can use existing ammo / maintenance parts, and I can definitely see the advantage in urban environment.
People can hate all they want, but this is an instant morale killer with that appearance and rate of fire. I bet it's not too expensive to produce with that chassis + the survivability is apparently higher without the full turret. They can use existing ammo / maintenance parts, and I can definitely see the advantage in urban environment.
This is not about hate; this is about practicality. You are talking about a tank that run on 40km/h that you can hear coming from a mile away (because it was using the same engine with a T-72) and all your crew are stucked in the bottom of the chassis which mean you need to depend on sensor to show you how you are shooting.

In an urban environment, you are going to get bunked by all the concealed position. And then what?

I can tell you this is scary in war if you ever see it as an infantry

But in reality what does that even do??
This is not about hate; this is about practicality. You are talking about a tank that run on 40km/h that you can hear coming from a mile away (because it was using the same engine with a T-72) and all your crew are stucked in the bottom of the chassis which mean you need to depend on sensor to show you how you are shooting.

In an urban environment, you are going to get bunked by all the concealed position. And then what?

I can tell you this is scary in war if you ever see it as an infantry

But in reality what does that even do??

The Terminator should be renamed to
"Putin's Sawmill." Literally chopping down trees with its guns and sheer fire power.


No matter one's personal biases, it must be acknowledged the T72 chassis is the most versatile in armoured warfare history.
Whatever its reverse speed is, it's not being capitalised on by Ukrainian forces. The firepower on this monster is too much for them.This is exactly why BMPT is terrifying and no joke in an urban combat as tank support. Imagine that shit does suppress fire on position while the other tank is reloading. NO one would dare to pop up their heads to fire anti tank rounds.
The Terminator should be renamed to
"Putin's Sawmill." Literally chopping down trees with its guns and sheer fire power.


No matter one's personal biases, it must be acknowledged the T72 chassis is the most versatile in armoured warfare history.
Whatever its reverse speed is, it's not being capitalised on by Ukrainian forces. The firepower on this monster is too much for them.This is exactly why BMPT is terrifying and no joke in an urban combat as tank support. Imagine that shit does suppress fire on position while the other tank is reloading. NO one would dare to pop up their heads to fire anti tank rounds.
First of all, 30 mike-mike can't penetrate hardened structure, which mean you can pill at a re-bar bunker all day and it won't make anything out of it. Which make it unsuitable in urban warfare. BUND line, MAYBE, and that's a big maybe, man make defensive position? You are going to get dink.

Second of all, you can't turn a T-72 turret in a quick succession, which make the tank unable to engage perpendicular target. If you have 2 RPG team shooting at you on a 70 degree or more depth of field, you gonna get dink by one or both, because your turret won't turn quick enough to engage both.

And finally, all that are pointless because the visibility is going to be atrocious, it's lucky if you can even spot thing from a far, you can't see anything if you are sitting inside the chassis, that's why you have the periscope on top of the turret, not on the front or on the side.

There is a reason why Russia made 10 of those and 3 of them are destroyed and none were ever use, I give you 3 guesses why?

Dude, you are losing your plot, I mean you used to be a reasonable person, now you are just going full Yommie.
First of all, 30 mike-mike can't penetrate hardened structure, which mean you can pill at a re-bar bunker all day and it won't make anything out of it. Which make it unsuitable in urban warfare. BUND line, MAYBE, and that's a big maybe, man make defensive position? You are going to get dink.

Second of all, you can't turn a T-72 turret in a quick succession, which make the tank unable to engage perpendicular target. If you have 2 RPG team shooting at you on a 70 degree or more depth of field, you gonna get dink by one or both, because your turret won't turn quick enough to engage both.

And finally, all that are pointless because the visibility is going to be atrocious, it's lucky if you can even spot thing from a far, you can't see anything if you are sitting inside the chassis, that's why you have the periscope on top of the turret, not on the front or on the side.

There is a reason why Russia made 10 of those and 3 of them are destroyed and none were ever use, I give you 3 guesses why?

Dude, you are losing your plot, I mean you used to be a reasonable person, now you are just going full Yommie.

Don’t be like that man. It would be like me describing you as F22 Raptor poster. Endlessly posting not listening!

No? Why do you twist the words like that? Ukraine destroyed a 3 of them by artillery fire (there is a video of that) and
Russia stopped using them.

They are meant to be used in urban combat, so that's kinda the reason why you don't see them anymore.

If used properly this thing is a great support AV. Looks great too.

There is infantry support with it. To high value be deployed all alone.
Don’t be like that man. It would be like me describing you as F22 Raptor poster. Endlessly posting not listening!

No? Why do you twist the words like that? Ukraine destroyed a 3 of them by artillery fire (there is a video of that) and
Russia stopped using them.

They are meant to be used in urban combat, so that's kinda the reason why you don't see them anymore.

If used properly this thing is a great support AV. Looks great too.

There is infantry support with it. To high value be deployed all alone.
First of all, Ukraine did not destroy 3 of them with Artillery fire.

Second of all, if they are all successful, they will be keep using them. Bear in mind, there are other urban engagement after their last use in Lysychansk (Bakhmut, Kreminina, Adviivka, Vovchansk and so on, just to name a few).

And finally, your post had not address any of the 3 point I raise, 30 mm aren't good enough to destroy fortified position, they aren't going to turn quick enough to engage different target as infantry support required (They don't bunch up together so you can shoot them all at once, you know?). And they are too low to see anything.

If they are going to be deployed with infantry, then why the hell do I not just deploy a column of tank?

As I said, it's one thing you have a thing about that tank, fair enough, if that is the case, I don't want to hear it, because it will ended up just be I am talking about my operational experience, while you talk about what you want, if this is the case, I would probably just going to save us some time
These are lighter and cost less. The missiles are also more accurate at longer distances.

This tank looks cool but is more costly to produce than IFV and did not produce desired effects in Ukraine. It might have uses in urban warfare but a well-trained infantry can do a better job in urban warfare. This tank is not a template for developing modern tanks, therefore.

General Dynamics demonstrated an Abrams prototype that is well-designed and well-equipped as per the demands of modern warfare. It is the right template for developing modern tanks and no country has shown cutting edge on its level yet.
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This tank looks cool but is more costly to produce than IFV and did not produce desired effects in Ukraine. It might have uses in urban warfare but a well-trained infantry can do a better job in urban warfare. This tank is not a template for developing modern tanks, therefore.

General Dynamics demonstrated an Abrams prototype that is well-designed and well-equipped as per the demands of modern warfare. It is the right template for developing modern tanks and no country has shown cutting edge on its level yet.

Tanks will continue to play a role in future warfare. Now. You can have wheeled ones. Or you can have tracked ones. In terms of tracked ones, Terminator is the best blueprint. It's less costly, more versatile.

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