Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Terrorism Watch

how about renaming thread to failure of ISI and PA to counter terrorism in KPK?
I have very little hope that we can sort out this mess in KPK. I have talked to many people in our military and they all concur on the entire Waziristan/ FATA areas as unsalvegeable. Its the murder capital of our country this kpk. Thousands of homicides annually guys. Most go unreported. With millions of illegal afghani in the mix, its a real train wreck.
I have very little hope that we can sort out this mess in KPK. I have talked to many people in our military and they all concur on the entire Waziristan/ FATA areas as unsalvegeable. Its the murder capital of our country this kpk. Thousands of homicides annually guys. Most go unreported. With millions of illegal afghani in the mix, its a real train wreck.
The people there don't want to change, they don't want to obey laws or get a education for their daughters

It's just hick hillbilly land

You could leave them to it if they weren't so violent and spread deshatgardi
Generously use drones of all sorts, and victory is yours.....

The problem isn't military power or drones

The problem is the Afghans hide amongst our tribal population, who whilst being citizens are the same ethnicity as the Afghans and even connected by tribe etc

So at best they turn the other cheek to any TTP activity, and at worst they actively hide them amongst their families and homes and supply them with intelligence and support

So a terrorist may shoot at police and then drop gun and melt away amongst the local crowd who won't say anything or give them up

Security services are stuck trying not kill innocents or antagonize locals at the same time trying to track down the terrorists who won't stop causing fassad even though Pakistan helped them kick out the U.S and hosted millions of refugees for Decades
The problem isn't military power or drones

The problem is the Afghans hide amongst our tribal population, who whilst being citizens are the same ethnicity as the Afghans and even connected by tribe etc

So at best they turn the other cheek to any TTP activity, and at worst they actively hide them amongst their families and homes and supply them with intelligence and support

So a terrorist may shoot at police and then drop gun and melt away amongst the local crowd who won't say anything or give them up

Security services are stuck trying not kill innocents or antagonize locals at the same time trying to track down the terrorists who won't stop causing fassad even though Pakistan helped them kick out the U.S and hosted millions of refugees for Decades
Rules are there to be changed. Hopefully, the Pak Deep State would deploy its own "Great Game", in cooperation with China of course, to reverse the tide of events in Afganistan to its favor. If the terrorists are supported by a populace then they're a part of it. And, they should be ready to take the full brunt of the rage. The warlords and the tribal leaders inside Afganistan need to choose a side this time.....

To be honest I have been convincing myself the Pak Deep State wouldn't miss such a grand geo-strategic opportunity, a result of the "Perfect Storm" blowing out of an unprecedented inter Super Powers rivalry, that comes once in a century! And, to my satisfaction the first stone has been thrown. Let the "History" speak for itself.....

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