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The curious case of Punjabi Nationalist Accounts on Twitter Peddling hate against Pakistani Pushtuns.

Sainthood 2.0

Elite Member
Jul 23, 2021
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This is the only solution for 90% of these low IQ dumb f's
If they're real that is
I definitely think that there's something inorganic going on here but I can't pinpoint it tbvh
Till I don't have a logical answer I'd shut my mouth

MS Sandhu

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Dec 16, 2023
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Don't be surprised at this many of these are genuine. We had posters on here from nationalist Punjabi backgrounds yelling for the extermination of Azad Kashmiris during the recent protests. One I banned for a long time.

When your king is Ranjit Singh, the rest of the other Pakistani people don't matter.

On the topic of the accounts they are not army sources but supporters of Punjabi supremacism, who also support PMLN.
There is nothing wrong with liking/disliking Ranjit Singh since he is a part of Punjabian History.
I personally like him for taking the war out of Punjab Borders but dislike him for failing to groom a proper leadership to carry on his legacy since even an idiot will know British Threat was there and any hint of weakness can lead Punjab to slavery.

Now coming back to topic, Punjab is a nation of 100M+ People.There will obviously be some bad people vomiting out their internal "khurk" against Pushtoons or other nations
Still if you see the general public sentiment of Punjabians, we are very accomodative and our culture is diverse enough to absorb different ethnicities into single entity.
I have many students from KP region.They are fluent Punjabi speakers.Why they learn our language & culture so fast?
B/C we are interactive enough with people from different regions of Pakistan to give them a chance of smooth absorption into our culture.

So given the overall positive-ness of Punjabians,i will just ignore this nonsense from some bad guys if I were a Pushtoon to judge.

Sainthood 2.0

Elite Member
Jul 23, 2021
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There is nothing wrong with liking/disliking Ranjit Singh since he is a part of Punjabian History.
I personally like him for taking the war out of Punjab Borders but dislike him for failing to groom a proper leadership to carry on his legacy since even an idiot will know British Threat was there and any hint of weakness can lead Punjab to slavery.

Now coming back to topic, Punjab is a nation of 100M+ People.There will obviously be some bad people vomiting out their internal "khurk" against Pushtoons or other nations
Still if you see the general public sentiment of Punjabians, we are very accomodative and our culture is diverse enough to absorb different ethnicities into single entity.
I have many students from KP region.They are fluent Punjabi speakers.Why they learn our language & culture so fast?
B/C we are interactive enough with people from different regions of Pakistan to give them a chance of smooth absorption into our culture.

So given the overall positive-ness of Punjabians,i will just ignore this nonsense from some bad guys if I were a Pushtoon to judge.
Respectfully, Your whole paragraph is so beyond stupid that I feel like we can't discuss it in public
PM me

Also stop calling it nation, it's such an ick
Ethnic group not a nation as they're teaching everyone in Pakistani universities nowadays

Sainthood 2.0

Elite Member
Jul 23, 2021
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Don't be surprised at this many of these are genuine. We had posters on here from nationalist Punjabi backgrounds yelling for the extermination of Azad Kashmiris during the recent protests. One I banned for a long time.
Plenty of things pahari nationalists say too
Easy to pin point everything on one group when it's bigger in numbers thus magnifying a minority portion of a society


Sep 14, 2006
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Plenty of things pahari nationalists say too
Easy to pin point everything on one group when it's bigger in numbers thus magnifying a minority portion of a society

Yes they do and I often put such nationalists in their places, but in my opinion these folk are more reactionary.
With the recent protests there wasn't, and I have the entire thread at hand. Not once did anyone from Azad Kashmir utter anything against Pakistan but we had many comments about 'crushing them' from the other side.
Also no one really uses the term 'Pahari nationalist' as variations of this are spoken outside AJK.


Sep 14, 2006
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There is nothing wrong with liking/disliking Ranjit Singh since he is a part of Punjabian History.
I personally like him for taking the war out of Punjab Borders but dislike him for failing to groom a proper leadership to carry on his legacy since even an idiot will know British Threat was there and any hint of weakness can lead Punjab to slavery.

Now coming back to topic, Punjab is a nation of 100M+ People.There will obviously be some bad people vomiting out their internal "khurk" against Pushtoons or other nations
Still if you see the general public sentiment of Punjabians, we are very accomodative and our culture is diverse enough to absorb different ethnicities into single entity.
I have many students from KP region.They are fluent Punjabi speakers.Why they learn our language & culture so fast?
B/C we are interactive enough with people from different regions of Pakistan to give them a chance of smooth absorption into our culture.

So given the overall positive-ness of Punjabians,i will just ignore this nonsense from some bad guys if I were a Pushtoon to judge.

Ranjit is hated and was an invader to us, and we fought numerous battles against him. He treated anything outside Punjab's heartlands with contempt, this including oppression of people in AJK, the Hindko Pashtun speaking regions, khyber pakhtunkhwa, the Northern Areas, and of course Jammu/Kashmir, which he handed over to the Dogras as a gift. They then hilariously stabbed his decedents in the back, hand in hand with the British ending his empire.

People under him banned the Adhan in Kashmir, cow slaughter was forbidden, mosques built by the moghuls were ruined etc. That being said he did treat Punjabi Muslims well, had mosques built in the memory of his Punjabi Muslim wives and so on, but again refer to my earlier mention of his good treatment to fellow Punjabis;

The rest you are spot on about, these bad apples should be ignored. However it must be said that these people have become more vocal and are more prominent because they have been empowered.

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