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Iran Foreign Policy and Doctrine


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Jan 18, 2024
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Trump is too much of a wild card, the republican establishment will once again fill his cabinet with necon monsters like Bolton and Pompeo.

He fired Bolton for being obsessed with bombing Iran. He said it himself. Said John liked war too much.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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He fired Bolton for being obsessed with bombing Iran. He said it himself. Said John liked war too much.
he didn't fire Pompeo though and General McKenzie's book suggests Trump chose the most aggressive option presented (assassinating Soleimani) when many in the military didn't expect him to. Pompeo was just at this year's "Free Iran" event promising regime change in Iran while Trump a few days ago publicly said we do not want regime change in Iran. Pompeo and Nikki Haley (the most whitewashed Indian on earth) are the most dangerous ministers for Iran IMO. Kushner too maybe since he is very close to Israel although we haven't seen him focus on Iran much.

Trump doesn't want full war but he will do drastic actions to prove American strength and punish enemies. the most confusing part about Trump is that he continues to say (and think) that he was on the cusp of a deal with Iran. the idea Khamenei would sanction a deal with Trump after he ordered the murder of Soleimani is laughable


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Jan 18, 2024
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the idea Khamenei would sanction a deal with Trump after he ordered the murder of Soleimani is laughable

The most baffling thing was Khamenei negotiating with Obama and not a Republican President.

Somehow Iran forgot it’s own revolution, when it refused to negotiate with Carter and negotiated multiple deals with Reagan. And Reagan was keen to bring Iran back into its security umbrella.

Yet decades later Iran shunned Republican presidents. Makes zero sense trusting the liberal factions of America with an agreement when the conservative factions hold too much sway over American people.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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The most baffling thing was Khamenei negotiating with Obama and not a Republican President.

Somehow Iran forgot it’s own revolution, when it refused to negotiate with Carter and negotiated multiple deals with Reagan. And Reagan was keen to bring Iran back into its security umbrella.

Yet decades later Iran shunned Republican presidents. Makes zero sense trusting the liberal factions of America with an agreement when the conservative factions hold too much sway over American people.
I don't really agree. Republicans have shunned diplomacy with Iran, not vice versa. Iran is a toxic issue in American politics and that has been led by Republicans who are bent on regime change and pleasing their Zionist donors, they don't actually care about diplomacy to reduce the scope of Iranian enrichment.

In 2015 the deal made sense, and most people expected a subsequent Republican administration to uphold the deal. Nobody expected a wildcard like Trump to come into power and tear up every treaty and deal he could lay his hands on (even then, it took Trump a few years to actually withdraw the US from the deal).

To reach a deal with the Republicans is not going to be possible. And even if Iran reaches a deal with Trump (impossible after he ordered the killing of Soleimani) there is no guarantee a future Republican administration won't also renege on that.

The best thing for Iran to be doing now is to build up its nuclear leverage as much and as fast as possible. If we are going to negotiate, at least negotiate from a position of strength.


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Jul 7, 2016
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The most baffling thing was Khamenei negotiating with Obama and not a Republican President.

Somehow Iran forgot it’s own revolution, when it refused to negotiate with Carter and negotiated multiple deals with Reagan. And Reagan was keen to bring Iran back into its security umbrella.

Yet decades later Iran shunned Republican presidents. Makes zero sense trusting the liberal factions of America with an agreement when the conservative factions hold too much sway over American people.
There never will be a deal that will benefit Iran and its policies regardless of the resident party.


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Jul 7, 2016
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I don't really agree. Republicans have shunned diplomacy with Iran, not vice versa. Iran is a toxic issue in American politics and that has been led by Republicans who are bent on regime change and pleasing their Zionist donors, they don't actually care about diplomacy to reduce the scope of Iranian enrichment.

In 2015 the deal made sense, and most people expected a subsequent Republican administration to uphold the deal. Nobody expected a wildcard like Trump to come into power and tear up every treaty and deal he could lay his hands on (even then, it took Trump a few years to actually withdraw the US from the deal).

To reach a deal with the Republicans is not going to be possible. And even if Iran reaches a deal with Trump (impossible after he ordered the killing of Soleimani) there is no guarantee a future Republican administration won't also renege on that.

The best thing for Iran to be doing now is to build up its nuclear leverage as much and as fast as possible. If we are going to negotiate, at least negotiate from a position of strength.
CORRECT! No Iranian party can unilaterally ease relations. It takes two to dance. Iranians that believe that it can be done 'sareshoon booyeh ghormehsabzi meedeh'.

As for the 'nuclear leverage', that train left the station a long time ago. It's impossible to 'roll back' which is another reason why the US is reticent giving any points to Iran. So that door is also closed permanently--there is no longer any 'leverage' other than test a detonate device or not.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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CORRECT! No Iranian party can unilaterally ease relations. It takes two to dance. Iranians that believe that it can be done 'sareshoon booyeh ghormehsabzi meedeh'.

As for the 'nuclear leverage', that train left the station a long time ago. It's impossible to 'roll back' which is another reason why the US is reticent giving any points to Iran. So that door is also closed permanently--there is no longer any 'leverage' other than test a detonate device or not.
The status quo heavily favours the US and means they have no incentive to engage in diplomacy with Iran to even restore the JCPOA (as we saw with the US imposing new conditions as redlines even if it meant not restoring the JCPOA with Raisi).

The idea of maximising nuclear leverage short of a nuclear test is to change the US calculus so that it favours restoring the JCPOA or a similar deal, instead of maintaining the status quo where Iran has a relatively small enrichment capability with mostly old centrifuges and remains under a de facto UN economic blockade.


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Jan 18, 2024
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I don't really agree. Republicans have shunned diplomacy with Iran, not vice versa. Iran is a toxic issue in American politics and that has been led by Republicans who are bent on regime change and pleasing their Zionist donors, they don't actually care about diplomacy to reduce the scope of Iranian enrichment.

In 2015 the deal made sense, and most people expected a subsequent Republican administration to uphold the deal. Nobody expected a wildcard like Trump to come into power and tear up every treaty and deal he could lay his hands on (even then, it took Trump a few years to actually withdraw the US from the deal).

To reach a deal with the Republicans is not going to be possible. And even if Iran reaches a deal with Trump (impossible after he ordered the killing of Soleimani) there is no guarantee a future Republican administration won't also renege on that.

The best thing for Iran to be doing now is to build up its nuclear leverage as much and as fast as possible. If we are going to negotiate, at least negotiate from a position of strength.

CORRECT! No Iranian party can unilaterally ease relations. It takes two to dance. Iranians that believe that it can be done 'sareshoon booyeh ghormehsabzi meedeh'.

As for the 'nuclear leverage', that train left the station a long time ago. It's impossible to 'roll back' which is another reason why the US is reticent giving any points to Iran. So that door is also closed permanently--there is no longer any 'leverage' other than test a detonate device or not.

Iran negotiating a deal (not even a treaty btw) with the democrats was DUMB! It was going to be torn up because it was not a Republican achievement

The only REASON Trump wanted to tear up the deal was because Obama and Biden negotiated it. If a fellow Republican had negotiated it they wouldn’t tear it up. And the Republican Party won’t rip up a trump era deal nor will democrats. That’s how much power republicans have in the power structure.

They haven’t ripped up Trump era tax cuts nor did they remove the tariffs he placed on China after criticizing him his entire term for using tariffs and saying it was ANTI global economics. Funny how that works?

If iran is even seeking to negotiate with the US (we don’t know for sure) then any deal MUST be wirh republicans. If you cannot get Republicans on board with a “fair deal” then FORGET SIGNING ANYTHING.

I hope Iran understands this simple concept next time around. Now I don’t know if Iran plans on negotiating again or if it’s a slow and steady sprint to becoming a nuclear weapons power after Khamenai passes away.

Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Iran negotiating a deal (not even a treaty btw) with the democrats was DUMB! It was going to be torn up because it was not a Republican achievement
pretty sure Treaty needs a majority in Congress to pass whereas this agreement just needed to not get more than 60 votes against it to survive, and even that was a stretch. imagine the pressure AIPAC will put on American politicians to vote against a TREATY with Iran.

The only REASON Trump wanted to tear up the deal was because Obama and Biden negotiated it. If a fellow Republican had negotiated it they wouldn’t tear it up. And the Republican Party won’t rip up a trump era deal nor will democrats. That’s how much power republicans have in the power structure.
Trump hated the Iran deal because he thinks he can do better and because his biggest donors are mega Zionists like Sheldon Adelson whose number 1 issue is Israel/Iran.

They haven’t ripped up Trump era tax cuts nor did they remove the tariffs he placed on China after criticizing him his entire term for using tariffs and saying it was ANTI global economics. Funny how that works?
I am not worried about Democrats tearing up Trump deals, but Republicans

If iran is even seeking to negotiate with the US (we don’t know for sure) then any deal MUST be wirh republicans. If you cannot get Republicans on board with a “fair deal” then FORGET SIGNING ANYTHING.

I hope Iran understands this simple concept next time around. Now I don’t know if Iran plans on negotiating again or if it’s a slow and steady sprint to becoming a nuclear weapons power after Khamenai passes away.
As I said above, Republicans have shunned diplomacy with Iran, not vice versa. Iran is a toxic issue in American politics and that has been led by Republicans who are bent on regime change and pleasing their Zionist donors, they don't actually care about diplomacy to reduce the scope of Iranian enrichment.

The idea that Iran will be able to negotiate a TREATY with the Republican Party is borderline insanity. There is simply zero incentive for those guys to agree to it. Their political existence is predicated on opposition to Iran.


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2016
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Iran negotiating a deal (not even a treaty btw) with the democrats was DUMB! It was going to be torn up because it was not a Republican achievement

The only REASON Trump wanted to tear up the deal was because Obama and Biden negotiated it. If a fellow Republican had negotiated it they wouldn’t tear it up. And the Republican Party won’t rip up a trump era deal nor will democrats. That’s how much power republicans have in the power structure.

They haven’t ripped up Trump era tax cuts nor did they remove the tariffs he placed on China after criticizing him his entire term for using tariffs and saying it was ANTI global economics. Funny how that works?

If iran is even seeking to negotiate with the US (we don’t know for sure) then any deal MUST be wirh republicans. If you cannot get Republicans on board with a “fair deal” then FORGET SIGNING ANYTHING.

I hope Iran understands this simple concept next time around. Now I don’t know if Iran plans on negotiating again or if it’s a slow and steady sprint to becoming a nuclear weapons power after Khamenai passes away.
Incorrect. No deal is possible regardless of party. Worse if (impossibly) a deal we’re made it could and would be torn up by a subsequent party. US will not pay penalties for this. Period.

No negotiations ending in a profitable deal are possible. Thinking otherwise is the height of stupidity.

No negotiations. Move on.


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2016
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pretty sure Treaty needs a majority in Congress to pass whereas this agreement just needed to not get more than 60 votes against it to survive, and even that was a stretch. imagine the pressure AIPAC will put on American politicians to vote against a TREATY with Iran.

Trump hated the Iran deal because he thinks he can do better and because his biggest donors are mega Zionists like Sheldon Adelson whose number 1 issue is Israel/Iran.

I am not worried about Democrats tearing up Trump deals, but Republicans

As I said above, Republicans have shunned diplomacy with Iran, not vice versa. Iran is a toxic issue in American politics and that has been led by Republicans who are bent on regime change and pleasing their Zionist donors, they don't actually care about diplomacy to reduce the scope of Iranian enrichment.

The idea that Iran will be able to negotiate a TREATY with the Republican Party is borderline insanity. There is simply zero incentive for those guys to agree to it. Their political existence is predicated on opposition to Iran.
Forget Treaties. These are US rules upheld and easily broken by the US. The US cannot be trusted by the very nature of its political system. Ever.

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