The End Game Against Terrorism

Do it, do what the Iranians have done in their areas

Create basic expectations as citizens, humans and Muslims that can't be crossed

No excuse of poverty, or jobs is tolerable when you behave like some sort of wild animal or monster

Do it now, or they will go from targeting innocent people on busses to killing kids in schools
Nothing of any great significance will happen. Ground troops will continue to die, Punjabis will continue to be taken off buses and slaughtered and infrastructure attacked.

They were so eager to send in the Punjab Rangers into AJK which nearly triggered a civil war, but here we see entire massacres being carried out and just hot air statements.
Dummy PM, releasing empty statements. He couldn't handle wheat prices despite the surplus. How can he support the army when he can't handle the economy, public narrative and political set-up?

IMF has refused to release the next instalment and conditioned it to gather 1-2 billion $ first (economy).

He is delaying Islamabad local elections as PTI can win and he will lose his territory (ICT) as Punjab is in his niece's hands (that is his public persona). Let's not start from 47 things.

For set-up. they are daily dragged into courts for filing illegal cases. Sometimes, an SHO refuses PM's and court orders and doesn't release a prisoner let meet their relative, or file an FIR.
Dummy PM will support army by polishing their
Nothing of any great significance will happen. Ground troops will continue to die, Punjabis will continue to be taken off buses and slaughtered and infrastructure attacked.

They were so eager to send in the Punjab Rangers into AJK which nearly triggered a civil war, but here we see entire massacres being carried out and just hot air statements.

What is the best solution and way to move forward?
Nothing of any great significance will happen. Ground troops will continue to die, Punjabis will continue to be taken off buses and slaughtered and infrastructure attacked.

They were so eager to send in the Punjab Rangers into AJK which nearly triggered a civil war, but here we see entire massacres being carried out and just hot air statements.
Well to be fair, I'm hearing the same language as after APS tragedy.
Then a PAF Air attache but now a very senior officer told me that, the culprits have now crossed the line and now same sentiments are being shown.
Baluchistan doesn't grow much in the way of fruits and vegetables thus depends on other parts, that's what mostly those trucks were transporting that were burned down. That was livelihood for many locals as well who are now also demanding stiff action against the culprits.
Well to be fair, I'm hearing the same language as after APS tragedy.
Then a PAF Air attache but now a very senior officer told me that, the culprits have now crossed the line and now same sentiments are being shown.
Baluchistan doesn't grow much in the way of fruits and vegetables thus depends on other parts, that's what mostly those trucks were transporting that were burned down. That was livelihood for many locals as well who are now also demanding stiff action against the culprits.

Bro heard it all before. Pakistan is far weaker than it was during the APS horror. The people have no faith in the politicians and even less so in the military. Something has to give now.
The dismemberment of the BLA is the first step, and I mean literally.
But very importantly, this is dependent upon local law enforcement pointing out who is BLA and who is a civilian that keeps self protection arms at home. This is why the threats the BLA made was to local law enforcement not to support the army. Also those that support the government must have their economic activities protected while the economic activities of the miscreants (smuggling and narcotics trafficking) need to stopped.

Pakistan should probably look to the Turks (Gendarmerie and Army) to advise on how to handle such a large area COIN mission, considering their experience dealing with the PKK. Pakistan needs to know how much force protection (use of MRAPs for example) is the right amount, so as not to become bogged down in COIN by the Indians the way the Indian army is bogged down in Kashmir doing COIN. Pakistan needs to be careful not to alienate the regular local civilian population with a rash heavy counter response or a prolonged state of tension.

While not satisfying, working quietly to map the human terrain of the miscreants and eliminating them is the most sensible way, along side economic development and force protection to maintain movement of all Pakistanis (and allowed foreign visitors) in Baluchistan.

All other methods are standard COIN, classic Garula, such as preventing funding and munitions as well as coordination from coming into the region from abroad, but the key will be local people providing human intelligence of who is who.

Ending the political problems at the national level will also free up law enforcement and political resources and focus to deal with the BLA threat effectively instead of half-heartedly, at best.

P.S. Wajahat Khan gives good insight, especially considering he is from Quetta (and had a father who was in the police, and from what I remember, laid down his life in the line of duty) of real solutions. From 29:50 onwards (P.s. he mentions that Emirati money may also be funding the efforts against Gwadar, so we have to remember that this is also an economic competition)

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If we hang all these sardars upside down and beat them to near death, they’ll all tell us where the BLA bastards are hiding.

Problem is our federal gubment is not interested in this solution.

Anybody can see right thru this farce. It’s gone on for so long it’s not funny anymore.

You’d have to be retarded to believe any other narrative that the sardars don’t know who is in their area specially considering how sparsely populated balochistan is.
Bro heard it all before. Pakistan is far weaker than it was during the APS horror. The people have no faith in the politicians and even less so in the military. Something has to give now.
You could say that due to certain realities but something was already in the pipeline to tackle this menace , recall Army Chiefs address to PMA and the events of past two days have only given more justification to the operation.
Two delusional @Lulldapull @CombatCorner, they want to hang sardars who Establishment feed. and the other one is relying on papa COAS.

two low lifer, who have no idea how the world works.
Get these rental Jarnail back in barracks, give power to the local government.. but Jarnails wont give it up because they want to plunder resources of Pakistan. T

There is no end game till jarnails are reigned in.
Oh really, wonder why people are saying that it's the Feudal Land Lords, waders, the Sardars who are keeping people oppressed to maintain their grip and power. Army is not against say girls going to schools and Unis. Didn't the Bhuttos turn one of the schools into a Buffalo farm or something.

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