The End Game Against Terrorism

Operation massive chittrol incoming. 😊. All the terrorists and their sympathisers will get a fitting response.
We have been having these operations since early 2000s, the menace of terrorism is still here, almost makes someone think that they are a facade.
We have been having these operations since early 2000s, the menace of terrorism is still here, almost makes someone think that they are a facade.
Problem is complex, root cause needs to be addressed.
Problem is complex, root cause needs to be addressed.

The root problem is to up-end the tribal system. It seriously needs to go, as it's not viable in the current and future centuries. It's practically a state within a state where these local lords command a standing army to blackmail the center and mentally and physically kill their own.
I'm just appalled by the cultural/ political infiltration of Al-Yahuday into the Shahi ranks. This you can see in their music vidz produced in LA. It's like a gypsy festival of semites.


You like gypsy semites? kamel jaaky? or guppu Azeri moghal? or do you believe Iran is Haaryundzz today? how bout dalit converts? :p

You need to make up your mind.

I know everythang doc.......

Look at the music Shahi Iranis producing in da LA.

Gypsy dancin round no?

Coludd peepal doc.......Coludd peepal eating muska bun and thanking da aaal mightty no? on western suppott?.........:p

Soweet aass no?

Iran k lundd lugg gaey hain. Whole country infiltrated with bhungi.

Irans long fucked!


It needs a nahn navahrvanu (cleaning ritual wash and re-consecration).

It needs a nahn navahrvanu (cleaning ritual wash and re-consecration).
That’s not going to be easy…….once infiltrated, it’s already late cancer stage!

Half the country is bhangi now. The Zionist cultural penetration is deep. Hur koi ander ghuns aaya hae.

How can you cleanse now? Bhangion ko kon nikalay ga ab?


Total disgrace now.
Thread marked for clean up.
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Various off topic posts deleted on the last two pages. Members are reminded to stay on topic, avoid personal attacks.

Same old c******** . Two decades and counting and we are always back to square one. These dungers in GHQ needs to be put to firing squads for utter and sheer incompetence only, without even going into them poking their noses into political affairs and regime change in cooperation with external powers who are not well wishers of Pakistan by any stretch of imagination. Pakistan was smooth sailing, stability, economy and law and order, international affairs and clout, but no, these rats in GHQ had to fk up things.

There has to be complete cleansing within GHQ, new personal with new ideas with sole focus on the jobs they are entrusted with (as per Jinnah's directive).
Do it, do what the Iranians have done in their areas

Create basic expectations as citizens, humans and Muslims that can't be crossed

No excuse of poverty, or jobs is tolerable when you behave like some sort of wild animal or monster

Do it now, or they will go from targeting innocent people on busses to killing kids in schools
I agree with you. There is no excuse for criminal or terrorist activity. There is always a way to become good again and lead a useful life.

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