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The EU has revised its proposed tariffs on Chinese EVs… but only in the slightest

Hamartia Antidote

Elite Member
Nov 17, 2013
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A new report states that the European Union has slightly tweaked its proposed tariffs on imported EVs from certain Chinese automakers after those companies divulged more details of their businesses. The tariff cuts are marginal but could offer a shred of hope that the EU is still willing to negotiate said duties before they are imposed next week.

Another week, another chapter in the ongoing bluster of a potential trade war following proposed tariffs by the EU on Chinese-built EVs entering the region.

In a recent report, the EU has eased its proposed tariffs for some Chinese EV automakers, but only by mere percentage points.

EU reduces proposed tariffs for SAIC and Geely​

According to a recent Bloomberg report, the EU has reduced some tariffs on Chinese EVs after receiving more information from automakers as part of its anti-subsidy probe. The news comes from someone familiar with the matter who spoke under the condition of maintaining anonymity.

Per the report, the following Chinese automakers will see reduced duties on EVs imported into the European market:

  • SAIC: 37.6% (Previously 38.1%) :ROFLMAO:
  • Geely Automobile Holding: 19.9% (Previously 20%) :ROFLMAO:
As you can see, the reduced tariff percentages are marginal but better than nothing, we suppose. The revised proposed tariffs will add to the existing 10% duty in the EU and apply to the other Chinese automakers—those who cooperated with the anti-subsidy and those who didn’t. Those proposed tariffs are an additional 20.8% (weight average duty) and 37.6% levy, respectively.

Rising EV automaker Build Your Dreams (BYD) was also mentioned in the EU tariff reduction report but will see no change to its proposed duties, which will be 17.4% if and when those tariffs take effect next.


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2017
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Chinese car will destroy the entire European automotive industry.

Chinese car is much much bigger threat than Japanese and Korean cars.

That's why Europe needs to protect their automotive industry because it's the lifeline of Europe.

Probably some people here disbelief what I say, that's because they never see or ride Chinese car before.

Even car reviewer in my country doesn't dare to compare Chinese car vs Japanese car vs Korean car, because it's not an equal comparison.

Yes, even car reviewers are censoring themselves, can you imagine this???

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