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Ties with Russia


Elite Member
Sep 24, 2018
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Trade seems to be the top priority for the PM and trade is what he has offered to Russia too​

By Editorial Board
Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif is busy conducting diplomacy. His most recent overtures have been to Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit, marking a significant step towards revitalizing Pakistan-Russia relations. Trade seems to be the top priority for the PM and trade is what he has offered to Russia too. By advocating for the reintroduction of a barter trade system, PM Shehbaz not only seeks to circumvent existing financial and banking challenges but also aims to strengthen bilateral trade. The historical context of Pakistan-Russia trade relations underscores the potential benefits of such a system. This renewed focus on strengthening bilateral ties is not an isolated development. During Imran Khan’s tenure as prime minister, Pakistan also made significant strides in building a more robust relationship with Russia. In fact, Imran’s visit to Russia became a source of much contention.

In an era where economic sanctions and financial restrictions can impede traditional trade mechanisms, a barter system offers a pragmatic solution. It enables countries to trade goods and services directly, bypassing the complexities of international financial transactions. For Pakistan, this could mean a more stable and resilient trade relationship with Russia, one that is less susceptible to external economic pressures. And we all know that in ties with Russia, external pressures would be many. Currently, the bilateral trade between Pakistan and Russia stands at approximately $1 billion. By expanding trade, Pakistan can secure essential commodities such as energy and agricultural products, which are crucial for its economic stability and growth. The strategic importance of Pakistan-Russia relations cannot be overstated. In a global landscape characterized by shifting alliances and geopolitical tensions, maintaining and strengthening ties with Russia is a matter of walking a very tightrope. PM Shehbaz’s emphasis on the non-contingent nature of these relations – driven neither by geopolitical compulsions nor influenced by other nations’ relationships – highlights a commitment to an independent and mutually beneficial partnership. Energy security is a critical concern for Pakistan, and Russia’s willingness to support Pakistan’s energy needs is a testament to the deepening trust and collaboration between the two countries. Further advancements in this sector could have far-reaching implications for Pakistan’s economic stability and growth.

The positive trajectory of Pakistan-Russia relations in recent years is a testament to the diplomatic efforts from both sides. President Putin’s acknowledgment of the ‘excellent’ bilateral relations and his proposal to enhance cooperation in sectors such as power, agriculture, and food security, further solidifies this partnership. Such collaboration can provide Pakistan with much-needed support in critical areas, ensuring food security and energy sustainability. PM Shehbaz’s broader diplomatic engagements at the SCO summit, including meetings with leaders from Uzbekistan, Turkiye, and Azerbaijan, reflect a concerted effort to bolster regional connectivity and cooperation. However, while the prospects of a barter trade system with Russia are promising, the success of this initiative will depend on the meticulous implementation of agreed-upon terms and the political will to sustain such arrangements. Both countries must ensure transparency, efficiency, and mutual benefit in their dealings to foster long-term trust and cooperation.

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