Trump threatens the biggest mass deportations in history

Check this out folks. He's getting desperate. The establishment favors Kamala Harris, so Trump sahb can smell it. He's losing it now and will say anything to boost himself:

Actually, he is doing fine. Though I do not like the guy at all but he is doing fine. He and Harris are going neck to neck with him having a little advantage after Kennedy withdrew as an independent..
It is going to be a whole lot of fun. America never disappoints.
Mubarak Hussain Obama broke the world record in his two terms by deporting well over 6 million people. This Trump showman can never beat obama’s record.

Very true. I often don't believe what Trump says. However, I absolutely believe that Trump serves our cause very well.
Deportations don't work. It's been tried before.
You know he’s pandering to that peculiar demographic in the middle of the country. Desperation central bhai. He knows kamala Harris laughing donkey is the favorite of the establishment…..he’s sensing the elections goin be rigged…….

They’ll use the same algorithm bro, just like last time……voting machine goes……..bhurrrrrr vhurrrrr…..clunk klunkkk……

We got a winner here…..

Check this out folks. He's getting desperate. The establishment favors Kamala Harris, so Trump sahb can smell it. He's losing it now and will say anything to boost himself:

No, actually this is not surprising as he already did mass deportations back in 2019
The Trump administration said on Monday it will expand and speed up deportations of migrants who enter the United States illegally by stripping away court oversight, enabling officials to remove people in days rather than months or years.
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Campaign rhetoric. Presidents are always limited by the SCOTUS.

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