Turks celebrate 50th anniversary of Cyprus Peace Operation

Everyone here needs to learn about the history of Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. It is incredible how native Turk Cypriots were on the brink of extermination by Greek supremacists wanting to achieve "Enosis" throughout the 1950s, 60s and early 70s. It is an incredibly inspiring story.

After living peacefully on the island for nearly 5 centuries under Ottomans the Greeks decided to act like depraved animals once the British empire collapsed and they couldn't hold the Greeks back any longer. Turkiye was forced to intervene after ethnic cleansing began by Greek supremacists. Operation Attilla came in 2 waves due to months pause for diplomatic efforts. The first wave secured a beach head at Pentemilli on July 20, 1974 and captured the adjacent Turkish majority town of Guenyeli two days later. A ceasefire of sorts was declared for talks but the Greeks never respected it.

The 2nd wave of Turkish forces landed on August 14, 1974 when the Turks realized they were being lied to by the entire world during the meetings held in Europe, and gave the green light for sending a lot more troops and carving out what we see today as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cypress (TRNC).

Even as the Greek commandos and Cypriot National Guard retreated from the Turkish intantry, paratroopers, and Cypriot Mujahideen, they stopped on the way in Turkish villages to put the women and children in mass graves... thousands were killed and still missing. On the battlefield the Turks really destroyed the Greeks, conservative estimates are 2,500 Turkish KIA and 6,500 Greeks but the Greek number is closer to 10,000 due to many civilian volunteers who were part of racial supremacist gangs and got ambushed in the first wave as they were pointed out by local Turk Cypriots.

In hindsight they should have kept pushing and at the time Greece was highly unstable, multiple regimes and military juntas collapsing with a very disorganized military. Turkiye would have took Athens in 2 weeks. The hospitability and generosity shown by Muslims in war time is highly noble and would not be a priority of mine personally. I would have bulldozed every last Greek off that island. Keep in mind this happened as a reaction to Turks being treated like Palestinians.

Nobody but Turkiye officially recognizes TRNC. I recommend if you can afford it to vacation here because it is very affordable, clean and friendly... while the southern part of the island is part of the European Union they are triple the price and crowded, suffering from a complete lack of tourism. There are many unique and jaw dropping things you can find in TRNC, it is rich with Ottoman history as well as ancient Greek history.

As for the future I know for sure that TRNC do NOT want to pursue the Koffi Annan plan or any UN garbage like that which may suddenly be squeezed out of their bowels due to Ukraine related developments and consequences. Having a unified state with rotating control only works in the deluded minds of upper middle class neoliberal scholars who forget to take into equation the virulent racism inherent in Christian extremist populations. The Turkish Cypriots were ready to even let the first leader be a Greek Cypriot, to share power evenly. Greek Cypriots didn't want this, didn't do anything to work for a resolution and treating the Turks as even equal humans. They got accepted into the European Union while TRNC sits as a completely isolated social pariah. Greeks got rewarded for ethnic cleansing and losing a war and Cypriot Turks have to rely on handouts from Turkiye. Inshallah the Turkish Republic of Cyprus will be unified in the future but the least we can do as humans is to recognize the TRNC and aid her development and security.

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