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UK Elections 2024: Labour Wins


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Seriously, you think US election is revelent?

On one hand you have an old man who can't even form word sentences and remember which country he was talking about. On the other you have a guy who hell bend on being a dictator and the Supreme Court of the United State had just entertained that idea and grant President, present and future immunity.

Which way should you swing??
I meant the forming of a new political influence is new and interesting.

But yea otherwise I agree in your cynicism and general point


Oct 24, 2012
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I meant the forming of a new political influence is new and interesting.

But yea otherwise I agree in your cynicism and general point
It probably ain't going to be viable to form a new political influence, not when the 2 parties are not viable to begin with.

US election is a lot more different than the UK, unlike the UK, where you form a government by the majority party, you basically need to get all 3 (Office of the President, Congress and Senate) line up in the US before you can get anything done, otherwise it's just one head talk to another. Bi-partisanism is a very big tradition in the US, to a point where the entire Election Collage system was built on that. So, you won't have one party leading all the governmental bodies, which basically make any political movement moot.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Braverman is NOT mixed race. She is 100% racially indian/dravidian.
Bro, please understand that the pertinent point is not that she is Indian, I doubt she has ever defined herself as the same sort of Indian as the rest, everyone here is doing that.

The point is that she is a brown person willing to play the script. So she shields the party from racism, promotes you know who, whilst demonising Muslims in the culture war.

She realises this is the gamez realises she can thrive so she play's the role.

She is not even a politician most her career, someone gave her a push, to me that suggests an opportunist over an ideologue. You can't keep saying Indian this Indian that

Btw, there is a Tory MP who is supporting the Hindu manifesto and agenda in the UK, are you even aware lol

Let's see...


Full Member
May 7, 2024
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Seriously, you think US election is revelent?

On one hand you have an old man who can't even form word sentences and remember which country he was talking about. On the other you have a guy who hell bend on being a dictator and the Supreme Court of the United State had just entertained that idea and grant President, present and future immunity.

Which way should you swing??
U.S. elections are anything but irrelevant, for the world. Especially this time. Trump, if elected, will seriously attempt to pull back from engagement in the world. Many Americans like that, including me to some extent. But it may also bring along severe "withdrawal symptom" problems. More instability, more conflicts. It will be messy.


Full Member
Apr 10, 2024
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Bro, please understand that the pertinent point is not that she is Indian, I doubt she has ever defined herself as the same sort of Indian as the rest, everyone here is doing that.

The point is that she is a brown person willing to play the script. So she shields the party from racism, promotes you know who, whilst demonising Muslims in the culture war.

She realises this is the gamez realises she can thrive so she play's the role.

She is not even a politician most her career, someone gave her a push, to me that suggests an opportunist over an ideologue. You can't keep saying Indian this Indian that

Btw, there is a Tory MP who is supporting the Hindu manifesto and agenda in the UK, are you even aware lol

Let's see...

indians are indians. Couldn't care less what they believe in or where they were born. All I know is that they are the sworn eternal enemies of Pakistan and the Pakistani people. They are also vociferously Islamaphobic too. All I know is that they need to be neutralised. That's all I care aabout. All else is meaningless conjecture.


Oct 24, 2012
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U.S. elections are anything but irrelevant, for the world. Especially this time. Trump, if elected, will seriously attempt to pull back from engagement in the world. Many Americans like that, including me to some extent. But it may also bring along severe "withdrawal symptom" problems. More instability, more conflicts. It will be messy.
Well, I don't really care about war outside the US, I care about when Trump was elected, he is going to stay elected forever. Didn't you know what the SCOTUS did about a week ago?


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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indians are indians. Couldn't care less what they believe in or where they were born. All I know is that they are the sworn eternal enemies of Pakistan and the Pakistani people. They are also vociferously Islamaphobic too. All I know is that they need to be neutralised. That's all I care aabout. All else is meaningless conjecture.
Too reductive.


Senior Member
Apr 21, 2021
U.S. elections are anything but irrelevant, for the world. Especially this time. Trump, if elected, will seriously attempt to pull back from engagement in the world. Many Americans like that, including me to some extent. But it may also bring along severe "withdrawal symptom" problems. More instability, more conflicts. It will be messy.
How naive, at micro inconsequential level, a president can have some semblance of independent streak, but at a more macro level it's still the deep state, dominated by zionists that runs US.


Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Suella Braverman and Rishi Sunak came out with their anti-Muslim hate and Zionist arse-kissing over Gaza.

Destruction well deserved.

Very happy to see Rishi Sunak take the loss like she deserved it. The way she sucked up to the zionist grease party was an absolute disgrace. I couldn't even listen to her past the first few sentences. And just FYI I'm calling her she deliberately. That's not even half a man.

I'm a bit wowed at how a leftist actually won in the UK. Is there a shifting trend for liberals getting stronger? The crazy thing is we're probably going to see the opposite happen in France with that pig Marine Le Pen.


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Apr 10, 2024
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Very happy to see Rishi Sunak take the loss like she deserved it. The way she sucked up to the zionist grease party was an absolute disgrace. I couldn't even listen to her past the first few sentences. And just FYI I'm calling her she deliberately. That's not even half a man.

I'm a bit wowed at how a leftist actually won in the UK. Is there a shifting trend for liberals getting stronger? The crazy thing is we're probably going to see the opposite happen in France with that pig Marine Le Pen.

The white english have got fed up with sunak, braverman, patel and other indians obsessing over Islamaphobia but not doing their job. The result of which has been the decimation of the UK economy and living standards. This is what has caused the conservative party to get their worst EVER results in their 250 year history. The bud bud ding dings destroyed the conservative party. The liberals/socialists are not getting stronger in the UK.


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May 7, 2024
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How naive, at micro inconsequential level, a president can have some semblance of independent streak, but at a more macro level it's still the deep state, dominated by zionists that runs US.
I don't know where you are from, but Trump doesn't care much for niceties of law or convention. If he doesn't like something, he won't do it. In this instance, even if the SecDef suggests something, he can ignore it. He is the Commander in Chief. Of course, he can also get a new SecDef. In his last administration, he changed Cabinet secretaries like underwear. In the 'Zionist' case you are making, the likely course of action would be, unlike our current old man who is trying to act as a (mostly ineffective) break on the excesses of Bibi, Trump would tell Bibi, Do whatever the hell you need to do. If anyone in U.S. tries to advise me against it, I will ignore them.


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May 7, 2024
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Well, I don't really care about war outside the US,
But that is not how history has turned out to be.
I care about when Trump was elected, he is going to stay elected forever.
Honestly, do you really think he will live beyond 5 years? He is 78 now and barely speaks in complete sentences. The absolutely impossible miracle is the Immortality of St. Donald J. Trump.


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Dec 20, 2023
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Fix the NHS , Fix the NHS , Fix the NHS Labour ....

grandads dying in the hospital corridor drenched in piss because of the Tories.
Get the homeless off the streets , it looks like fucking 3rd world country beggars everywhere, feed them house them clothe them help them .

OAPs are rotting in there homes through loneliness and boredom
Kids lost generation due to covid stay at home ruined forever need cherishing nurturing & bought back into society .

Good to see the old dinosaurs gone let's hope David Lammy comes through recognising Palestine .
Anything better than the racist tory scum leading the country down the toilet .

the Queen of England's Pound will now go from strength to strength ...
Overnight there is hope for the next generation.
To rule the Nation .

oh yeah as this is pdef. Congrats Pakistanis you got London & Scotland 😆 😆 🤣 commiserations indians you hold the broom 😆 🤣
Couldn't resist 😉

Some things at least never change ... nice to see the Pakistanis up north using there votes to keep family relations stable back home while living in squalor, well done ...
Palestine ticket ...don't make me laugh
Chancers tricksters fraudsters glad Galloway chucked off .

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