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UK Elections 2024: Labour Wins


Jun 23, 2011
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Well, I don't really care about war outside the US, I care about when Trump was elected, he is going to stay elected forever. Didn't you know what the SCOTUS did about a week ago?
Look at the title and discussion and look at where you are dragging this thread. Can you keep this on topic. There are enough threads on the US elections. Let’s keep it out of this thread


Jun 23, 2011
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You are right that the mainstreaming of Islamophobia has brought many rats out of the sewer but the hatred was always there, the media has only 'legitimized' it.

If the dominant media did not tolerate Islamophobia, these bigots would act more surreptitiously and less openly. The fact is that many of these people hate followers of all Abrahamic religions, including Christians and Jews, although they have special hatred for Muslims because of India's history. However, they don't say anything against Christians and Jews for obvious reasons.

This could just be individual instances of normal attraction or gold digging rather than be racially motivated. At least in the US, Indians have among the lowest rates of marriage outside their ethnicity and community.


Under the right leadership, it is very possible. I was commenting based on the current landscape.
The rats and racists have always been there. Just hiding u see the name Tories. Now the desire to push their agenda - they have moved over to the reform party…..


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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The rats and racists have always been there. Just hiding u see the name Tories. Now the desire to push their agenda - they have moved over to the reform party…..

Should Muslims who been here a few generations still be pro immigration?

You know I think there is a case to tactically support reform

Reform is a temporary party anyway, designed to reform the Tories


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Should Muslims who been here a few generations still be pro immigration?

You know I think there is a case to tactically support reform

Reform is a temporary party anyway, designed to reform the Tories

Personally I am not pro-immigration per se, especially the masses of Indians and Nigerian "students" that the Tories are allowing in for obvious reasons - higher ups in Tories are stuffed full of Indians and Nigerians.

What we need is strategic immigration and not open the floodgates without a very good reason.

The EU system was working relatively well and was actually starting to decline as EU countries like Poland started catching up with UK in living standards.

What was the issue is these Indians stirring up anti-Islam and anti-immigrant rhetoric due to their dislike of Muslims and to ingratiate themselves with the natives and so further their careers.

Brexit was a total scam and looks like one of the major reasons was done to allow in unlimited numbers of 3rd world immigration from specific countries, hence lowering living standards.
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Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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The white english have got fed up with sunak, braverman, patel and other indians obsessing over Islamaphobia but not doing their job. The result of which has been the decimation of the UK economy and living standards. This is what has caused the conservative party to get their worst EVER results in their 250 year history. The bud bud ding dings destroyed the conservative party. The liberals/socialists are not getting stronger in the UK.

A bit harsh to blame this all on the Indians in the Tory Party as the seeds were mainly laid by Cameron with his disastrous Brexit vote.

That one single event meant that the Tories were more interested in infighting than in actual governing.

Braverman, Patel and then Sunak just made a bad situation worse.
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Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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Personally I am not pro-immigration per se, especially the masses of Indians and Nigerian "students" that the Tories are allowing in for obvious reasons - higher ups in Tories are stuffed full of Indians and Nigerians.

What we need is strategic immigration and not open the floodgates without a very good reason.

The EU system was working relatively well and was actually starting to decline as EU countries like Poland started catching up with UK in living standards.

What was the issue is these Indians stirring up anti-Islam and anti-immigrant rhetoric due to their dislike of Muslims and to ingratiate themselves with the natives and so further their careers.

Brexit was a total scam and looks like one of the mahor reassons was done to allow in unlimited numbers of 3rd world immigration from specific countries, hence lowering living standards.
I think that's sensible, in fact you should identify only critical migration and nothing else, for a period.

Particularly clamp down on Indian consultancies flooding the UK

Sunak pushed this

He did his job for Infosys


Jun 23, 2011
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Should Muslims who been here a few generations still be pro immigration?

You know I think there is a case to tactically support reform

Reform is a temporary party anyway, designed to reform the Tories
The demographics changed with Brexit. The UK shafted itself with this horror show of leaving Europe. Quality healthcare workers left and others leaving a huge hole.
The tories thought they’d resolve this by allowing businesses like mine to apply for visa licence authority - so we are literally entitled to print visas to get people from the likes of Pakistan etc to fill the gap left by the departing Europeans.
This has allowed the fraudsters to shaft the loophole. I know people that have charged £25,000 plus to print visas. The influx has been enormous. Poor people selling their homes and assets to get over hear then realising the ££ doesn’t actually grow on trees. Bringing their families has just increased the burden.
The shit Tory clan along with the fraudsters should be held accountable and severely punished.
With this going on - the racists blame the genuine refugees which is a tiny percentage - those involved in these loopholes and facilitating will now be targeted and severely punished - jailed and stripped of their assets.
Watch this space…..


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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The rats and racists have always been there. Just hiding u see the name Tories. Now the desire to push their agenda - they have moved over to the reform party…..

These white racist Brits are crying rivers now. Prophet Nigel Farage didn't deliver.


Full Member
Apr 10, 2024
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A bit harsh to blame this all on the Indians in the Tory Party as the seeds were mainly laid by Cameron with his disastrous Brexit vote.

That one single event meant that the Tories were more interested in infighting than in actual governing.

Braverman, Patel and then Sunak just made a bad situation worse.
If these indians within the conservative party did their jobs instead of obsessing over Islamaphobia, things would not be so bad and they would still be in power.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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If these indians within the conservative party did their jobs instead of obsessing over Islamaphobia, things would not be so bad and they would still be in power.


They were busy sucking their white far right "friends". Both think they are allied and have a common enemy. The truth is that both will be eating each other when the chips are down.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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The demographics changed with Brexit. The UK shafted itself with this horror show of leaving Europe. Quality healthcare workers left and others leaving a huge hole.
The tories thought they’d resolve this by allowing businesses like mine to apply for visa licence authority - so we are literally entitled to print visas to get people from the likes of Pakistan etc to fill the gap left by the departing Europeans.
This has allowed the fraudsters to shaft the loophole. I know people that have charged £25,000 plus to print visas. The influx has been enormous. Poor people selling their homes and assets to get over hear then realising the ££ doesn’t actually grow on trees. Bringing their families has just increased the burden.
The shit Tory clan along with the fraudsters should be held accountable and severely punished.
With this going on - the racists blame the genuine refugees which is a tiny percentage - those involved in these loopholes and facilitating will now be targeted and severely punished - jailed and stripped of their assets.
Watch this space…..

Yea good point.

The Brexit era got played.

Farage is a charismatic disaster, establishment guy basically

He replaced European migrants with Indians basically.

The Indians settle,will use resources, then have kids.

Their kid's will take resources from the Brexit Brits.

Instead they excessively focus on boat people, it makes no numerical sense.

Watch this



Elite Member
Jul 31, 2009
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those involved in these loopholes and facilitating will now be targeted and severely punished - jailed and stripped of their assets.

The government is not stupid; it created these loopholes TO BE exploited.

In Australia under the Liberals, they wanted massive Indian migration so the government added barbers and short order cooks under the skilled migration category - as if a country of 20 million people cannot produce its own barbers and short order cooks and needs to import them from India.

Not only that, but the Australian government spent a lot of money in India advertising these migration opportunities.

All this to bring in millions of Indian migrants while fooling the Australian public into believing the government was prioritizing 'skilled migration'.


Full Member
Apr 10, 2024
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View attachment 53630

They were busy sucking their white far right "friends". Both think they are allied and have a common enemy. The truth is that both will be eating each other when the chips are down.

Do people like her ever look in the mirror? With a face like the above, how on earth do they believe that they are white europeans? In all honesty, the creature above looks like a female chimpanzee. Credit where it's due, the indians sure now how to produce the world's most ugliest, hideous-looking and physically repulsive women on planet earth.


Elite Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Do people like her ever look in the mirror? With a face like the above, how on earth do they believe that they are white europeans? In all honesty, the creature above looks like a female chimpanzee. Credit where it's due, the indians sure now how to produce the world's most ugliest, hideous-looking and physically repulsive women on planet earth.

Hindutvatis think they are the Aryan race. That is right. The descendants of white Europeans.


Senior Member
Aug 17, 2019
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The government is not stupid; it created these loopholes TO BE exploited.

In Australia under the Liberals, they wanted massive Indian migration so the government added barbers and short order cooks under the skilled migration category - as if a country of 20 million people cannot produce its own barbers and short order cooks and needs to import them from India.

Not only that, but the Australian government spent a lot of money in India advertising these migration opportunities.

All this to bring in millions of Indian migrants while fooling the Australian public into believing the government was prioritizing 'skilled migration'.

Yup yup, exactly

Muslims meanwhile will take the culture war hits.

250k have come to the UK, farage mentions it how much?

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