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UK Elections 2024: Labour Wins


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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Please can we have UK PDF members giving us their voting intentions tomorrow.

I have thought long and hard and have decided to vote for my local Labour MP, as she resigned a junior shadown position and voted for the ceasefire motion back in November 2023.

My feelings are that we need to support people in the Labour Party that are going to go against the Zionist narrative of Starmer and co. That is the best way to make some difference for the Palestinians as Labour Party will form the next UK Governement. If we do not support these people then the Labour Party would just turn into the Tories as regards Palestine and there would be no powerful voices against 100% support for the entity no matter the level of crimes it commits against the Palestinians.

Also on the domestic front, they will eventually start repairing the damage the Tories have done to UK public services in the last 14 years.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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I think in some areas we can vote for independents to make a point

In other areas when labour candidates supported Zionism or occupation we should actively vote against them

But rather than a total boycott of the Labour party, we should vote for labour candidates that can change the labour party


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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I think in some areas we can vote for independents to make a point

In other areas when labour candidates supported Zionism or occupation we should actively vote against them

But rather than a total boycott of the Labour party, we should vote for labour candidates that can change the labour party

Yes as I would 100% vote for Jeremy Corbyn if I was in Islington North and not even vote for the Labour candidate if they were against the Zionist war crimes in Palestine.

lightning f57

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2022
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IMO muslims should wholesale turn their back on labour, this is a party which is supporting genocide and are intrinsically linked with multiple zionist groups. if you havnt already check the documentary on the aljezera files which exposed these twisted lott that attacked their own people to purge the left out of labour. Starmer is a snake he will bite worse than the tories mark my word.

Id go independent or greens all day, i hope for a weakened labour majority hung parliament would be ideal for me.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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IMO muslims should wholesale turn their back on labour, this is a party which is supporting genocide and are intrinsically linked with multiple zionist groups. if you havnt already check the documentary on the aljezera files which exposed these twisted lott that attacked their own people to purge the left out of labour. Starmer is a snake he will bite worse than the tories mark my word.

Id go independent or greens all day, i hope for a weakened labour majority hung parliament would be ideal for me.

We need to win the party and take it from the Zionists,

Just giving up would be daft in my opinion, we need to use our numbers, members and influence to change it to respect the things we hold important

And being anti colonial, Zionist is important

Although the current leader is married to a jewess

lightning f57

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2022
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We need to win the party and take it from the Zionists,

Just giving up would be daft in my opinion, we need to use our numbers, members and influence to change it to respect the things we hold important

And being anti colonial, Zionist is important

Although the current leader is married to a jewess
The time right now is to mobilise and give labour a bloody nose make the Muslim vote stand out. They need to realise they can no longer be islamaphobic, support genocide with no consequences. The decent labour politicians who were kicked out need backing, may even be worth a new labour rising.

You cant achieve nothing aligning with these pack of snakes.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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The time right now is to mobilise and give labour a bloody nose make the Muslim vote stand out. They need to realise they can no longer be islamaphobic, support genocide with no consequences. The decent labour politicians who were kicked out need backing, may even be worth a new labour rising.

You cant achieve nothing aligning with these pack of snakes.

We don't have the numbers to stop a Labour "super majority" in tomorrow's election.

All a total boycott would do is marginalise anyone with pro-Palestine views in the Labour Party.

lightning f57

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2022
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We don't have the numbers to stop a Labour "super majority" in tomorrow's election.

All a total boycott would do is marginalise anyone with pro-Palestine views in the Labour Party.
I think there are atleast a dozen areas with 30 to 40% Muslim populations. If they all voted independent it's likely labour loses those areas. This will be seen as a big loss, right now they are taking it for granted because they expect a big win because of how bad tories are not how good they are.

They have referred to miniory groups who may vote against them because of gaza like fleas being cleaned off. These same people dont know how to run a country they are getting a zionist lover to be health minister this guy wants to privatise everything.

Its not only because of Gaza, this labour government will be worse than the tories. They have expelled the talent they had within them because those people were on the left. They are behaving lije a dictatorship and dont want other views.

The unfortunate thing these people will be voted in as a majority. Il have a clean conscience that I didnt vote for these lott.

I will add, this Labour party has marginalised muslim voters and those who are against the genocide anyway, there is zero gain voting for these IMO.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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I think there are atleast a dozen areas with 30 to 40% Muslim populations. If they all voted independent it's likely labour loses those areas. This will be seen as a big loss, right now they are taking it for granted because they expect a big win because of how bad tories are not how good they are.

They have referred to miniory groups who may vote against them because of gaza like fleas being cleaned off. These same people dont know how to run a country they are getting a zionist lover to be health minister this guy wants to privatise everything.

Its not only because of Gaza, this labour government will be worse than the tories. They have expelled the talent they had within them because those people were on the left. They are behaving lije a dictatorship and dont want other views.

The unfortunate thing these people will be voted in as a majority. Il have a clean conscience that I didnt vote for these lott.

I totally respect your thoughts and believe me that I have been agonising for months over this.

In some respects if my MP voted against the ceasefire then they would have made the decision for me and I would have voted for Green or Independent.

The Zionists won't always have control of Labour as the world changes and Muslim numbers start to dramatically increase, as old white boomers die off in mass over the next 10-20 years.

Did you know that Muhammad is the most popular baby name for a boy in the UK?

lightning f57

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2022
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I totally respect your thoughts and believe me that I have been agonising for months over this.

In some respects if my MP voted against the ceasefire then they would have made the decision for me and I would have voted for Green or Independent.

The Zionists won't always have control of Labour as the world changes and Muslim numbers start to dramatically increase, as old white boomers die off in mass over the next 10-20 years.

Did you know that Muhammad is the most popular baby name for a boy in the UK?
The issue the ummah has everywhere is that we are not organised. Its improving there is a group setup for this purpose called the muslim vote. Independent media channels like 5 pillars are also trying to promote the Muslim view.

Right now its not just Muslims but anyone who has a different view to the political establishment they have an uphill battle, the mainstream media gives them no air time, they dont have detailed information on how different areas and people tend to vote, the whole system is stacked against us.

We need to strategically vote to get those voices in that can be loud and stir things up. My hope is a number of Independents get in and create a coalition in parliament as a loud opposition. They need to make labour accountable so starmer cant get all his way.


Elite Member
May 29, 2011
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The issue the ummah has everywhere is that we are not organised. Its improving there is a group setup for this purpose called the muslim vote. Independent media channels like 5 pillars are also trying to promote the Muslim view.

Right now its not just Muslims but anyone who has a different view to the political establishment they have an uphill battle, the mainstream media gives them no air time, they dont have detailed information on how different areas and people tend to vote, the whole system is stacked against us.

We need to strategically vote to get those voices in that can be loud and stir things up. My hope is a number of Independents get in and create a coalition in parliament as a loud opposition. They need to make labour accountable so starmer cant get all his way.

Voters will get high profile "big hitters" like Corbyn into power.

It won't be their numbers that makes the difference but their pre-existing high profiles.

I am afraid that if all Muslims got together and formed their own party with 20 MPs, it will make no difference to Labour who are likely to have 200 more MPs than all other parties combined. Labour can bulldoze any policy through and only their own dissenters could make the leadership change or modify their behaviour.

lightning f57

Senior Member
Feb 27, 2022
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The beginning is always hard, standing against the wind is also very difficult. Sometimes we need a catalyst, as its not just muslims that are tired of these same 2 parties that speak the same, look the same, even include politicians from each other in their ranks.

If a decent labour MP who does what they say, stand for what is right and genuinely help the local community then its a good reason to vote for them.

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