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UN urged not to engage with Taliban unconditionally


Think Tank Analyst
Mar 21, 2007
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Conflict Watch

The Doha Meetings' trend towards increased Taliban interaction risks further marginalizing the Afghan people and their legitimate representatives. Real peace requires inclusive, comprehensive dialogue addressing all aspects of the Afghan crisis.

- The world must recognize that a Taliban-centric approach won’t resolve Afghanistan’s issues. True progress demands acknowledging and engaging all Afghan voices, not just the #Taliban.

The third session, focusing on economic issues, narcotics, and private sector matters, aligns closely with the #Taliban's agenda. Women's rights, human rights, and comprehensive governance have been sidelined.

- Under Taliban rule, terrorist activities and economic problems have increased, indicating their governance perpetuates instability. Excluding critical political issues from discussions undermines lasting solutions for #Afghanistan.

- The UN's efforts to involve the Taliban, including multiple high-level visits and negotiations, show a concerning trend of meeting Taliban conditions at the expense of broader

- Initially, the Doha Meetings aimed to engage with the Taliban due to their controversial rise to power and human rights violations. The second meeting focused on human rights and forming an inclusive government. But now, priorities have shifted. Taliban

-The UNAMA chief's defense of excluding women, claiming the Taliban's unique position, highlights a troubling acceptance of Taliban terms. This approach undermines efforts to integrate them into a more inclusive #Afghan society.

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