Under The Radar : Pakistani Defence Products !

Stop digging yourself even deeper, by still claiming these systems are Pakistanis
Accept the facts and cope.

These dishonest practices do not fly in today's world, where the truth just click of a mouse away.

You might be a fool, but not everyone else is.
Who gives two monkeys of what you say or think.
These are some of the private companies in Pakistan making and presenting their products for own use and also display them on International markets.
Everything is not as simple as Indians copying Pakistani songs and get away with it. You keep harping about Pakistani products being Chinese but convinently expand your chest at calling Tejas as indigenous.
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Who gives two monkeys of what you say or think.
These are some of the private companies in Pakistan making and presenting their products for own use and also display them on International markets.
Everything is not as simple as Indians copying Pakistani songs and get away with it. You keep harping about Pakistani products being Chinese but convinently expand your chest at calling Tejas as indigenous.
When a troll talks crap - just report him bro.
Every time he sees a Pakistani product being highlighted, this character goes into Spontaneous Combustion.
I tend to put out his fires with gasoline.
Delete the references to his crap that it has been removed. It’s polluting a good thread.
...anything by NRTC is not really Pakistani
So why are we losing so many soldiers and security forces.
The generals are enjoying their freedom while the soldiers being killed not correct that.
hey have GSRs, Jammers, CUAS and UGVs, pretty sure that are Pakistani origin.
nope. maybe some parts. but certainly not the entire system. they are mostly integrating (assembling) stuff. their previous DG/MD was notorious for this approach.
So why are we losing so many soldiers and security forces.
The generals are enjoying their freedom while the soldiers being killed not correct that.
they do not want to waste resources on the western areas/border.
Just because they make something doesn't mean its successful. PA built many systems in the past yet we still use a lot of imported equipment, i.e. drones, guns, apc

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