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United States elections 2024


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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DEBATE: Break The Duopoly By Voting For RFK Jr.? (w/ Kim Iversen)​



Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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RFK Jr. Absolutely DEVASTATES Trump and Biden with BRUTAL Win At Debate!!!!!​


Davey Crockett

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Dec 17, 2023
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Honestly I think the Democratic Party should be making the decision not him. He isn't a king or a dictator gently being urged to step aide. He represents the will of the party not himself...his family members should realize that.
Bribe'em deserves to be put on trial by the US Senate for high crimes and misdemeanors, then taken out back and shot.


Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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2024 Election Map Based On The Newest Polls in ALL 50 STATES! | Trump vs Biden vs RFK Jr. (July 1)​



Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Why is RFK Jr. seeing a surge in the polls? Wyatt Sharpe joins NewsNation Now to discuss​



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Oct 2, 2013
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Nerd for Humanity and Double Hater reacts to RFK Jr Dr Phil interview​



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Oct 2, 2013
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RFK Jr. Has A Big Problem With Consistency — Will His Voters Care? | USA Election News​



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Oct 2, 2013
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. & 19 Keys on Make America Great--Again??? 🤔



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Oct 2, 2013
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Reacting To The REAL Debate: RFK Jr. vs. Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden​



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Oct 2, 2013
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RFK JR Said Joe Biden LIED about how many illegal immigrants crossed the Border!​



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Oct 2, 2013
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Kennedy Calls for Secret Service Detail on Anniversary of Father’s Killing​



Elite Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Poll: Wisconsin voters think Trump too corrupt, Biden too old to lead​

In a six-way presidential matchup, Trump and President Biden received low favorability ratings overall, with Biden at -18 net favorability and Trump at -16.

By Therese Boudreaux | The Center Square

Published: June 28, 2024 11:02pm

(The Center Square) -
The majority of Wisconsinites believe President Joe Biden is too old and has weak accomplishments, and former President Donald Trump behaved corruptly and has the wrong temperament to lead the country, a recent poll shows.
Marquette Law School polled 871 registered Wisconsin voters on how they perceive the two presidential candidates. The partisan makeup of the sample was 31% Republican, 29% Democratic and 40% independent.
In a six-way presidential matchup, Trump and President Biden received low favorability ratings overall, with Biden at -18 net favorability and Trump at -16.
When asked about combined favorability, none of the respondents viewed both candidates favorably, and 17% of respondents viewed both negatively. Forty-one percent saw Trump favorably and Biden unfavorably, and 39% responded the opposite.

Another question asked voters to agree or disagree on descriptors relating to age, shared values, corruption, accomplishments and temperament of the candidates.
Most registered voters, 76%, say Biden is too old, while 53% say the same of Trump.
Few Wisconsinites think either candidate shares voters’ values, with 43% believing Biden does and 44% believing Trump does.

Regarding corruption, 61% of voters believe Trump has behaved corruptly, while 46% who believe Biden has.
Though both Trump and Biden have touted their achievements in office, 52% of those polled believe Trump has strong accomplishments, and Biden received even less credit, 43%.
Director of the Marquette Law School Poll Charles Franklin said Biden’s results reflects another weakness in his campaign, besides the president’s age.
“Having been president for three and a half years, having failed to convince the public that he’s accomplished a lot…[is] an ongoing advantage for Trump and a weakness for Biden,” Franklin said.
But voters continue to view Trump’s personality warily, with 60% of voters believing Trump does not have the right temperament to lead; 48% believe Biden does not have the right temperament.
The Marquette Law School Poll survey was conducted June 12-20, with a margin of error of +/-4.6 percentage points.

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