US arms advantage over Russia and China threatens stability, experts warn


The individual freedoms and benefits that you find in a European country is not found in many countries around the world. These countries will not grant you nationality for staying and working there. A Russian citizen cannot question the state or Vladimir Putin in particular but has to follow "orders" as the alternative is being sent to jail. Russia does not care about individual freedoms and sentiments in Europe, it desire client states in the region like Belarus and Ukraine for strategic gains. Ukrainian younger generation lost patience with pro-Russian elements imposing Russian ideals on them and desire individual freedoms and benefits like in a European country and closer economic ties with Europe but this sentiment led to Russian invasion with initial attempt at regime change in Ukraine that failed so now Russia is attempting to annex eastern regions of Ukraine because they provide better access to Black Sea. This is not a good development or is it? If Ukraine falls, Netherlands could be a target as well. Sometimes what you have is better than what you wish to have in general terms.
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When Trump says that he is going to make America great again, he is essentially saying that America isn’t great. All of his voters hold the same belief.

Hit the nail on the head.
We are tired of hearing these excuses from you lot. Even on the legacy PDF you guys used to spew the same fairytale nonsense. Somehow Ukraine was going to teach Russia a lesson and it would all be over in a few months. Just admit it and don't be stubborn. Ukraine hasn't lived up to your expectations. The situation in Ukraine has gone absolutely south.

You spend money on wars and regime changes around the world. You don't spend enough money on your own people. We know why the Capitol was attacked. When Trump says that he is going to make America great again he is essentially saying that America isn't great.

Why are there so many Americans and Europeans opposed to your hegemonic behaviour and unending wars? You must be feeling the brunt.

Ukraine has butchered half the Russian Army and thoroughly embarrassed it. They’ve FAR exceeded my expectations and have done an incredible job overall of defending their nation. In March 2022, Ukraine and its government was at serious risk of capitulation. Now we’re talking about tactical battles on the approach to Pokrovsk.🤣

We spend plenty of money on our own people. Almost $2T was spent on the Infrastructure Plan, Inflation Reduction/Clean Energy Act, and Chips Act 2 years ago. That’s a massive investment in our infrastructure, renewable energy, and semiconductor industries.

Do you just throw shit against the wall hoping it sticks?

The individual freedoms and benefits that you find in a European country is not found in many countries around the world. These countries will not grant you nationality for staying and working there. A Russian citizen cannot question the state or Vladimir Putin in particular but has to follow "orders" as the alternative is being sent to jail. Russia does not care about individual freedoms and sentiments in Europe, it desire client states in the region like Belarus and Ukraine for strategic gains. Ukrainian younger generation lost patience with pro-Russian elements imposing Russian ideals on them and desire individual freedoms and benefits like in a European country and closer economic ties with Europe but this sentiment led to Russian invasion with initial attempt at regime change in Ukraine that failed so now Russia is attempting to annex eastern regions of Ukraine because they provide better access to Black Sea. This is not a good development or is it? If Ukraine falls, Netherlands could be a target as well. Sometimes what you have is better than what you wish to have in general terms.

The freedoms that you refer to are only selective. The war in Gaza has exposed how limited freedoms are. You are not allowed to protest nor share your opinions. The truth is that we already knew this a long time ago. Even during the Iraq war, it became very clear that freedoms are only for certain groups and people. There is no such thing as absolute freedom.

Russia has no desire to expand its territory. The Europeans and Americans have always treated Russia as a foe and a threat. The Cold War was the true beginning of this enmity. When you poke and constantly treat countries like they are a threat, they are bound to react if they have the means and ability to do so. Western hegemony cannot be enforced onto Russia. Russia is too big and too powerful to be dictated and bullied.

Ukraine had sane leadership, but as always, it was removed through American meddling. Do we really think that Russia was going to sit it out and let the Europeans/Americans transform Ukraine into a bulwark of anti-Russian activity? Russia acted as expected. The Americans and Europeans shouldn’t cry foul now. It is due to their own mischief that Russia reacted and took matters into its own hands.

It is a bit like our own situation in Afghanistan. Was Pakistan going to allow India and the US/NATO to run amok in Afghanistan? They ganged up for 20 years, and Pakistan knew the score. It had to react, and it did. The US/NATO admission that Pakistan was not sincere is correct. How could Pakistan be sincere when the US/NATO installed India in Afghanistan against our wishes? Every single action by the US/NATO was destabilizing for Pakistan.

Russia isn't perfect, but who is? All the accusations and excuses to tackle and contain Russia are terrible ideas. You cannot contain Russia. History has reminded time and time again. You don't destabilise countries because you don't like them. That is the problem with Western powers. The Western powers believe in military intervention, regime change and other unorthodox methods that are counterproductive. The current world situation should serve as a stark reminder.

We don’t have to fear anything in the Netherlands. Russia won’t invade.
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I think Trump assessment on us involvement in Ukraine make more sense to me.

He is a businessman, so maybe he don't see hurting the Russia has any real value for america?

That is the part that always puzzle me about american, why do they think that hurting others is good.

I mean, what actual things you get from that??? Is it because you gain in some kind of competition as in relative strength in overall national power? or just simply clout?
Ukraine has butchered half the Russian Army and thoroughly embarrassed it. They’ve FAR exceeded my expectations and have done an incredible job overall of defending their nation. In March 2022, Ukraine and its government was at serious risk of capitulation. Now we’re talking about tactical battles on the approach to Pokrovsk.🤣

We spend plenty of money on our own people. Almost $2T was spent on the Infrastructure Plan, Inflation Reduction/Clean Energy Act, and Chips Act 2 years ago. That’s a massive investment in our infrastructure, renewable energy, and semiconductor industries.

Do you just throw shit against the wall hoping it sticks?

It seems your mouth is foaming. Please clean it.

Seriously, whatever you mention won't bring success for Ukraine. Firstly, all odds are stacked against Ukraine from day one of the war. Even with the enormous help from US and European nations. At the end of the day Russia was always going to make huge gains. Russia continues to make advances. It is punishing Ukraine at will.

The US/NATO are hoping against all hope. Let's be realistic. At least read your own media and think tank assessments.

Now answer the following question. For how long can you continue to aid Ukraine with weapons and monetary aid?
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It seems your mouth is foaming. Please clean it.

Seriously, whatever you mention won't bring success for Ukraine. Firstly, all odds are stacked against Ukraine from day one of the war. Even with the enormous help from US and European nations. At the end of the day Russia was always going to make huge gains. Russia continues to make advances. It is punishing Ukraine at will.

The US/NATO are hoping against all hope. Let's be realistic. At least read your own media and think tank assessments.

Now answer the following question. For how long can you continue to aid Ukraine with weapons and monetary aid?

Outside of the first few weeks of the war, Russia hasn’t made any huge gains. In fact Ukraine has taken far more land since.

The bottom line is Putin and Russia hated the fact Ukraine wants to be an independent nation aligned with the West. They attempted to overthrow Ukraines government and seize Ukraine under military control.

Russia failed spectacularly, but Putin couldn’t admit defeat, so he doubled down with no end in sight. Giving up in Ukraine is the admission of defeat. So now we have an endless war.

The US will continue to supply Ukraine for as long as it has the political will to. Money and equipment is not the issue, just the will.

Russia has strategically lost this war. It’s lost Ukraine for generations. This war will have repercussions for them long after it’s over.
Outside of the first few weeks of the war, Russia hasn’t made any huge gains. In fact Ukraine has taken far more land since.

The bottom line is Putin and Russia hated the fact Ukraine wants to be an independent nation aligned with the West. They attempted to overthrow Ukraines government and seize Ukraine under military control.

Russia failed spectacularly, but Putin couldn’t admit defeat, so he doubled down with no end in sight. Giving up in Ukraine is the admission of defeat. So now we have an endless war.

The US will continue to supply Ukraine for as long as it has the political will to. Money and equipment is not the issue, just the will.

Russia has strategically lost this war. It’s lost Ukraine for generations. This war will have repercussions for them long after it’s over.

Russia has already done what it needed to do. It has captured important regions that needed to be captured. Everything else is a bonus.

Ukraine will be taught a lesson it won't forget quickly. When you simp for the US and NATO you are going to be brought down quickly.

We are hoping that Trump makes a swift comeback and the US returns to its former policy of America first. The world is tired of US meddling.
Russia has already done what it needed to do. It has captured important regions that needed to be captured. Everything else is a bonus.

Ukraine will be taught a lesson it won't forget quickly. When you simp for the US and NATO you are going to be brought down quickly.

We are hoping that Trump makes a swift comeback and the US returns to its former policy of America first. The world is tired of US meddling.

Lol no, Russia failed. Ukraine is now aligned with the West for generations. You fail to see the broader strategic implications of this war
The freedoms that you refer to are only selective. The war in Gaza has exposed how limited freedoms are. You are not allowed to protest nor share your opinions. The truth is that we already knew this a long time ago. Even during the Iraq war, it became very clear that freedoms are only for certain groups and people. There is no such thing as absolute freedom.
Mate, absolute freedom is not feasible as it leads to chaos and anarchy. A country must have governance and laws to protect all residents and provide rights to them. My point is that a European country provides higher level of individual freedoms and benefits to residents in comparison to many countries around the world. Let's have a look at HDI of each country mentioned in your post.

Netherlands HDI (2022) = 0.946
United States HDI (2022) = 0.927
Israel HDI (2022) = 0.915
Russia HDI (2022) = 0.821
Ukraine HDI (2022) = 0.734
Pakistan HDI (2022) = 0.54
Afghanistan HDI (2022) = 0.462

Even Russian HDI is much better than that of many countries in the world. Pakistan and Afghanistan are in Mashallah category (sarcasm).

Russia has no desire to expand its territory. The Europeans and Americans have always treated Russia as a foe and a threat. The Cold War was the true beginning of this enmity. When you poke and constantly treat countries like they are a threat, they are bound to react if they have the means and ability to do so. Western hegemony cannot be enforced onto Russia. Russia is too big and too powerful to be dictated and bullied.
The Korean War set the stage for Cold War between the US and Soviet Union. Who started the Korean War? The US persuaded North Korea to invade South Korea?

Modern-age Russia seeks to impose its geopolitical ideals on smaller neighboring countries. Russia annexed parts of Georgia in 2008 and is trying to do the same in Ukraine in the present.

Russian intervention in Moldvoa
Russian intervention in Georgia
Russian intervention in Ukraine
Russian intervention in Syria

Russia is too big and powerful to be dictated and bullied? US-led forces liberated South Korea from the trio of North Korea, China, and Soviet Union in the 1950s. US and Pakistan collectively worked to defeat Soviet designs in Afghanistan in the 1980s. NATO is making it very costly for Russia to hold lands in Ukraine in the present. Do you disagree with these developments and achievements?

Ukraine had sane leadership, but as always, it was removed through American meddling. Do we really think that Russia was going to sit it out and let the Europeans/Americans transform Ukraine into a bulwark of anti-Russian activity? Russia acted as expected. The Americans and Europeans shouldn’t cry foul now. It is due to their own mischief that Russia reacted and took matters into its own hands.
Sane leadership is supposed to respect reasonable demands of the public.

"The protests were sparked by President Viktor Yanukovych's sudden decision not to sign the European Union–Ukraine Association Agreement, instead choosing closer ties to Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union. Ukraine's parliament had overwhelmingly approved of finalizing the Agreement with the EU, but Russia had put pressure on Ukraine to reject it. The scope of the protests widened, with calls for the resignation of Yanukovych and the Azarov government. Protesters opposed what they saw as widespread government corruption, abuse of power, human rights violations, and the influence of oligarchs. Transparency International named Yanukovych as the top example of corruption in the world. The violent dispersal of protesters on 30 November caused further anger. Euromaidan was the largest democratic mass movement in Europe since 1989 and led to the 2014 Revolution of Dignity."

Russia seeks to impose its geopolitical ideals on smaller neighboring countries. This is what we see in Ukraine. Rest is noise.

It is a bit like our own situation in Afghanistan. Was Pakistan going to allow India and the US/NATO to run amok in Afghanistan? They ganged up for 20 years, and Pakistan knew the score. It had to react, and it did. The US/NATO admission that Pakistan was not sincere is correct. How could Pakistan be sincere when the US/NATO installed India in Afghanistan against our wishes? Every single action by the US/NATO was destabilizing for Pakistan.
The so-called Mujahideen who fought Soviet forces and Soviet-backed Afghan setup created different power groups in the region. One of these groups was the Al-Qaeda Network that brought war to our region due to its involvement in global terrorism to put pressure on the US to withdraw its forces from the Middle East. Did it work? No, because the US has bilateral relations with several countries in the Middle East. Pakistan should have put pressure on Afghan Taliban to stop Al-Qaeda Network but chose to ignore this issue until 9/11. The US invaded Afghanistan to dismantle Al-Qaeda Network in the region and the last known operation to this end was carried out in 2022 to assassinate Ayman al-Zawihiri in Kabul. Many in Pakistan wanted to preserve Afghan Taliban and Donald Trump accepted this position after Afghan Taliban agreed to not support Al-Qaeda Network in Doha Accords in 2020.

So Pakistan has found a good solution for Afghanistan?

The US provided a window of opportunity to reshape political landscape of Afghanistan but many in Pakistan were happy to see return of Afghan Taliban to power only for the latter to continue to host and support TTP because both are close to each other.

India is able to exploit Afghan-Pak tensions but India does not have direct access to Afghanistan and its capacity to influence Afghanistan is limited. Pakistan was lacking in vision and national consensus on how to reshape political landscape of Afghanistan. The Intra-Afghan Dialogue was the way forward but Pakistan was too late to push for this solution. I recall a member of this forum asserting that a weak and backward Afghanistan is better for Pakistan but this assumption ignore the fact that a weak and backward Afghanistan will remain a staging ground for terrorism with the potential to spark another massive conflict in the region and Pakistan might not be able to handle it. Some don't learn from the past, right? Both Pakistan and Afghanistan have reverted to the 1990s statusquo internally. Great achievement, right?

Russia isn't perfect, but who is? All the accusations and excuses to tackle and contain Russia are terrible ideas. You cannot contain Russia. History has reminded time and time again. You don't destabilise countries because you don't like them. That is the problem with Western powers. The Western powers believe in military intervention, regime change and other unorthodox methods that are counterproductive. The current world situation should serve as a stark reminder.

We don’t have to fear anything in the Netherlands. Russia won’t invade.
Russia is a part of the current world order and doing everything that you have correctly pointed out to be counteproductive. It is not easy for Russia to invade Netherlands but Russia will find a way to affect Netherlands:

Dutch intelligence apparatus is pointing out the obvious.
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It really won’t. You have been fed inaccurate information. This is not a story that ends well for Ukraine and the US/NATO. All the indicators are out there. Your own media is reporting on Ukrainian losses day and night. You have to be ill-informed to believe that Ukraine is going to win.

Here comes the most bitter part. By agitating Russia, Europe has now opened a new front. I know why many European countries are suddenly reversing their recruitment policies. For many years, many European countries didn’t have a recruitment policy. By agitating Russia, the Europeans are now going to live in more fear. Is Gen Z going to fight your wars against Russia?
Bro, the last war Russia won is 300 years ago. As response because you said nobody can’t beat Russia.
Man, the russians are not holo monsters. Certainly Ukraine can beat the russians.
All other things Ukraine can’t win are just bla bla.
Japan defeated Russia. Germany defeated Russia.
Are you kidding ? If Japan and Germany defeated Russia in decisive wars like WW II, the world today would be living under Japanese and German boots, not the other way around. If other European countries decisively defeated Russia in wars, we would not see Russia as big as it is today.
Bro, the last war Russia won is 300 years ago.
You are not serious, are you ? Russia and Soviet Union are basically the same thing in power arrangement.
It seems your mouth is foaming. Please clean it.

Seriously, whatever you mention won't bring success for Ukraine. Firstly, all odds are stacked against Ukraine from day one of the war. Even with the enormous help from US and European nations. At the end of the day Russia was always going to make huge gains. Russia continues to make advances. It is punishing Ukraine at will.

The US/NATO are hoping against all hope. Let's be realistic. At least read your own media and think tank assessments.

Now answer the following question. For how long can you continue to aid Ukraine with weapons and monetary aid?
To the question of how long NATO can support Ukraine against Russia, the answer is—potentially—indefinitely.

Here are a few numbers for consideration:

  • NATO GDP (PPP): $60 trillion vs. Russian GDP (PPP): $5.5 trillion
  • NATO Defense Budget (2024): $1,182 billion vs. Russian Defense Budget: $83 billion
  • Population of NATO: 996 million
So far, NATO has only exhausted a fraction of its war reserves to weaken Russia—without suffering a single casualty. The only limitation NATO might face is the will of Ukrainians to continue the fight or the availability of Ukrainian manpower. With less than one-tenth of NATO’s annual defense budget, the alliance has managed to significantly cripple its largest rival in continental Europe.

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