US plans to turn Taiwan Strait into ‘unmanned Hellscape’ if China invades: top admiral

US now does not have the capacity to deter China over Taiwan by conventional warfare.

The only way for China to prevent this war, is to invent a powerful weapon, or far strengthening the defence in Pacific and South China Sea (like a fortress), that makes USA think twice to attack or get involved.

And get a direct or indirect involvement in Taiwan internal politics, make a coup, arrest all foreign agents, and declare unification from Taiwan.

Don't hear USA warmonger protest.

Do people want a war or peace?
The only way for China to prevent this war, is to invent a powerful weapon, or far strengthening the defence in Pacific and South China Sea (like a fortress), that makes USA think twice to attack or get involved.

And get a direct or indirect involvement in Taiwan internal politics, make a coup, arrest all foreign agents, and declare unification from Taiwan.

Don't hear USA warmonger protest.

Do people want a war or peace?
To prevent war in Asia, the next 3 years will be pivotal for China not to rush into any open conflict, after 2027 China military will reach the military parity with the US. By 2030 and beyond, US will never openly talk about any kind of war in Asia against China, US won't fight any kind of war when the odd will be 50/50 for the US military totally decimate by China in Asia.
The only way for China to prevent this war, is to invent a powerful weapon, or far strengthening the defence in Pacific and South China Sea (like a fortress), that makes USA think twice to attack or get involved.

And get a direct or indirect involvement in Taiwan internal politics, make a coup, arrest all foreign agents, and declare unification from Taiwan.

Don't hear USA warmonger protest.

Do people want a war or peace?
US still 6 to 7 thousands miles from Asia.

Turkey to join BRICS! It's official, Turkey is moving away from the EU and will move closer to BRICS, China, and Russia. Turkey has been a NATO member since 1952 and this is the first time we've seen a NATO member shift away from the US and EU and move closer to BRICS. What does this mean for the future of Europe and geopolitics around the world? Let's break it down!

Turkey to join BRICS! It's official, Turkey is moving away from the EU and will move closer to BRICS, China, and Russia. Turkey has been a NATO member since 1952 and this is the first time we've seen a NATO member shift away from the US and EU and move closer to BRICS. What does this mean for the future of Europe and geopolitics around the world? Let's break it down!
But, I believe Turkiye's first priority and loyalty are always to NATO and US. They just want the good things of both blocks now.
But, I believe Turkiye's first priority and loyalty are always to NATO and US. They just want the good things of both blocks now.

In the end, Turkey will betray Russia and BRICS.

This is not just words.

You will see it soon.
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can't even make enough of and simple munition let alone complex and sophisticated Drone

The US is rapidly expanding its 155mm production base. From 14K/month last year, to 36K/month today. That will increase to 57K/month in September then to 70K/month in December and 102K/month by September ‘25.

A brand new 155mm production facility is opening in Texas.
And US has to watch out missiles hitting its bases in the Okinawa at least if US intends to intervene militarily in Taiwan war conflict.

US Patriot missile defense has performed exceptionally well defending Kyiv, and they have one battery. There’s at least 2 battalions of Patriot defending Okinawa which is 6-8 batteries.
US Patriot missile defense has performed exceptionally well defending Kyiv, and they have one battery. There’s at least 2 battalions of Patriot defending Okinawa which is 6-8 batteries.
Really, I thought Russian never attacked Kyiv using missiles. What works on Russian missiles might not work on Chinese.
US Patriot missile defense has performed exceptionally well defending Kyiv, and they have one battery. There’s at least 2 battalions of Patriot defending Okinawa which is 6-8 batteries.

Russia is not attacking Kiev.

Russia military operations are focused on the east part of Ukraine.
Russia is not attacking Kiev.

Russia military operations are focused on the east part of Ukraine.

Yes, Russia has essentially given up attacking Kyiv anymore because it’s so well defended. Where were you a year ago? They were attacking Kyiv with hundreds of missiles. Rarely anything got through. Patriot has been so effective, Zelensky is begging for more.
US: We will deploy thousands of drones in the Taiwan Strait
China: We will deploy hundreds of thousands of drones in the Taiwan Strait
Chinese-made drones on display at an airshow on the mainland. Photo: Xinhua

China drones can counter US ‘hellscape’ in Taiwan Strait: analysts
  • But observers warn that the plan signals a change in Washington’s long-standing policy of ambiguity on the Taiwanese issue

Amber Wang in Beijing
Published: 10:00pm, 12 Jun 2024

US plans to create an “unmanned hellscape” in the Taiwan Strait if mainland forces attempt to overwhelm the self-ruled island underscore AI’s growing military significance and the urgent need to develop counter-drone capabilities, analysts said.

Chinese military observers said the PLA would be able to counter any US drones with larger-scale swarms of the devices equipped with advanced AI applications, but added that Beijing needs to be alert amid growing risks of a change in Washington’s strategy.

The US Navy’s new head of its Indo-Pacific Command, Admiral Samuel Paparo, outlined the “hellscape” plan to the Washington Post, in an interview on the sidelines of the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore.

In the interview, published on Monday, Paparo said the plan was designed to thwart “Beijing’s likely strategy to overwhelm [Taiwan] with a massive attack, with little warning”.

“I want to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hellscape using a number of classified capabilities … I can make their lives utterly miserable for a month, which buys me the time for the rest of everything,” he said.

Adminal Samuel Paparo, commander of the US Indo-Pacific Command, shakes hands with Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in Tokyo on May 29. Photo: JIJI Press / AFP

Beijing regards Taiwan as part of China to be reunited, by force if necessary. The US, like most countries, does not recognise Taiwan as independent but is opposed to any unilateral change in the status quo.

While the US is the island’s biggest supplier of arms, Washington has long pursued an approach of strategic ambiguity, avoiding an outright promise to use force in the island’s defence.

Shi Yinhong, an international relations professor at Renmin University, noted that the US is showing more signs of “strategic clarity” in its defence of Taiwan, which could mark a departure from its long-standing policy.

Paparo’s remarks indicated an intensified confrontation over the Taiwan issue, despite Beijing and Washington efforts in recent months to ease the mounting tensions between them, according to Shi.

The plan to “deploy thousands of unmanned submarines, unmanned surface ships and aerial drones to flood the area” as soon as the PLA moves across the Taiwan Strait, may be one of several strategic or tactical perceptions in the US, he said.

“But it showed the preparations for war by both sides are becoming more subtle and serious.”

Shi pointed out that US President Joe Biden has said on at least four occasions that the US would defend Taiwan from mainland attack, revealing his “very profound and firm conviction”, he said.

“The overall US policy remains strategy ambiguity but for quite some time, the strategic clarity element has become increasingly apparent.”

A week before the opinion piece, at the Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore, China’s defence minister Dong Jun struck a harsh tone on the Taiwan issue, warning other countries not to interfere.

Last month, the PLA conducted two days of military drills – including a blockade of the island – in response to Taiwanese leader William Lai Ching-te’s “provocative” inauguration speech, which Beijing said sent a dangerous signal about independence.

While Paparo did not disclose details of US drone production and capabilities, the Pentagon started delivering “attritable autonomous systems” to Indo-Pacific Command in May, under its Replicator initiative announced last year.

Replicator aims to field the drones at a scale of “multiple thousands in multiple domains” within the next 18 to 24 months, explicitly targeting China, the Pentagon said.

Mainland military analyst Fu Qianshao said the new US operational plan draws on what is happening in the war in Ukraine and is a new strategy developed against the backdrop of a declining American shipbuilding industry.

“In recent years, China’s military and civilian drones have developed rapidly,” he said, noting that China and the US are on par in the field of swarm drones.

“However, the US should not forget that China has the world’s largest drone production capacity. We will also use a large number of aerial robots to deal with our opponents. The Americans should think about how to deal with a larger PLA drone fleet to counter them,” Fu said.

“It is possible for the US to deploy thousands of drones to the Taiwan Strait, but the key is its airbases will be attacked and we have a series of countermeasures, including electromagnetic interference or emerging interception methods.”

Another mainland military adviser Song Zhongping said the PLA could deploy unmanned systems using advanced AI technolog on a larger scale to counter the US drone swarms.


🇨🇳🇺🇸 If the United States intervenes in the conflict with China over Taiwan, Beijing is capable of striking 330 American military bases within the first island chain within the first 10 hours. The number of American casualties will reach from 100,000 to 200,000, and hundreds of thousands of Japanese military personnel will also die - Chinese professor Li Yi

China3army 🇦🇺🇨🇳🇹🇼 Australian Ambassador to the USA Kevin Rudd about the conflict over Taiwan

▪ It is foolish to ignore the growing clarity of China's military signals , including its latest military exercises.

▪China's actions will depend on its perception of US deterrent power .

▪ The US acknowledged that “if China succeeds in annexing Taiwan, it will impact US credibility and have a lasting impact on the perceived strength of US alliances around the world.”

▪ The US, China and Taiwan have a common interest in avoiding open military confrontation over the future of Taiwan.

▪ The economic costs, domestic political and geostrategic consequences that such a war would entail would be as great as the consequences of World War II.


War for Taiwan will be over within the hour.

In the first ten minutes, all the air bases and naval bases USA hoped to use will be devastated by Chinese ballistic missiles, and in the following hour and hours, be visited by Chinese cruise missiles to take out what was not taken in the first 10 minutes.

More likely than not, the air and naval bases on Japan and Okinanwa and Guam will all be taken out in 10 minutes .

First Strike: China's Missile Threat to U.S. Bases in Asia

And American carriers within the 2nd island chain be hit by multiple AShCMs and from DFs

Chinese Long-Range Ballistic Missiles Struck Moving Ship In South China Sea: Report

The test could represent the first full demonstration of a real Chinese long-range anti-ship ballistic missile capability.

Chinese Long-Range Ballistic Missiles Struck Moving Ship In South China Sea: Report

The test could represent the first full demonstration of a real Chinese long-range anti-ship ballistic missile capability.


At least some of the ballistic missiles that China's People's Liberation Army fired into the South China Sea during an exercise earlier this year, which you can read about more in the
War Zone's initial story on those drills, reportedly hit a moving target ship. If true, this would be the country's first known demonstration of an actual long-range anti-ship ballistic missile capability, which could significantly change the operational calculus for any potential opponent, including the United States, in the disputed maritime region and elsewhere in the Pacific.
South China Morning Post reported last week that Wang Xiangsui, a retired People's Liberation Army (PLA) officer, had said that one DF-26B intermediate-range ballistic missile (IRBM) and one DF-21D medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) had struck the target vessel as it sailed near the Paracel Island chain during the August exercise. Wang, who has been described as "well-connected" in the past, is best known as one of the co-authors of the 1999 book Unrestricted Warfare, which covered various asymmetric means to undermine and defeat countries that were technologically superior to China. It has become a highly influential text, and general concept, in national security circles.

"We launched the DF-21 and DF-26, and the missiles hit a vessel sailing south of the Paracel Islands," Wang said during a closed-door gathering in China's eastern Zhejiang province in October, according to the
South China Morning Post. “Shortly after that, an American military attaché in Geneva, [Switzerland] complained and said it would lead to severe consequences if the missiles hit an American aircraft carrier. They see this as a show of force. But we are doing this because of their provocation."

Wang does not appear to have given any details about the target ship, its construction, how fast it might have been moving, or how the PLA may have cued the missiles their target.
It remains unclear exactly how many missiles the PLA fired during the exercise on Aug. 26.
South China Morning Post's initial report had indicated that two weapons had been launched, one DF-26B and one DF-21D, from sites in China's northwestern Qinghai province and in Zhejiang, respectively.
I will not talk of DF21s or DF26s as that making you so uptight and I hate to induce constipation in you.
At least not at the very beginning.

Just run of the mill ShCMs that China got in abundance. That range far far beyond the range of America Harpoon and other associated crap

A lot more reach, and a lot more bang, and lots and lots of them too.
And all those will touch you before you even know that they are there, and way way before you can launch at China.






Chinese have about 3,000 of these kind of AShCMs.

In the form of Mach 3–4 YJ-12s carrying 400–500 kg semi shaped charge warheads, fired outside the AEGIS cover. The YJ-12 can also do evasive maneuvers to avoid anti-missile threats.

YJ-12 - Wikipedia

There is also the YJ-18 with reach exceeding Aegis cover. YJ-18 will start off at sub Mach 1. Until about 20 km from target , it will sprint at Mach 3–4 to deliver good news to the carrier .

China's YJ-18 Supersonic Anti-Ship Cruise Missile: America's Nightmare?

This Chinese description relates that the missile’s great strength is its “亚超结合的独特动力” [subsonic and supersonic combined unique propulsion]. Another term applied to this design is “双速制反舰导弹” [dual speed control ASCM]. As explained in the article, it is projected that YJ-18 would have an initial subsonic phase estimated at .8 Mach similar to the Klub of about 180km, but 20km from the target would unleash the supersonic sprint vehicle at speed of Mach 2.5 to 3. The “dual speed” function allows the system to realize certain advantages of subsonic cruise missiles, such as their “relatively long range, light weight and universality …” but also takes the chief advantage of supersonic ASCMs as well, namely the ability to “大幅压缩敌方的反应时间” [radically compress the enemy’s reaction time].

The Chinese article relates another advantage of the “dual speed” approach. Just as the missile comes into contact with the ship’s defenses, it “sheds the medium stage …,” thus simultaneously and dramatically altering both its speed and also its radar reflection, “which would impact the fire control calculation.” The likelihood that YJ-18 improves upon the Klub missile’s “digitization, automation, as well as providing more intelligent flight control and navigation technology” is attributed in the Chinese article to a recent Jane’s report.




Any time USA want to tango, China will tango with USA

A hit from Chinese AShCM will be sufficient for it to be over for any USA carrier.


Estimated China got 3000++ of AShCMs

But it is more likely Chinese be firing 100 such missiles at single USA carrier.

No kidding about bulkheads and spaces to contain the hellfire that will likely engulf the entire carrier.

And not just the warhead, there will be 2–3 tons of missiles coming behind the warhead at Mach 3 tearing into the bulkheads and ordnance and aviation fuel and the poor men and women in the carrier. Those 2–3 tons of missile body will be tearing in the bulkheads faster and more deadly then APFSDS. Andf carrying its own unburned fuel to add to the fun.
Even steel will burn when hit with hell fire and tons of steel and debris coming in at Mach 3. The aviation fuel, and paint on walls, the bombs and ordnance will all cook off and add to the huge huge fire inside the carrier. Regardless if carrier under Condition Zebra or Donkey or Jackass.
The brave sailors in those carriers will not care or worry and be happy that their carrier not sinking. And only burning and burning from one end to the other end

USA need not worry too much of DF26s DF21s any more.

Or even of the 3000++ AShCMs of China, including many Mach3s

As long as USA carriers and Burkes and Ticos stay out of 2nd Island Chain, they will remain safe.

Meet the latest.

This baby is call the YJ-21 , 鹰击-21 or Eagle Strike 21

AND OF COURSE, EXPECT 300+++ DF21s and DF26s that be raining down from directly over head at Mach 10

USA fanboys then come about foaming at the mouth that should their precious carriers be hit, they use nukes.

They think China got measly 200++ nukes.
Just like the 5000 km China underground GREAT WALL, contain only piddling 200++ nukes?
USA not realising China nukes are thermonuclear nukes and immediately usable as Chinese nukes are done to YuMing configuration.

USA must think why with only 200++ nukes, China can fire off 2000++ warheads express delivery via DF5 , DF31AG, DF-41 and JL2 and JL3 and much more.

Perhaps they think most of the warheads are delivering dim sum, sweet and sour chicken and tea bags.

Should USA fire just one nuke at China or chinese forces, all the USA bases in Japan and Okinawa and Singapore and Diego Garcia and in USA be turned into seas and lakes of multicolor glass.

And for the next hour, those air bases and naval bases in Japan Guam Okinawa and Phillipine and anywhere else be hit by cruise missiiles to take out assets not taken out by DFs

And the many sonar buoys under the surface of the ocean.

And the

Maritime Militia

The Maritime Militia, the first line of defense, counts one-hundred eighty-thousand ocean-going fishing boats and four thousand merchant[7] freighters, some towing sonar detectors, crewed by a million experienced sailors transmitting detailed information around the clock on every warship afloat. Their intelligence goes to shore bases that fuse their reports with automated transmissions from Beidou satellites and forward the data to specialists operating ‘vessel management platforms,’ collating, formatting, and sending actionable information up the PLAN command chain.

While those 180,000 ocean going fishing boats are catching fishes and squids, they are also watching and listening to the turning screws of USA carriers and naval assets. And probably reporting every second to the super computer and Chinese AI as to where the USA naval assets are and will be.

And if Chinese satellite can track F-22s, how much easier to track the plodding USA carriers to know exactly where they are the moment they leave Pearl Harbour and cross the 3rd Island Chain

🇨🇳 WANG SUI WANG WANG SUI 萬歲 萬 萬歲 🇨🇳

Talking about tracking, this video might amuse folks here

See how a Chinese satellite videoed and tracked a rocket taking off and then tracking that rocket.

So much easier to track American carriers and Burkes and Ticos , unless they moving faster than speeding rocket.

Remember the satellite was moving and had to move or that not be a satellite. Knowing and tracking via radar will be so much easier than tracking and focusing via camera

Which then be messaged to supercomputer to direct the DF21Ds and DF 26 and the thousands of supersonic hypersonic AShCMs to send the good news to US carriers and whatever they got.

So USA can act macho macho strutting about in phony FONOPs .

And all on board knowing they living on borrowed time.

Shadowing F-22 Raptor – China Plans To Turn Its Low-Cost Satellites Into Spy Platforms That Can Even Track Fighter Jets​

Ashish Dangwal
April 8, 2022–+China+Plans+To+Turn+Its+Low-Cost+Satellites+Into+Spy+Platforms+That+Can+Even+Track+Fighter+Jets&url=–+China+Plans+To+Turn+Its+Low-Cost+Satellites+Into+Spy+Platforms+That+Can+Even+Track+Fighter+Jets–+China+Plans+To+Turn+Its+Low-Cost+Satellites+Into+Spy+Platforms+That+Can+Even+Track+Fighter+Jets

China is reportedly developing an advanced artificial intelligence system that could turn low-cost commercial satellites already orbiting the Earth into potent spy platforms. Reports suggest that it may have a success rate roughly seven times greater than existing technology.

This system is being developed by Chinese military researchers, who say that it is capable of tracking moving objects as small as a car with extraordinary precision, reported Chinese media.
The challenge of distinguishing a target via satellite footage was illustrated in 2020 when a Chinese space company released a video clip taken by Jilin-1, a small satellite. The satellite was presumably pursuing a cruising fighter jet from an altitude of almost 500km (310 miles).

Changguang Satellite, the manufacturer of the Jilin-1 Satellite, released that footage, which was extensively shared on Chinese social media platforms. A fighter plane can be seen flying over the city in the video. The company also put a caption beneath the video, allowing internet users to identify the fighter’s type.

China’s satellite apparently captured high-speed flying fighter
Many internet users speculated that the fighter jet was most likely the US-made F-22 stealth fighter. Its horizontal tail and wing were similar to those of the F-22 fighter, leading to the assumption. This entire predicament was ostensibly the catalyst for the development of new technology. The plane in the video was approximately 20 meters (65 feet) in length.

The commercial satellite’s camera, which has a resolution of around 1-meter, would only produce a few pixels of the small target. It is even more difficult to recognize an object when there are fewer details in the image.
Since each frame of the satellite footage encompassed more than 10 square kilometers, a small target like a car could fade into the background or be confused with other cars. This will probably make tracking its path from orbit virtually impossible.

File Image: F-22 Raptor
The Chinese team claimed that its new AI technology had attained 95% precision in finding a small object in the videos recorded by Jilin-1, with a success rate approximately seven times greater than existing technology.



▪ Whatever the outcome (US or Chinese victory or bloody stalemate), "the world after such a war is likely to be a radically different place than it was before."



FEBRUARY 6, 2017

You’ve probably heard that China’s military has developed a “carrier-killer” ballistic missile to threaten one of America’s premier power-projection tools, its unmatched fleet of aircraft carriers. Or perhaps you’ve read about China’s deployment of its own aircraft carrier to the Taiwan Strait and South China Sea. But heavily defended moving targets like aircraft carriers would be a challenge to hit in open ocean, and were China’s own aircraft carrier (or even two or three like it) to venture into open water in anger, the U.S. submarine force would make short work of it. In reality, the greatest military threat to U.S. vital interests in Asia may be one that has received somewhat less attention: the growing capability of China’s missile forces to strike U.S. bases. This is a time of increasing tension, with China’s news organizations openly threatening war. U.S. leaders and policymakers should understand that a preemptive Chinese missile strike against the forward bases that underpin U.S. military power in the Western Pacific is a very real possibility, particularly if China believes its claimed core strategic interests are threatened in the course of a crisis and perceives that its attempts at deterrence have failed. Such a preemptive strike appears consistent with available information about China’s missile force doctrine, and the satellite imagery shown below points to what may be real-world efforts to practice its execution.
The People’s Liberation Army Rocket Force: Precision Strike with Chinese Characteristics
The PLA Rocket Force originally focused on nuclear deterrence. Since the Cold War, the force has increasingly focused on the employment of precision-guided conventional ballistic and land attack cruise missiles. The command now consists of about 100,000 personnel and was elevated in December 2015 to a status co-equal to that of China’s other military services.
In terms of specific missions, Michael S. Chase of the U.S. Naval War College wrote in 2014 that PLA Rocket Force doctrine calls for a range of deterrence, compellence, and coercive operations. In the event that deterrence fails, the missions of a conventional missile strike campaign could include “launching firepower strikes against important targets in the enemy’s campaign and strategic deep areas.” Potential targets of such strikes could include command centers, communications hubs, radar stations, guided missile positions, air force and naval facilities, transport and logistical facilities, fuel depots, electrical power centers, and aircraft carrier strike groups.
Chase also stated that, “In all, Chinese military writings on conventional missile campaigns stress the importance of surprise and suggest a preference for preemptive strikes.” And while most Sinologists discount the idea of a true bolt-from-the-blue attack in a crisis without first giving an adversary a chance to back down, preemptive missile strikes to initiate active hostilities could be consistent with China’s claimed overall military strategy of “active defense.” As a 2007 RAND study of China’s anti-access strategies explained, “This paradox is explained by defining the enemy’s first strike as ‘any military activities conducted by the enemy aimed at breaking up China territorially and violating its sovereignty’…and thereby rendered the equivalent of a ‘strategic first shot.’” China analyst Dean Cheng stated similarly in 2015, “From Mao to now, the concept of the active defense has emphasized assuming the strategic defensive, while securing the operational and tactical initiative, including preemptive actions at those levels if necessary.” Thus, China could consider a preemptive missile strike as a defensive “counter-attack” to a threat against China’s sovereignty (e.g., over Taiwan or the South China Sea) solely in the political or strategic realm.
If such a strike still seems unlikely, consider that U.S. military and civilian leaders may have a blind spot regarding the capabilities of the PLA Rocket Force. The bulk of the PLA Rocket Force — the conventionally armed precision-strike units — have no real counterpart in the U.S. military. American long-range ballistic missiles are all nuclear-tipped and therefore focused on nuclear deterrence, and the Army’s short-range tactical ballistic missiles are designed for battlefield use. Also, per the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty with Russia, the United States fields no medium- or intermediate-range ballistic missiles of any kind, nor any ground-launched land-attack cruise missiles (LACMs). When Americans think of preemptive strike, they likely think of weapons launched by air or sea-based platforms, discounting the viability of a different paradigm: ground-based precision-strike missiles used for the same mission.
Coming of Age
A 2015 RAND study said that by 2017 (i.e., now) China could field about 1,200 conventionally armed short-range ballistic missiles (600-800 km range), 108 to 274 medium-range ballistic missiles (1000 to 1500+ km), an unknown number of conventional intermediate-range ballistic missiles (5,000 km), and 450-1,250 land attack cruise missiles (1500+ km). RAND also estimated that improvements in the accuracy of China’s ballistic missiles may allow them to strike fixed targets in a matter of minutes with an accuracy of a few meters. RAND assesses that key U.S. facilities throughout Japan could already be within range of thousands of difficult-to-defeat advanced ballistic and cruise missiles. Even U.S. bases on the island of Guam could be within range of a smaller number of missiles (See Figure 1).
Fig. 1: PLA Rocket Force Missile ranges vs. U.S. bases in Asia.
In recent years, the PLA Rocket Force appears to have been making real the specific capabilities necessary to support execution of the preemptive strike discussed above. As examples, a 2009 RAND study of open-source literature suggested that flechette sub-munitions would likely be used against missile launchers, parked aircraft, fuel tanks, vehicles, air defense weapons, and ships in port. Penetrating munitions would be used against airfield runways, aircraft shelters, and semi-underground fuel tanks. In terms of sequencing, the study suggested that an initial wave of ballistic missiles would neutralize air defenses and command centers and crater the runways of military air bases, trapping aircraft on the ground. These initial paralyzing ballistic missile salvos could then be followed by waves of cruise missiles and Chinese aircraft targeting hardened aircraft shelters, aircraft parked in the open, and fuel handling and maintenance facilities.
These capabilities may already have been tested at a ballistic missile impact test site (see Figure 2) located on the edge of the Gobi Desert in western China. Commercial satellite images seem to show a range of test targets representing just the sort of objectives discussed in the doctrine above, including groups of vehicles (perhaps representing mobile air and missile defense batteries — see Figure 3), aircraft targets parked in the open (Figure 4), fuel depots (Figure 5), runway cratering submunition tests (Figure 6), electrical power facilities (Figure 7), and the delivery of penetrating munitions to hardened shelters and bunkers (Figure 8). Of note, the 2007 RAND study mentioned above stated that submunitions are generally not capable of penetrating the hardened shelters use to house fighter aircraft at many air bases, that China’s ballistic missiles lack the accuracy to ensure a high percentage of direct hits using unitary warheads, and thus, “fighter aircraft in hardened shelters would be relatively safe from Chinese ballistic missile attack.” This clearly appears to no longer be the case, and the demonstrated ability to precisely deliver penetrating warheads to facilities such as command centers in a matter of minutes could also provide a key capability to destroy them, with their command staffs, in the initial waves of an attack.

Fig. 2: Possible PLA Rocket Force ballistic missile impact range in Western China.

Fig. 3: Left side – Possible vehicle targets with sub-munition impact pattern, imagery dated Dec. 2013. Right side – U.S. Patriot air and missile defense battery, Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan. Scale of sub-munition pattern overlaid for comparison.

Fig. 4: Possible parked aircraft target, imagery dated August 2013. Upper left aircraft shaped target, imagery dated May 2012. Lower right – F-22 Fighter Parking Area, Kadena Air Base, Okinawa, Japan.Fig. 5: Possible test targets simulating above-ground fuel tanks, imagery dated September 2012. Compared to actual fuel tanks in Japan, similar scale.

Fig. 6: Possible runway cratering munition testing, imagery dated Sept. 2012.Fig. 7: Possible mock electronic substation target, imagery dated July 2013. Note no electrical lines running to or from the target in its very remote location. While no craters are visible, disablement may be planned using other methods, such as dispersal of conductive graphite filaments.

Fig. 8: Possible hardened aircraft shelter or bunker test targets, imagery dated Oct. 2016. Penetrator sub-munition impacts visible. Lower right: Misawa Air Base, Japan, similar scale.
China has not been shy about displaying the advancing capabilities of the PLA Rocket Force. Beijing openly displayed some of its latest missiles (such as DF-26 “Guam-killer” missile) in its 70th anniversary parade in 2015 and painted the missiles’ identification on their sides in western characters, in case anyone missed the point. The PLA Rocket Force also put out a recruiting music video and other TV footage showing the employment of multiple coordinated missile launches, as well as the use of submunitions.
Pearl Harbor 2.0?
In 2010, Toshi Yoshihara of the U.S. Naval War College wrote that authoritative PLA publications indicated that China’s missile forces might attempt a preemptive strike to knock out the U.S. Navy in Asia by specifically targeting vulnerable carriers and warships in port. Yoshihara noted in particular that, “Perhaps no other place captures the Chinese imagination as much as Yokosuka,” the major U.S. naval base near Tokyo home to the U.S. Navy’s sole permanently forward-deployed aircraft carrier, USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), as well as other ships and vital support facilities (see Figure 9). In 2012, Dr. Yoshihara again stated that:
[T]he Imperial Japanese Navy’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor remains a popular, if somewhat tired, metaphor for the dangers of unpreparedness and overexposure to risk…But the real possibility that U.S. bases in the Western Pacific could once again be vulnerable…has occasioned little publicity or debate.
Fig. 9: Home of U.S. 7th Fleet, Yokosuka, Japan.
Evidence that China may have been practicing to strike ships in port with ballistic missiles would lend credence to Yoshihara’s concerns. And such evidence exists: images taken in 2013 (see Figure 10) seem to show China testing its ability to do so.

Fig. 10: Possible moored ship and naval facility targets, imagery dated August 2013. Compared for scale with actual U.S. destroyer.
Specifically, the PLA Rocket Force appears to have been practicing on several ship targets of a similar size to U.S. Arleigh Burke-class destroyers moored in a mock port that is a near-mirror image of the actual inner harbor at the U.S. naval base in Yokosuka (see Figure 11). Note what looks like an impact crater located near the center of the three ship targets, close enough to have potentially damaged all three ships with submunitions. The display of these targets may itself constitute signaling to the United States and its allies as a long-term deterrent effort. All the same, it bears considering that the only way that China could realistically expect to catch multiple U.S. ships in port as shown above would be through a surprise attack. Otherwise, with clear signs of imminent hostilities, the United States would likely have already sent its fleet to sea. Some skeptics might say that catching the U.S. flat-footed would be unlikely, but history teaches us not to discount the possibility of successful surprise attacks.
Fig. 11: Possible naval ship and harbor targets, compared to inner harbor at U.S. naval base at Yokosuka, Japan.
The Need for Enhanced Deterrent Measures
U.S. and allied efforts are underway to improve defensive areas such as base hardening and force dispersal, as well as to conduct advanced research into ballistic missile defenses such as high-velocity projectiles, rail guns, and lasers. My colleague Elbridge Colby has written with Jonathan Solomon extensively about conventional deterrence and the specific capabilities that the United States can develop in the next few years that will be critical to fielding a force “that can prevail in regional wars while still performing peacetime missions at a reasonable level.” The possibility that a threat of preemptive attack from the PLA Rocket Force already exists underscores an urgent need to take further action now.
First, the United States should very publicly deploy the most robust missile defenses that it can to protect its bases in Japan. In the long term, technological breakthroughs will probably be necessary to pace the growing precision-strike ballistic missile threat at a reasonable cost. But for now, a layered ballistic missile defense is necessary, as the short-range Patriot air and missile defense batteries currently guarding U.S. and allied bases in Japan seem unlikely to succeed against a mass Chinese raid. Such a robust missile defense also requires deployment of the U.S. Army’s Terminal High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) system to Japan and/or tasking Aegis ballistic missile defense destroyers for duty focused on the defense of U.S. bases. Given that U.S. destroyers would likely have other business to conduct in a conflict with China, near-term deployment of THAAD to Japan (which will require tough trade-offs given the current worldwide demand and limited number of available batteries) is necessary to defend U.S. forces. Once deployed, U.S. and allied ballistic missile defense forces will need to publicly practice coordinated defense against mass ballistic missile attacks. Even well-practiced defenders would face a tough challenge in coordinating a real-world defense against a ballistic missile attack of unprecedented scale from a potentially flat-footed stance, with mere minutes to do so and only one chance to get it right.
Given the difficulty and uncertainty associated with defending against a mass missile raid even with robust, layered defenses, U.S. forces and personnel stationed at bases in Japan and Guam need to practice rapid evacuation of the types of facilities targeted in Rocket Force doctrine. Similarly, key U.S. command centers in Japan should practice rapid execution of continuity of operations plans, given that the time available between the first detection of a missile launch by U.S. space-based missile warning sensors to its impact would probably be on the order of 10 to 15 minutes. In that short amount of time, U.S. early warning centers would have to detect the launched strike, assess it, and warn U.S. forces overseas. Those overseas personnel and command staffs would then need to execute evacuation and continuity procedures in a matter of a few short minutes. Similarly, U.S. ships in port in the Western Pacific would need to be able get away from their pier positions in a matter of minutes, and high-value air units in the region would need to be able to quickly move their aircraft from their parked positions. In any case, no margin of error will exist for lack of training or proficiency in execution.
The United States and its allies should take action now to ensure that China does not think that it can gain the upper hand in a conflict through successful missile strikes against U.S. bases in Asia. They must ensure that China is not tempted, as some of the United States’ previous adversaries have been, into making the grave error of trying to knock the United States down, expecting it not to get back up.

Thomas Shugart is a Senior Military Fellow at the Center for a New American Security and a submarine warfare officer in the U.S. Navy. The opinions expressed here are the author’s and do not represent the official position of the U.S. Navy, Department of Defense, or the U.S. government.

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