US Politics

Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz used favorable language to describe Chinese communism when teaching a high school social studies class in 1991, according to an unearthed article in Nebraska’s Alliance Times-Herald.

Walz told students that, under communism, “everyone shares” and gets free food and housing from the government, according to the resurfaced newspaper piece first reported by the Washington Free Beacon. Just two years before the article was published, China’s communist government massacred pro-democracy student protesters in Tiananmen Square, with death counts ranging from several hundred to thousands, according to the BBC.

Just days after refuting reports that RFK Jr approached Harris for a cabinet position, his running mate, Nicole Shanahan just dropped a bombshell during a podcast that could change the race considerably.

RFK Jr Campaign Mulling "Joining Forces With Trump" Because We 'Run The Risk Of Enabling A Harris/Walz Presidency'​

Appearing on the 'Impact Theory' podcast (that was filmed yesterday), Shanahan said they are debating whether to stay in the race or drop out and join forces with Trump:

There’s two options that we're looking at...

...and one is staying in, forming that new party, but we run the risk of a Kamala Harris and Waltz presidency because we draw more votes from Trump.

Or we walk away right now and join forces with with Donald Trump and explain to our base why we're making this decision.”

Shanahan is clearly disillusioned at the anti-democratic methods that the Democratic Party have pulled to stall RFK Jr's progress:

"...the DNC made it impossible for us...

they have banned us, shadow-banned us. kept us off stages. manipulated polls. used lawfare against us. sued us in every possible State. They've even planted insiders into our campaign to disrupt it, and to create actual legal issues for us.

I mean the extent by which the sabotage they've unleashed upon us is mindblowing.

I mean we're still learning new ways that they have sabotaged us.

I really wanted a fair shot at this election and I believed in the America that I a little girl pledged an allegiance to..."
The full podcast is viewable here...


Audience reacts to Kamala Harris’ unexpected entry on DNC night one​

Day 2 of Democratic National Convention

Obama Rocks. Skilled public speakers constantly employ appropriate hand gestures. We might be looking at the finest in history here.

Michelle Obama's dig against Trump is epic.
You mean this one (DNC 2024) or back when he was a candidate?

I wasn't a dem supporter back then, so I didn't watch anything from DNC.

I did watch his speech in this DNC
I'm not a Democrat either. I am an independent, but currently align myself with the Democratic Party due to my belief that Trump and his MAGA movement pose a significant threat to the United States.
I'm not a Democrat either. I am an independent, but currently align myself with the Democratic Party due to my belief that Trump and his MAGA movement pose a significant threat to the United States.
I was (probably still am) a Republican, I was never supporting Dem, didn't vote for anyone the last time around, and this time I am voting for Harris.

And yes, I see MAGA and Trump are the enemy of the United States, they literally hijacked the Republican party.

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