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Vietnam seeks China's support to develop high-speed rail project


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Dec 11, 2023
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Vietnam seeks China's support to develop high-speed rail project​

Vietnam seeks China's support to develop high-speed rail project

Written by: Cheng Yihua
publishing: 2024-06-26 22:50 renew:2024-06-26 22:50

According to news released by the Vietnam Government News Network on June 25, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Ching told Lou Qiliang, Chairman of China Railway Communications and Signaling Group, during the Dalian World Economic Forum that Vietnam needs China's assistance in railway design, construction and technology transfer. .

According to sources, China has strong railway development capabilities, which is also a key area for Vietnam to achieve industrialization, modernization and rapid and sustainable development.

Pham Minh Ching said that the Vietnamese government is willing to create favorable conditions for Chinese companies to invest in Vietnam and carry out mutually beneficial cooperation. He hopes that China Railway Communications and Signaling Group and related enterprises will participate in Vietnam's railway construction, assist Vietnam in cultivating talents, transfer technology, and share railway industry development experience with Vietnam.

Pham Minh Ching also proposed that Chinese companies cooperate with the Vietnamese Ministry of Transport and relevant departments to carry out specific projects, including the timely construction of three railways including Lao Cai-Hanoi-Haiphong; Dong Dang-Hanoi; Mong Cai-Halong-Haiphong, to promote the cross-border transportation between Vietnam and China China's border standard gauge railway connection, as well as urban rail transit projects in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

On June 26, 2024, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh were attending a bilateral meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. (Reuters)

On June 26, 2024, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh were attending a bilateral meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. (Reuters)

The Vietnamese news website "VnExpress" reported on the same day that Vietnam plans to build a cross-border railway to connect China's Yunnan Province and Vietnam's northern port city of Haiphong, as well as connect China's Dongxing City and Haiphong. According to reports, Vietnam also hopes to build a railway between Lang Son Province and Hanoi on the border.

According to reports, Vietnam’s Minister of Transport Nguyen Van Thang also sought China’s support for a 1,500-kilometer high-speed rail project connecting northern and southern Vietnam. Construction of this railway is expected to start in 2026-2027.

The Vietnamese government has previously stated that Vietnam hopes to learn from China’s railway construction experience to develop its first high-speed railway network. The Vietnamese government said in a statement: "China's railway industry is the most developed in the world, so Vietnam hopes to learn from China's experience, especially in terms of technology, capital mobilization and management knowledge."

Vietnam’s Ministry of Planning and Investment announced on April 9 this year that the country plans to start construction of two high-speed railways before 2030, one of which will be connected to China. A railway under construction will connect Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, and Lang Son Province, and will extend to the China-Vietnam border. Another railway will connect Vietnam's northeastern Quang Ninh province with Lao Cai province in the northwest, passing through the northern coastal city of Haiphong and Hanoi.

Tran Van Tuan, a parliamentary representative of Bac Giang Province in Vietnam, mentioned in January this year that Vietnam should build a high-speed railway as soon as possible. It is feasible to start construction before 2030. "Once completed, the railway can be put into operation immediately because China already has a modern integrated railway system." Vietnam. Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha has also emphasized many times that Vietnam needs to develop a modern north-south high-speed railway network.

Bloomberg data shows that China is Vietnam’s largest trading partner, with bilateral trade volume reaching US$200 billion last year. Vietnamese government data shows that in the first quarter of this year, China-Vietnam trade volume increased by 22% compared with the same period last year, reaching US$43.6 billion.

Reuters reported that China is an important source of imports for Vietnam's manufacturing industry, and relevant railway construction plans indicate that relations between China and Vietnam are expected to further heat up.

On June 26, 2024, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Zheng delivered a speech to Chinese President Xi Jinping (not in the picture) at a bilateral meeting held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. (Reuters)

On June 26, 2024, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Zheng delivered a speech to Chinese President Xi Jinping (not in the picture) at a bilateral meeting held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. (Reuters)

The Vietnamese media "Vietnamnet" published an article at the end of 2021 stating that Vietnam's railway system is in urgent need of upgrading. The article stated that Vietnam’s railways are now outdated after 100 years of use. For a long time, the railway system has been at a disadvantage and lacks competitiveness compared with land and air transportation. The development of high-speed railways is a solution that has been discussed for many years, but Decision-making is very slow.

In terms of how to build high-speed railways, there were two opinions in Vietnam: some people suggested upgrading old railways to high-speed railways so that the average speed of passenger and freight transportation could reach 160-200 kilometers per hour; others believed that it would be best to build 300 kilometers per hour. -350 kilometers of new railway for passenger transport only. Some Vietnam National Railways (VNR) officials believe that Vietnam should follow other countries in building new high-speed railways while retaining old passenger and freight transportation lines.

Vietnam's "The Investor" website quoted a report from Vietnam's Ministry of Transport in March as saying that high-speed rail running across the country is expected to drive Vietnam's annual GDP growth by 1 percentage point between 2025 and 2037. The report also said that if the railway design speed reaches 350 kilometers per hour and can transport passengers and goods at the same time, this economic expected goal can be achieved. However, Deputy Minister of Transport Nguyen Danh Huy also pointed out that the large-scale and complex high-speed rail project faces multiple challenges and requires close cooperation between government agencies and local governments. The Vietnamese railway industry does not have sufficient capacity to produce vehicles, equipment and equipment for the project. spare parts, and a lack of highly skilled experts to run the project.

This article is reprinted with permission from Observer.com


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Dec 11, 2023
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Why should China assist Vietnam in high speed railway design, construction and technology transfer ? Think Chinese tech is all free. Vietnam is better off to have its HSR build by Japan, Germany, France, Spain, South Korea or even US, but not China.
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Yellow is Okay

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Dec 14, 2023
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Why should China assist Vietnam in high speed railway design, construction and technology transfer ? Think Chinese tech is all free. Vietnam is better off to have its HSR build by Japan, Germany, France, Spain, South Korea or even US, but not China.
1. Why do you know it's free? The estimated cost for Vietnam's North-South high-speed railway are over $70 billion.

2. What does technology transfer involve specifically? Is it the transfer of railway tracks, carriages, or high-speed train engines?

3. This isn't the first time China has done this, high-speed railways in Thailand and Indonesia were built by China and subsequently included technology transfer as part of the contract.



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Dec 11, 2023
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1. Why do you know it's free? The estimated cost for Vietnam's North-South high-speed railway are over $70 billion.

2. What does technology transfer involve specifically? Is it the transfer of railway tracks, carriages, or high-speed train engines?

3. This isn't the first time China has done this, high-speed railways in Thailand and Indonesia were built by China and subsequently included technology transfer as part of the contract.

Sounds like Vietnam wants some kind free HSR tech assistance and transfer from China from some articles I read.
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Dec 28, 2023
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IMO, I think China investing too heavily into the backstabber to the South will surely backfire in the near future. It's almost like China never learned those historic lessons from having court officials assassinated by dirty Viets try to govern Vietnam (annexed territory).

Viets and Chinese are NOT of one heart. Deep down inside every Viet hates Chinese guts and worship Westerners who sprayed them with Agent Orange like insects. The stupidest thing in the world is Chinese money kissing up to these (inappropriate word) butts...
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Dec 11, 2023
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China should stop this massive transferring of its manufacturing industry and tech to Vietnam, and stop building infra and power stations there. China better learn lessons from history.


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2012
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China should stop this massive transferring of its manufacturing industry and tech to Vietnam, and stop building infra and power stations there. China better learn lessons from history.
I think most chinese think like you. Ccp thinks like you. The question is if Ccp wants it? Certainly China can downgrade or even shut down relationship to Vietnam. But what gains you can make?
I see little to nothing.
We will survive with or without China.
Doing so that will drive Vietnam into arm of the West and deepen China’s isolation.
Your choice.

History is good for history book but it’s better to do Bismarck’s real politics.


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Dec 11, 2023
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I think most chinese think like you. Ccp thinks like you. The question is if Ccp wants it? Certainly China can downgrade or even shut down relationship to Vietnam. But what gains you can make?
I see little to nothing.
We will survive with or without China.
Doing so that will drive Vietnam into arm of the West and deepen China’s isolation.
Your choice.

History is good but it’s better to do Bismarck’s real politics.
Lol, CPC and Chinese gov won't listen to me. I am saying what seems more sensible for China. I think overwhelming majority of Vietnamese like your kind and maybe a large group of your gov body already favor in the US and Japanese camp as evidenced in the recent Singaporean study of SEA countries' attitudes regarding China and US. So, what to lose for China ?
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Senior Member
Aug 2, 2017
A good choice and very smart move!

Well done Vietnam.

I hope Vietnam build it fast, and before 2030, Vietnam already have HSR line connecting China to Vietnam and then to Singapore as well.


Elite Member
Jun 18, 2012
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Lol, CPC and Chinese gov won't listen to me. I am saying what seems more sensible for China. I think overwhelming majority of Vietnamese like your kind and maybe a large group of your gov body already favor in the US and Japanese camp as evidenced in the recent Singaporean study of SEA countries' attitudes regarding China and US. So, what to lose for China ?
What do you expect?
Yes, honesty speaking we don’t like you. most Viet people think the chinese are arrogant and aggressive. But do you believe I love Germany because I live here? Or the Vietnamese prefer the US, Japan than China? That means nothing my friend. You don’t understand the Vietnamese.


Senior Member
Aug 2, 2017
Lol, CPC and Chinese gov won't listen to me. I am saying what seems more sensible for China. I think overwhelming majority of Vietnamese like your kind and maybe a large group of your gov body already favor in the US and Japanese camp as evidenced in the recent Singaporean study of SEA countries' attitudes regarding China and US. So, what to lose for China ?

Viet is a German, not a real Vietnamese.

He has been brainwash by the Western media.

If he was given a choice between Vietnam and Germany, he will choose Germany over Vietnam.

To bad that young Singaporeans are also heavily influenced by Western media too.

Perhaps, in this world, only several people who really can see the potential of China, see China as really is.

The West and even Jewish are scared to China. This is true and not a joke.

Since decades ago, I already knew that China is going to be big. This is not a blind believe, but thru analysis.

These young Singaporeans don't know how great Chinese civilization and culture are. That will actually lead to their own downfall in the future.

Even SE Asian know how great Chinese culture is. It's a great tragic if as Chinese, they don't know how great their own culture is.

Just look at East Asian countries who adopted Western culture. The more western culture and less Chinese culture in their society, the more fucked they are.


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Dec 11, 2023
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Viet is a German, not a real Vietnamese.

He has been brainwash by the Western media.

If he was given a choice between Vietnam and Germany, he will choose Germany over Vietnam.

To bad that young Singaporeans are also heavily influenced by Western media too.

Perhaps, in this world, only several people who really can see the potential of China, see China as really is.

The West and even Jewish are scared to China. This is true and not a joke.

Since decades ago, I already knew that China is going to be big. This is not a blind believe, but thru analysis.

These young Singaporeans don't know how great Chinese civilization and culture are. That will actually lead to their own downfall in the future.

Even SE Asian know how great Chinese culture is. It's a great tragic if as Chinese, they don't know how great their own culture is.

Just look at East Asian countries who adopted Western culture. The more western culture and less Chinese culture in their society, the more fucked they are.
Singaporean first language and maybe culture are English and Western now.


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Dec 11, 2023
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What do you expect?
Yes, honesty speaking we don’t like you. most Viet people think the chinese are arrogant and aggressive. But do you believe I love Germany because I live here? Or the Vietnamese prefer the US, Japan than China? That means nothing my friend. You don’t understand the Vietnamese.
First, are you saying more the character of you Vietnamese ? Second, you are saying the study is not credible, lol, I don't know about that. The study says over 70% of Vietnamese will side with or support US if a conflict or war break out between US and China, what does that tell you if you are Chinese ?
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Elite Member
Jun 18, 2012
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First, are you saying more the character of you Vietnamese ? Second, you are saying the study is not credible, lol, I don't know about that. The study says over 70% of Vietnamese will side with or support US if a conflict or war break out between US and China, what does that tell you if you are Chinese ?

Let’s assume we are pro US. Yes of course if war breaks out between US and CN, assuming US wins, what we have to gain? you think we get back the islands? Is it worth for the Vietnamese to see China bombed into ruins?
Sure, there were lots conflicts or wars between VN and CN. We hate each other. But, one thing in respect to China, Vietnam as state goes back to the times of the Qin I don’t remember of any event we supported China’s enemy.
We are not Japanese, Koreans or Philippines or whoever we don’t sink to that low. We don’t gang up to China’s enemy, and never will. Mark my words.
About the islands, maybe the global warming, rising sea level will solve the problem.


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Dec 11, 2023
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Let’s assume we are pro US. Yes of course if war breaks out between US and CN, assuming US wins, what we have to gain? you think we get back the islands? Is it worth for the Vietnamese to see China in ruins?
Sure, there were lots conflicts or wars between VN and CN. We hate each other. But, one thing in respect to China, Vietnam as state goes back to the times of the Qin I don’t remember of any event we supported China’s enemy.
We are not Japanese, Koreans or Philippines or whoever. We don’t gang up to China’s enemy, and never will. Mark my words.
About the islands, maybe the global warming, rising sea level will solve the problem.
You just did with Soviet Union. But, the survey says Vietnamese will support US over China in a war, that's your attitude and choice, as what can Vietnam get out from your siding with US, maybe the Yankees will pat your people's backs and bring back US G.I.s to your country to protect Vietnam from China, and who knows maybe Yankees will also seize Chinese islands in SCS for Vietnam too, lol.

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