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Iranian Air Force (IRIAF/IRGC-ASF) | News and Discussions


Dec 16, 2023
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200-300 is probably very exaggerated for the underground aircraft shelter argument, I talked about it on the old forum long before the general immortal for underground aircraft shelters.

There are more Kowsars than you think with new configurations and other new aircraft. We will end up seeing it, let the Iranians choose the time of these revelations which will affect the ego of certain people here on this forum. For me, this is an absolute certainty
Greetings all.

In refence to the issue of building combat a/c for the IRIAF, I have posted an update to my previous 5-part paper.

Signs indicate that UAV’s could undertake rather similar missions through their AI also, to combat aircraft. I just wonder why then the rest of the world are buying combat aircraft as if it’s a fire sale . Does IRIAF’s brass and indeed the country’s political leadership perhaps have something in store that the rest of us don’t know about.

This is part of Paper no 1.


This five-part paper would not have been possible without generous member posts to; https://defencepk.com/forums/forums/iranian-defence-forum, et al; https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iriaf-news-and-discussions, et al; Secret Projects (UK); X (previously Twitter); and other nuggets where these were are to be found across the internet.

UPDATED 2024 06 27 – Piet.

Iran’s future go-to combat aircraft.


Part 1: Forebears.

If a Northrop F-5-derived platform is indeed selected to be Iran’s future light - to - medium weight multi-role fighter, then it will probably be named along the following lines viz Azarakhsh II, Saeqeh-III, Kowsar III, and perhaps even – NG’ for instance. Going back to its roots however, it will still be a F-20 Tigershark at heart, albeit one on steroids. Also, I doubt whether the IRIAF would complain too much about entertaining an F-5 derived platform at this juncture, since its ORBAT clearly is unsatisfactory. So, let’s call the resultant aircraft ‘Saeqeh-III’ for easy reference.

The link to the above is: -




Flames In The Desert

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Dec 13, 2023
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AFAIK this is the only evidence of a dielectric fairing belly with a possible SAR radar in a S129.
View attachment 50167

This fairing it is similar in shape and size to those already posted. And news were published in Jane´s.

Also, there is some images with a smaller belly fairing that is probably capable of carrying a small SAR radar as you have described.

View attachment 50168

But, or you design a new UAV with integrated SAR radar like Scan Eagle (and even you can see a dielectric panel in the fuselage of the UAV or you need to modify a already designed UAV to fit a SAR radar.

View attachment 50169

You can see rear the gimballed camera at the bow the dielectric pannel where it is carrying the SAR radar.

None of these features are visible in the 99,9% of Shahed or Mohajer family drones. That it is the reason that makes me think that SAR radars are really not operative in IRGC/Artesh UAVs.

Hope I am wrong.


Dec 16, 2023
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Greetings all.

In refence to the issue of building combat a/c for the IRIAF, I have posted an update to my previous 5-part paper.

Signs indicate that UAV’s could undertake rather similar missions through their AI also, to combat aircraft. I just wonder why then the rest of the world are buying combat aircraft as if it’s a fire sale . Does IRIAF’s brass and indeed the country’s political leadership perhaps have something in store that the rest of us don’t know about.

This is part of Paper no 1.


This five-part paper would not have been possible without generous member posts to; https://defencepk.com/forums/forums/iranian-defence-forum, et al; https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/iriaf-news-and-discussions, et al; Secret Projects (UK); X (previously Twitter); and other nuggets where these were are to be found across the internet.

UPDATED 2024 06 27 – Piet.

Iran’s future go-to combat aircraft.


Part 1: Forebears.

If a Northrop F-5-derived platform is indeed selected to be Iran’s future light - to - medium weight multi-role fighter, then it will probably be named along the following lines viz Azarakhsh II, Saeqeh-III, Kowsar III, and perhaps even – NG’ for instance. Going back to its roots however, it will still be a F-20 Tigershark at heart, albeit one on steroids. Also, I doubt whether the IRIAF would complain too much about entertaining an F-5 derived platform at this juncture, since its ORBAT clearly is unsatisfactory. So, let’s call the resultant aircraft ‘Saeqeh-III’ for easy reference.

The link to the above is: -




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Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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According to this Forbes article which was written in 2015 but updated in 2022 is still pertinent today (3 years later) since we haven't seen any progress yet. I won't copy/paste the entire article but reading certain pertinent paragraphs, one can kind of understand what the issue is at hand for why Iran hasn't and isn't buying any new fighters, specifically Russian & Chinese which are really the only available ones as far as "new" aircraft. But I actually have some ideas for other options that Iran has that could make a substantial difference in raising the potency of the IRIAF. One of them I'll list at the end could be quite worthy. You can click on the title below for the link to the full article if interested in reading the entire thing.

Iran’s Air Force Still Not Likely To Acquire New Fighters Anytime Soon.

Updated Jun 18, 2022, 04:52pm EDT
This article is more than 3 years old.

So according to the fella from Forbes who wrote this, things are starting to make more sense as to why we're not seeing either the Su-30SMs or Su-35Ss or even Chinese J-10Cs. Even Pakistani J-17 Thunders are effectively off the market.

There's no question that the sanctions have had a profound impact on not only Iran's purchase power, i.e. having the funds but also the political influence from namely the United States which has yielded its tremendous power to basically threaten those who could supply Iran with new fighter jets and for what? Unfortunately, we all know the reason being the bloody, filthy, cancerous zionist entity. Why the US bends over backwards to protect that pile of worthless scrap which offers ZERO return to the United States and the American people is a whole other ballgame, but let's leave that aside for now.

So basically, the sanctions haven't allowed Iran to maximize its oil (or other domestic) export revenues so it can enrich itself and be able to afford large military purchases, especially enough fighter jets to make a difference. In a nutshell that's the plain reason why we haven't seen the Su-30SM and/or Su-35S so far.

But what about China and the J-10C? Why can't Iran buy 3 squadrons of that rather reasonably priced fighter and augment its aged fleet of MiG-29s? Or keep those and definitely replace a bunch of F-5s? Well, according to Forbes it's because Iran is trying to use straight up oil to trade for jets, but China isn't interested in oil. It has its own source which it doesn't wish to change and would much rather have straight up cash so that's that.

The same applies to Pakistan and the J-17 Thunder. Being a JV aircraft with China and the high probability that the US has applied TREMENDOUS pressure on Pakistan to not even think about selling the aircraft to Iran, coupled with whatever China's incentive in the JV would entail, that platform is brushed aside as well.

I think that now this (not that we kinda already didn't really know all of this but this makes it clearer to everyone) pretty much explains -- in simple & condensed terms -- why we haven't seen the rumored Su-30SMs and particularly the Su-35Ss come to Iran. It also answers the Chinese J-10C and possibly the only one other option in the JF-17 from also being options to the IRIAF. Knowing these facts, it's quite understandable why this is happening, right? It's a supremely difficult position to mitigate having so much working against you and your interests from not only making money but being allowed to buy certain projects. It's absolutely ridiculous and frustrating AF but at least we can come to terms with this reality.

So, what's left, or what's the next step? Any of you fellas have any good ideas?

If you look around in certain unique situations, I've found that a GREAT option would be the MiG-31. This doesn't need to replace any of the current platforms in the IRIAF or be some great new purchase but boost the IRIAF because of the MiG-31's mission parameters and capabilities as well as its weapons systems which interestingly enough, looking at Iran's domestic missile technology, it could weaponize the 31 with weapons similar Russian ordinances such as the Kinzhal and R-37M.

Granted Russia probably won't give up any of its MiG-31s since it needs them and they're doing an amazing job for Russia in Ukraine, knocking down drones left & right, blasting Kinzhals at Ukrainian infrastructure and even intercepting a US Gobal Hawk drone. That right there would allow Iran to stretch and defend beyond just its secured territory considering the tremendous, unmanned assets the United States possesses and undoubtedly uses over & against Iran. So where can it get MiG-31s? The answer is Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan and Iran have maintained cordial relations since Kazakhstan gained independence from the Soviet Union and has aided Iran in particular through oil swap deals, which have allowed the Islamic Republic to avoid sanctions.

During Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s official visit to Tehran in June 2022, the two countries agreed to boost trade and economic cooperation.

Kazakhstan inherited 45 MiG-31s from the USSR. Of those 45, 15 were B models. A majority of the rest were earlier standard built MiG-31s. One squadron is active at 610th Airbase, Karaganda with several MiG-31s in storage there. Additional MiG-31s are in storage at Semey and offered for sale. I don't know how many there are exactly; I will research more and find out but for now, let's assume there's at least 10 - 12 which IMO would be a rather wise strategic purchase since it will enhance Iran's ability to not only intercept at supersonic speeds, but project power beyond its territory which as we all know, would be an additional valid threat to a certain enemy. I would certainly explore this option.

Kazak MiG-31s.





And with Iran's indigenous ballistic & cruise missile technology, it could adapt a current heavy weapon to simulate the Russian Kinzhal which would instantly raise the threat level to any current & potential 'enemies'.


And with its max speed of Mach 2.83 and ability to carry the R-37M (which Iran could very well find a way to either obtain it or license-build it or any other long-range variant), it would be a lethal interception asset, not to mention carry other lethal anti-ship weapons as well.

Carrying 4 R-37Ms.


It's not as super sexy as having 3 squadrons of gorgeously lethal Su-30SMs or Su-35Ss or J-10Cs, even JF-17 Thunders, but it'll serve a specific and essential role and be lethal at it and automatically raise the potency of the IRIAF. I think it would be a great addition.


Dec 16, 2023
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According to this Forbes article which was written in 2015 but updated in 2022 is still pertinent today (3 years later) since we haven't seen any progress yet. I won't copy/paste the entire article but reading certain pertinent paragraphs, one can kind of understand what the issue is at hand for why Iran hasn't and isn't buying any new fighters, specifically Russian & Chinese which are really the only available ones as far as "new" aircraft. But I actually have some ideas for other options that Iran has that could make a substantial difference in raising the potency of the IRIAF. One of them I'll list at the end could be quite worthy. You can click on the title below for the link to the full article if interested in reading the entire thing.

Iran’s Air Force Still Not Likely To Acquire New Fighters Anytime Soon.

Updated Jun 18, 2022, 04:52pm EDT
This article is more than 3 years old.

So according to the fella from Forbes who wrote this, things are starting to make more sense as to why we're not seeing either the Su-30SMs or Su-35Ss or even Chinese J-10Cs. Even Pakistani J-17 Thunders are effectively off the market.

There's no question that the sanctions have had a profound impact on not only Iran's purchase power, i.e. having the funds but also the political influence from namely the United States which has yielded its tremendous power to basically threaten those who could supply Iran with new fighter jets and for what? Unfortunately, we all know the reason being the bloody, filthy, cancerous zionist entity. Why the US bends over backwards to protect that pile of worthless scrap which offers ZERO return to the United States and the American people is a whole other ballgame, but let's leave that aside for now.

So basically, the sanctions haven't allowed Iran to maximize its oil (or other domestic) export revenues so it can enrich itself and be able to afford large military purchases, especially enough fighter jets to make a difference. In a nutshell that's the plain reason why we haven't seen the Su-30SM and/or Su-35S so far.

But what about China and the J-10C? Why can't Iran buy 3 squadrons of that rather reasonably priced fighter and augment its aged fleet of MiG-29s? Or keep those and definitely replace a bunch of F-5s? Well, according to Forbes it's because Iran is trying to use straight up oil to trade for jets, but China isn't interested in oil. It has its own source which it doesn't wish to change and would much rather have straight up cash so that's that.

The same applies to Pakistan and the J-17 Thunder. Being a JV aircraft with China and the high probability that the US has applied TREMENDOUS pressure on Pakistan to not even think about selling the aircraft to Iran, coupled with whatever China's incentive in the JV would entail, that platform is brushed aside as well.

I think that now this (not that we kinda already didn't really know all of this but this makes it clearer to everyone) pretty much explains -- in simple & condensed terms -- why we haven't seen the rumored Su-30SMs and particularly the Su-35Ss come to Iran. It also answers the Chinese J-10C and possibly the only one other option in the JF-17 from also being options to the IRIAF. Knowing these facts, it's quite understandable why this is happening, right? It's a supremely difficult position to mitigate having so much working against you and your interests from not only making money but being allowed to buy certain projects. It's absolutely ridiculous and frustrating AF but at least we can come to terms with this reality.

So, what's left, or what's the next step? Any of you fellas have any good ideas?

If you look around in certain unique situations, I've found that a GREAT option would be the MiG-31. This doesn't need to replace any of the current platforms in the IRIAF or be some great new purchase but boost the IRIAF because of the MiG-31's mission parameters and capabilities as well as its weapons systems which interestingly enough, looking at Iran's domestic missile technology, it could weaponize the 31 with weapons similar Russian ordinances such as the Kinzhal and R-37M.

Granted Russia probably won't give up any of its MiG-31s since it needs them and they're doing an amazing job for Russia in Ukraine, knocking down drones left & right, blasting Kinzhals at Ukrainian infrastructure and even intercepting a US Gobal Hawk drone. That right there would allow Iran to stretch and defend beyond just its secured territory considering the tremendous, unmanned assets the United States possesses and undoubtedly uses over & against Iran. So where can it get MiG-31s? The answer is Kazakhstan.

Kazakhstan and Iran have maintained cordial relations since Kazakhstan gained independence from the Soviet Union and has aided Iran in particular through oil swap deals, which have allowed the Islamic Republic to avoid sanctions.

During Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev’s official visit to Tehran in June 2022, the two countries agreed to boost trade and economic cooperation.

Kazakhstan inherited 45 MiG-31s from the USSR. Of those 45, 15 were B models. A majority of the rest were earlier standard built MiG-31s. One squadron is active at 610th Airbase, Karaganda with several MiG-31s in storage there. Additional MiG-31s are in storage at Semey and offered for sale. I don't know how many there are exactly; I will research more and find out but for now, let's assume there's at least 10 - 12 which IMO would be a rather wise strategic purchase since it will enhance Iran's ability to not only intercept at supersonic speeds, but project power beyond its territory which as we all know, would be an additional valid threat to a certain enemy. I would certainly explore this option.

Kazak MiG-31s.

View attachment 52639
View attachment 52636
View attachment 52637
View attachment 52638

And with Iran's indigenous ballistic & cruise missile technology, it could adapt a current heavy weapon to simulate the Russian Kinzhal which would instantly raise the threat level to any current & potential 'enemies'.

View attachment 52640

And with its max speed of Mach 2.83 and ability to carry the R-37M (which Iran could very well find a way to either obtain it or license-build it or any other long-range variant), it would be a lethal interception asset, not to mention carry other lethal anti-ship weapons as well.

Carrying 4 R-37Ms.

View attachment 52641

It's not as super sexy as having 3 squadrons of gorgeously lethal Su-30SMs or Su-35Ss or J-10Cs, even JF-17 Thunders, but it'll serve a specific and essential role and be lethal at it and automatically raise the potency of the IRIAF. I think it would be a great addition.
Thank you for posting.
Fifty-odd MiG - 31's will certainly cost less than X number of SU-35's and S-30SM's.
Thus a single aircraft to also replace both the -35 and -SM.
I.e. Air superiority and standing off with long-range super-or-hypersonic missiles.
For the light-medium weight slot, a/c, the MiG-29 will probably be available in sufficient numbers to fill this slot.
Agree that the Pakistani-PRC JF-17 will likely remain a pipe dream for the reasons mentioned.
I sometime wonder if it would be sensible, cheaper and more timeous, to try and upgrade Irans existing Mig-29's + second hand aircraft purchased, to -SMT standard with all the modern amenities.
Well, only time will tell.




Elite Member
Oct 16, 2016
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Thank you for posting.
Fifty-odd MiG - 31's will certainly cost less than X number of SU-35's and S-30SM's.
Thus a single aircraft to also replace both the -35 and -SM.
I.e. Air superiority and standing off with long-range super-or-hypersonic missiles.
For the light-medium weight slot, a/c, the MiG-29 will probably be available in sufficient numbers to fill this slot.
Agree that the Pakistani-PRC JF-17 will likely remain a pipe dream for the reasons mentioned.
I sometime wonder if it would be sensible, cheaper and more timeous, to try and upgrade Irans existing Mig-29's + second hand aircraft purchased, to -SMT standard with all the modern amenities.
Well, only time will tell.



Exactly, that's my thinking. It would give them an additional, affordable, lethal power projection which they do have ATM with their ballistic missiles, but this would add another dimension to that making it even more dynamic, especially for a certain entity that wishes nothing but Iran's destruction.

Now they have to think twice that there are several way Iran can retaliate.


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Jan 18, 2024
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Good thread on the capabilities of F-35’s new radar that will be released in 2026.

It shows us the type of radar Iran needs to counter and how far it is falling behind in the air as we completely abandon the concept of any modern airforce.

Mr Iran Eye

Full Member
Feb 6, 2019
Iran is not wasting any time on aircraft radars, but not at all. This is to be continued because the time factor will give me complete reason for my predictions. There is a difference between what is on Earth and what is underground......


Senior Member
Jul 7, 2016
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Good thread on the capabilities of F-35’s new radar that will be released in 2026.

It shows us the type of radar Iran needs to counter and how far it is falling behind in the air as we completely abandon the concept of any modern airforce.

All I see are expensive retrograde toys made for another time and another space. No imagination. Fossilization. Not impressed at all.


Full Member
Dec 23, 2023

Good thread on the capabilities of F-35’s new radar that will be released in 2026.

It shows us the type of radar Iran needs to counter and how far it is falling behind in the air as we completely abandon the concept of any modern airforce.

Be careful about the radars. One aicraft with the radar turned on it is not stealth. That is just an oxymoron. That is why F35 got a expensive EOTS system and EU Typhoon got a a Russian style IRST in the nose of the plane. Japan it is trying to develop a long range missile with IR seeker based in the MBDA Meteor. That is just because you cannot fly happily with a radar turned on in a CAP mission.


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Jan 18, 2024
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Be careful about the radars. One aicraft with the radar turned on it is not stealth. That is just an oxymoron. That is why F35 got a expensive EOTS system and EU Typhoon got a a Russian style IRST in the nose of the plane. Japan it is trying to develop a long range missile with IR seeker based in the MBDA Meteor. That is just because you cannot fly happily with a radar turned on in a CAP mission.

Both F-35 and F-22 are designed with minimal radiation leakage in mind. F-22 more so than the F-35.

So you can have a squadron of F-35 running passive emissions and a F-22 hunting and being the AWAC like F-14 was for us during Shah.

Meanwhile Iranian jets will be leaking radiation from every direction and not just from radar. Hence why they will have to stay inside Iran’s borders to survive.

For critics who claim “AI” planes are the future, you still have to know how to do your ABCs.

Iran does not have an AESA radar for jets, an IRST system for planes, modern targeting pods, modern BVR, list goes on and on But all of these sub systems and technologies are going to be further refined and needed in a future “AI only fighter jet”.

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