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Violent clashes between Turkey-backed militants in Syria and Turkish forces in Syria

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Jan 6, 2020
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Yes it is. Yous $800 billion in debt. Russia/ Iran cut off your oil n gas, and yous not goin last 2 weeks. Are you kidding?

You don't know anything, don't talk nonsense. Turkey's credit rating is good. And its one of the fastest growing economies in Europe. In a time where major economies are contracting.

S&PB+positiveMay 03 2024
Moody'sB3positiveJan 12 2024
S&PBpositiveNov 30 2023


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Oct 21, 2006
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Russia is currently completely bogged down in Ukraine, i don't think they will even send a single plane to help assad in Idlib.

Hezbollah and iran millitias will soon be busy in the south and Lebanon against america and israel.

So Turkiye withdrawing from northwestern syria will actually be bad news for assad. The rebels will resume the war with tacit support of america.
Ukraine is long over!

Iran's got Israel surrounded by millions of toady like a kitten in a corner.

And you are Afghani? 3 years and counting, none of your neighbors can muster the strength nor the conscience to recognize you no?....... :p


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Oct 21, 2006
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You don't know anything, don't talk nonsense. Turkey's credit rating is good. And its one of the fastest growing economies in Europe. In a time where major economies are contracting.

S&PB+positiveMay 03 2024
Moody'sB3positiveJan 12 2024
S&PBpositiveNov 30 2023
All those B's will turn into D's, the moment Irani's/ Russians cut off your rebate/ discount oil n gas. You understand bud?

You's goin be in a whole lotta trouble.


Jan 6, 2020
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All those B's will turn into D's, the moment Irani's/ Russians cut off your rebate/ discount oil n gas. You understand bud?

You's goin be in a whole lotta trouble.

I don't think so Chief, Turkey is incredibly diversified in Natural Gas and Oil suppliers, so much so that its an emerging Natural Gas hub, able to source Gas from Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkmenistan and Iraq. Along with Qatari LNG, Turkey has a strategic partnership with Azerbaijan and Qatar on that basis alone, those states have Turkey's back and will not let Turkey Down, as Turkey will never let them down. If anything Iran gas has declined in the Turkish energy sector. Russia is not going to cutoff Turkey, b/c Turkey is the only game in down, transporting Russian gas into Europe.


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Oct 21, 2006
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I don't think so Chief, Turkey is incredibly diversified in Natural Gas and Oil suppliers, so much so that its an emerging Natural Gas hub, able to source Gas from Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkmenistan and Iraq. Along with Qatari LNG, Turkey has a strategic partnership with Azerbaijan and Qatar on that basis alone, those states have Turkey's back and will not let Turkey Down, as Turkey will never let them down. If anything Iran gas has declined in the Turkish energy sector. Russia is not going to cutoff Turkey, b/c Turkey is the only game in down, transporting Russian gas into Europe.
Yous try acting big n tough, but we know yous just small time. Yous don't got da oomphh brah, we seen it all in da Sy-Raaq.....you don't have the guts to take it to the next level......... Your best bet is to continue sucking up to da Nato powers. No hard feelings.......

It is what it is.


Dec 26, 2023
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The situation is extremely ccomplex.I hope you are aware that the Russians are the ones who are insisting on peace between Damascus and Ankara because they want the Iranians out of Syria.
All those B's will turn into D's, the moment Irani's/ Russians cut off your rebate/ discount oil n gas. You understand bud?

You's goin be in a whole lotta trouble.


Jan 6, 2020
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because they want the Iranians out of Syria.

hmm thats interesting, could i get more info on this, I was under the impression that they were on the same side.

I don't see the Iranians leaving though. They invested too much into Syria to lose it now, they sacrificed a lot of human capital to prop up the regime during the years when the regime looked like it was collapsing, to lose that would be a big loss for them, not to mention Russia is extremely pressed in other theaters right now..


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Oct 21, 2006
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Its really cringe when people who Aren't about that life try to use AAVE to sound cool, when you probably have never set foot in America. Yer not about that life kid. 🤷‍♂️
What? Who else would talk like this? I went to college in the US, worked a good decade there in oil n gas/ manufacturing/ design/ project engineering. Went onto living/ working in a dozen countries for better money. Made my millions.......now just having fun.


Jan 6, 2020
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What? Who else would talk like this? I went to college in the US, worked a good decade there in oil n gas/ manufacturing/ design/ project engineering. Went onto living/ working in a dozen countries for better money. Made my millions.......now just having fun.

Just speak regular english, especially when you are from Pakistan and probably grew up in Pakistan. its less cringe, when you don't try to act all hood, when you are not about that. lol


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Oct 21, 2006
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The situation is extremely ccomplex.I hope you are aware that the Russians are the ones who are insisting on peace between Damascus and Ankara because they want the Iranians out of Syria.
Yous totally lost it in Syria. You did what our fool Zia ul Huq did in Afghanistan. He got us involved without thinking about the consequences.

Now its too late.

There's still some redemption though if you do this against all odds........Absorb all these jihadi wahabbi/ kababi/ Al-Qaeda terrorists in Idlib, they will enrich your society. Vacate Idlib, and make sure you take these terrorists back with you bro. Assad got no use for them and the Qatari/ Sawdi/ UAE refuse to touch em with a ten foot pole bro.

Remember.......you created these jihadis. You are responsible!


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Oct 21, 2006
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The situation is extremely ccomplex.I hope you are aware that the Russians are the ones who are insisting on peace between Damascus and Ankara because they want the Iranians out of Syria.
Russia is in Syria, courtesy of Iran. Invited by the legal Syrian gubment no?

I'm watching EU illegal islamists with allegiance/ sympathies toward Al-Qaeda/ Al-Nusra here.
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