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Violent clashes between Turkey-backed militants in Syria and Turkish forces in Syria

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Dec 26, 2023
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hmm thats interesting, could i get more info on this, I was under the impression that they were on the same side.

I don't see the Iranians leaving though. They invested too much into Syria to lose it now, they sacrificed a lot of human capital to prop up the regime during the years when the regime looked like it was collapsing, to lose that would be a big loss for them, not to mention Russia is extremely pressed in other theaters right now..
I comprehend your point of view, but if the Russians, Assad, and Turkey were to reach a mutually beneficial agreement, the Iranians would likely have to withdraw in due time. Now, I am not suggesting that this will occur imminently, but I would not be surprised to hear news of a trilateral agreement either.

The Iranians have already made attempts to undermine Assad with the support of his pro-IRI cousin, if I remember correctly. Most people aren't aware about the fact that the Iranians tried to overthrow Assad, probably even more often than one time. The Russians came to his rescue.

Assad himself lleans heavily towards Moscow, and the Tehran regime is well-informed about his inclinations.

Syria is a 3D chess game, brother.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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USA , S.Arabia and The UAE using Jordan to arm terror groups in Syria
Excuse me

Screenshot_2021-11-11 Turkish involvement in the Syrian civil war - Wikipedia(1).png


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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ISIS came to Syria from Iraq with the help of Shia Iraqi government in 2015
That's the the dumbest thing I've heard after the "Turkiye protects Syrian goverment's integrity".

Even your own words above contract this. Iran and Iraq sent SHIA militias and volunteers. Iran has nothing to do with Sunni militants and terrorists,except Hamas.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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No tolerance to FETO and PKK terrorists

You are doing FETO and PKK terror propaganda on PDF
I will report you



Enough with FOINIKAS and his terror propaganda here
How exactly am I doing propaganda? LOL! You're saying "FSA is Syrian people". I say "Ok,then Gulenists are Turkish people.Shouldn't you like them? Aren't they ok?"
You're angry. You're saying "FETO terrorists". Well then,do you understand how FSA are terrorists in Syria? It's this double-standards narration I'm trying to make you understand.
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