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Violent clashes between Turkey-backed militants in Syria and Turkish forces in Syria

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Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
They are Syrian People and
FSA was created by ex Syrian Armed Forces Generals and Soldiers

Iran and Russia are foreign powers in Syria who killed Syrian People

What are you talking about? Who supports and funds powerful groups like ISIS, Al Nusra Front, Alqaida, Jaysh Al Ahrar, Hayat Tahrir Al Sham, Hurras Al Din, Sham Legion, these are the main terrorist groups in Syria. Is FSA the Muslim Brotherhood group or the one trained by Usa to fight against Syria.


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
PKK was created in Afrin Syria
ABDULLAH OCELAN ( the leader of PKK terror organization ) lived in Damascus Syria until 1999

Syrian regime always supported PKK terrorism against Turkiye

in 2010 , USA , İsrael , France , Germany , The UK , S.Arabia , Egypt , etc supported Syrian People against dictatorial Syrian regime

when ERDOGAN-ASSAD were good friends
View attachment 53007

And now same powers are so angry because of possible meeting between ERDOGAN and ASSAD in Kazakhstan in coming days ( 3-4 july )

Good move by Turkey to hold meeting with Assad, they should sort out the Kurdish PKK YPG problem, finish off all the terrorists and any genuine Syrian People opposition should be allowed to fight elections and be part of the Syrian government, minus the trouble maker Muslim Brotherhood who always conspires against Muslim states and causes rebellions.


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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What are you talking about? Who supports and funds powerful groups like ISIS, Al Nusra Front, Alqaida, Jaysh Al Ahrar, Hayat Tahrir Al Sham, Hurras Al Din, Sham Legion, these are the main terrorist groups in Syria. Is FSA the Muslim Brotherhood group or the one trained by Usa to fight against Syria.

Father ASSAD also killed over 40.000 Syrian People in 1982
then there were no ISIS or AL NUSRA or anyone

What about Iran Russia backed IRGC , Hezbollah , WAGNER and other criminal groups ?
they killed more syrian people than ISIS , AL NURSA etc

after 2013 , USA , The UK ,France , S.Arabia , The UAE have started supporting criminal groups like ISIS , AL NUSRA , PKK-YPG against Turkiye

therefore in 2017 Turkiye created Syrian National Army to fight ISIS , PKK-YPG and other terrorist groups in Syria


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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Father ASSAD also killed over 40.000 Syrian People in 1982
then there were no ISIS or AL NUSRA or anyone
There was Muslim Brotherhood which had started terrorist attacks against Syrian Army,Police and Baath members. Also,the numbers are disputed. Same MB started the uprising in 2011-2012 again and was supported by foreign countries like USA,Turkey,Saudi Arabia,Qatar.


Jan 6, 2020
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What? After you helped destroy the territorial integrity of Syria back in 2013?

Territorial integrity is harmed when someone decides to create a new country from parts of an older one, Turkey has been more firm about fighting against anyone breaking Syria into a new country more so even than Assad who was willing to assist the PKK seperatists for short term gain.


Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Father ASSAD also killed over 40.000 Syrian People in 1982
then there were no ISIS or AL NUSRA or anyone

What about Iran Russia backed IRGC , Hezbollah , WAGNER and other criminal groups ?
they killed more syrian people than ISIS , AL NURSA etc

after 2013 , USA , The UK ,France , S.Arabia , The UAE have started supporting criminal groups like ISIS , AL NUSRA , PKK-YPG against Turkiye

therefore in 2017 Turkiye created Syrian National Army to fight ISIS , PKK-YPG and other terrorist groups in Syria

I oppose any killings of the innocent but 1982 military operation took against Muslim Brotherhood uprising, they even had a military wing and fought for many years before 1982, this all led to Syrian government action.



Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
There was Muslim Brotherhood which had started terrorist attacks against Syrian Army,Police and Baath members. Also,the numbers are disputed. Same MB started the uprising in 2011-2012 again and was supported by foreign countries like USA,Turkey,Saudi Arabia,Qatar.

Muslim Brotherhood through their foreign funding, and political manipulative tactics always fool the innocents and then act all naive when they face action. During Syrian war the Egyptian MB which was in power called for jihad in Syria.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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Syria was the only Arab state still at war with Israel, they helped Hizbollah during 2006, Israel wanted to destroy Syria like Libya, Yemen, Iraq, Somalia etc so next time they could not help Lebanon. Half of the plan worked, today Syria is weak and divided but Arab nationalist government is still in power. What noone mentions is who funded and trained the rebels, they fought against an army.
Simply put:



Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Territorial integrity is harmed when someone decides to create a new country from parts of an older one, Turkey has been more firm about fighting against anyone breaking Syria into a new country more so even than Assad who was willing to assist the PKK seperatists for short term gain.

I think the problem can easily be resolved, Erdogan and Al Assad need to meet, form new relationship, recognise each other nations territory, Al Assad will deal with PKK and YPG and Erdogan will stop his support to Muslim Brotherhood and other groups. Finish all of them off. The legitimate Syrian opposition should be invited to Damascus and sign peace deal with Syrian government. Al Assad should make them part of the Syrian government or opposition, and fight elections for more power.


Full Member
Dec 29, 2023
The illegal Turkish occupation of Syrian territory has nothing to do with Iranian presence in Syria, which is at the invitation of the Syrian Government.

Turkey will end their illegal occupation or continue to live with 5 million+ Syrian refugees. Put this issue to a vote in Turkey, I wonder what the result will be.
Illegal? Turkey has to be involved in Syria against the PKK-YPG terrorist threat.

We can cooperate with Assad against terrorism. Assad will no longer need Iran.


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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Territorial integrity is harmed when someone decides to create a new country from parts of an older one, Turkey has been more firm about fighting against anyone breaking Syria into a new country more so even than Assad who was willing to assist the PKK seperatists for short term gain.
Turkey actually helped destroy Syria's territorial integrity by being one of the main sponsors of rebel groups from the start of the war. Not to mention that they currently hold parts of Northern Syria and have their own protectorate in Idlib.



Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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Turkey actually helped destroy Syria's territorial integrity by being one of the main sponsors of rebel groups from the start of the war.

Rebel groups dont want to destroy territorial integrity of Syria

They want a democratic Syria instead of dictatorial Regime since 1970s

USA , The UK , Israel , France using PKK-YPG to destroy territorial integrity of Syria
and Turkiye kicked PKK-YPG terrorists and saved territorial integrity of Syria
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