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Violent clashes between Turkey-backed militants in Syria and Turkish forces in Syria

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Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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Rebel groups dont want to destroy territorial intergrity of Syria

They want a democratic Syria instead of dictatorial Regime since 1970s

USA , The UK , Israel , France using PKK-YPG to destroy territorial intergrity of Syria
and Turkiye kicked PKK-YPG terrorists and saved territorial intergrity of Syria
In the same way Gulenists want a free,democratic Turkey then?


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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I oppose any killings of the innocent but 1982 military operation took against Muslim Brotherhood uprising, they even had a military wing and fought for many years before 1982, this all led to Syrian government action.

80% of Syrian People is sunni muslim

and 10% of Syrian People is NUSAYRİ
ASSAD Family is Nusayri and ruling Syria under dictatorial regime since 1970s

You have no right to kill Syrian People
You need a real democratic elections in Syria as like all modern Countries

Iran cares about only its own interests to kill hundreds of thousands of sunni muslim Syrian People

And ASSAD Regime doesnt care about Syrian People he called Iran and Russia to kill hundreds of thousands of sunni muslim Syrian People to protect its own dictatorial regime in Syria


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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In the same way Gulenists want a free,democratic Turkey then?

Turkiye has free democratic system
and Turkish People voted for ERDOGAN in every democratic elections in Turkiye since 2002

on the other hand There is no free democratic elections in Syria
but dictatorial ASSAD Family since 1970s

btw ERDOGAN doesnt kill Turkish People
but ASSAD killed its own Syrian People with the help of Iran and Russia to protect its dictatorial regime


Elite Member
Aug 1, 2021
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Assad is definitely that. On per with Netanyahu or worse. I have spent long enough time on Syrian civil war to know that.
And I can tell you that this is pure bull by those who support the rebels and the terrorists. The Syrian government wasn't a real democracy,that's for sure. Everyone knows that. There were problems with the system. But the "genocider Assad" narration is something naive and akin to US propaganda of everyone they don't like.

No, Turkey comes last in this regard. Countries like the US, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE, Iran have divided Syria.
Turkey comes last? Turkey comes first. Turkey actually came first because of the borders they share with Syria. The easiest way to smuggle weapons,men,money and training to the armed groups in Syria,was from Turkey. Jordan borders the desert,so it's harder and Israel borders the mountains and most protected areas by the SAA.

Turkey is only there to prevent the threat of terrorism.
Screenshot_2021-11-11 Turkish involvement in the Syrian civil war - Wikipedia(1).png

Screenshot_2021-11-11 Turkish involvement in the Syrian civil war - Wikipedia(2).png


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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Turkey comes last? Turkey comes first. Turkey actually came first because of the borders they share with Syria. The easiest way to smuggle weapons,men,money and training to the armed groups in Syria,was from Turkey. Jordan borders the desert,so it's harder and Israel borders the mountains and most protected areas by the SAA.

USA , S.Arabia and The UAE using Jordan to arm terror groups in Syria

All Iran backed terror groups came to Syria via Iraq
Also Hezbol from Lebanon

USA deployed weapons in Syria via Iraq to arm PKK-YPG Terrorists

ISIS came to Syria from Iraq with the help of Shia Iraqi government in 2015

On the other hand Turkiye blocked over 70.000 foreign warriors to join ISIS in Syria
since 2016 nobody can enter Syria from Turkiye
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Persian Gulf

Feb 19, 2023
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Illegal? Turkey has to be involved in Syria against the PKK-YPG terrorist threat.
yes, it is an illegal military occupation of Syrian territory

"Turkey is illegally occupying a large portion of Northern Syria – specifically Kurdish-majority areas on its border. Since it began its occupation, the Turkish military has engaged in ethnic cleansing and fomenting religious extremism. As a neighbor of Syria and host to the largest portion of Syrian refugees in the world, Turkey has been a stakeholder in Syrian affairs since the start of the civil war in 2011. While Erdogan initially supported efforts to overthrow Bashar Al Assad, his aims have since turned towards stopping suspected Kurdish political ambitions in the region. Since 2014, the Turkish military has been far more concerned with destroying Kurdish aspirations than defeating jihadist groups or tempering Assad’s destructive hold."



Jan 6, 2020
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I think the problem can easily be resolved, Erdogan and Al Assad need to meet, form new relationship, recognise each other nations territory, Al Assad will deal with PKK and YPG and Erdogan will stop his support to Muslim Brotherhood and other groups. Finish all of them off. The legitimate Syrian opposition should be invited to Damascus and sign peace deal with Syrian government. Al Assad should make them part of the Syrian government or opposition, and fight elections for more power.

This scenario only exists in your head. Assad has been using the PKK as a prop for 3 decades now, it predates the Syrian civil war, Turkey in the 90s threatened to invade Syria to clear it out, its not a new issue. He is promising the PKK help against Turkey and he is promising Turkey he will get rid of the PKK, he is going to stab somebody and I don't think it will be the PKK.

Assad also hates ALL Opposition. thats the whole point of this turning into a war, this guy purposely released ISIS and Al Qaeda operatives from jail to poison the opposition in a realpolitik calculation where he would make the West choose between either him of Al Qaeda. He purposely didn't fight ISIS and Al Qaeda and worked to destroy the FSA, where it was only them and him left, and then he makes you choose.

He won't allow any refugees to return to Syria, his whole idea of reconciliation is basically Turkey leaving Syria and BS about how he will get rid of the PKK, but they are literally in Manbij and Ayn Al Arab, and he isn't getting rid of them, as was promised in the agreement for Turkey to stop Operation Peace Spring. And we see how much his assurances mean in how he violated the Turkish checkpoints in Idlib.


Jan 6, 2020
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Turkey actually helped destroy Syria's territorial integrity by being one of the main sponsors of rebel groups from the start of the war. Not to mention that they currently hold parts of Northern Syria and have their own protectorate in Idlib.

View attachment 53020

Rebels care about northern Syria as much as they care about Daraa and Al Bukamal and other places. The PKK only cares about a statelet formed wherever there is a Kurdish population. Assad was willing to support the PKK a separatist org against Turkey.


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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yes, it is an illegal military occupation of Syrian territory

According to criminal Iran and PKK-YPG Terrorists who has engaged in ethnic cleansing and fomenting religious extremism

Iran using extreme Shiite sectarianism ..
only 10% of Syrian People is NUSAYRİ but Iran deployed even shia Afgans in ALEPPO to change sunni muslim population

only 5% of Syrian People is Kurd in nothern Syria but USA-Israel-France backed PKK-YPG occupied 30% of Syrian territory

PKK-YPG attacked even muslim Kurds in Syria


Jan 6, 2020
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According to criminal Iran and PKK-YPG Terrorists who has engaged in ethnic cleansing and fomenting religious extremism

Iran using extreme Shiite sectarianism ..
only 10% of Syrian People is NUSAYRİ but Iran deployed even shia Afgans in ALEPPO to change sunni muslim population

only 5% of Syrian People is Kurd in nothern Syria but USA-Israel-France backed PKK-YPF occupied 30% of Syria

PKK-YPG attacked even muslim Kurds in Syria

There is no point in Argueing with these guys, let them talk, Turkey will do what Turkey needs do. This issue with the PKK, I think will decisively be settled in about 2 years, given the developments in the region.


Elite Member
Jul 6, 2017
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There is no point in Argueing with these guys, let them talk, Turkey will do what Turkey needs do. This issue with the PKK, I think will decisively be settled in about 2 years, given the developments in the region.

PKK is a insect .....

Iran is real problem in Syria and Iraq
..... Iran arming PKK terrorists against Turkiye
even Iran backed HASDI-SHABI is working with the PKK in Iraq against Turkiye

USA , PKK , Iran , HASDI-SHABI were alliance against Turkiye
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